Chapter 2004 Strange conditions

Walking out of Yu Qingyou's office, Mi Yuan lowered her head with a smile on her face.

Although it is impossible for her to become Shen Lin's secretary, the condition Shen Lin put forward for the secretary candidate is really funny.

"Sister, what does Lao Yu want from you?" Gu Xiaolan asked curiously.

Mi Yuan looked at the curious eyes that were directed at her and said with a smile: "What else can I do? Just tell me that I don't have to think about the position of Director Shen's secretary. It has already been done before it starts." It’s been brushed off!”

After hearing Mi Yuan's words, several people who were close to Mi Yuan couldn't help but said, "Why?"

"Sister, you have to be competent and capable, so why should I be brushed off for you?"

"Yes, is there any inside story here, or has Director Shen already made an internal decision?"

Listening to these speculations, Mi Yuan said: "Lao Yu told me that Director Shen has set a rule himself, that is, his secretary must not be too beautiful."

"So, I was kicked off."

Hearing this reason, everyone looked at each other in confusion. Looking at Mi Yuan, who was becoming more and more knowledgeable and elegant even though she was a mother, they really didn't know what to say.

"Sister, I really don't know what to say."

"You were dismissed because you were too beautiful. It seems you don't need any consolation."

Gu Xiaolan said: "Although I meet Director Shen's conditions,...but this condition was given by my parents, and I really don't want to meet it!"

"Director Shen is different from others. Choosing a secretary, even if he is eliminated, is something to be proud of!"

Gu Xiaolan's ridicule and self-deprecation caused a burst of laughter.

Listening to these laughter, Mi Yuan's mind ran away involuntarily.

She doesn't know how Shen Lin is doing now. In fact, if she is really chosen, she doesn't know whether she should refuse.

Shen Lin naturally didn't know about Mi Yuan's situation. After determining the conditions, he didn't pay much attention to this matter.

Whether it is the winter conference or the price reduction of TV sets, he needs to pay attention.

The price reduction of Rainbow TV has come very quickly.

Almost the day after he and Mr. Chu finished the bottle of wine brought by Mr. Chu, Rainbow TV started to cut prices.

Ordinary color TVs are directly reduced by [-] yuan.

There are even some old models that have been directly reduced by 1000 yuan.

In other words, a color TV that costs more than 2000 yuan can suddenly be bought for more than 1000 yuan.

With such a price reduction, there is almost no profit margin.

Of course, the sales effect after price reduction is also very significant.

At noon on the first day of the price reduction, MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall and Jiale Electrical Appliances sent Shen Lin the sales status of Rainbow TV after the price reduction.

A price cut caused the sales of Rainbow TV to soar!
If nothing else, it's a good thing that the price was reduced by a full thousand. In just one morning, it had already caught up with the sales volume in the previous month.

Not only that, this lucky product was sold out in most of the MiKe electrical stores.

In this case, Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall quickly communicated with Rainbow TV to adjust goods.

Just when Shen Lin was reading the report, his PHS rang.

Shen Lin picked up his PHS, and Qiangzi's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Director Shen, many people asked me about the price reduction of Rainbow TV today."

“Many people asked on the phone whether we, MiKe Electronics, would cut prices in this matter.”

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The price reduction of Caihong TV is a matter for other manufacturers. Let them ask Lao Chu of Caihong."

"As for whether we are going to lower prices, you don't have to hide it. You can just tell everyone about it. MiKe Electronics is also with me."

Qiangzi said: "Director Shen, the news I received is that many domestic TV manufacturers are preparing to follow suit and lower their prices this time."

"If we don't lower the price, we won't be able to sell it at all!" Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then let's lower the price together. If we lower the price, there will always be people who are affected."

Qiangzi said: "Dr. Shen, those foreign brands have little sales today."

"Some people say that if they want to compete with this wave of price cuts, they have to follow the price cuts."

Shen Lin said nonchalantly: "The price reduction also depends on how much it is reduced. If it is reduced less, no one will buy it."

After talking to Qiangzi about work for a few words, Shen Lin put down the phone.

The reaction caused by the price reduction was within Shen Lin's expectation.After all, the production and sales of TV sets have almost reached saturation.

As for TV manufacturers who are in urgent need of the market, there is only one way they can go now, and that is to compete for market share by cutting prices.

However, this does not have a great impact on MiKe TVs, but MiKe Electronics has to persist in this kind of competition.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a crisp knock on the door. Shen Lin said come in and saw Fang Xiaomei walking in.

"Director Shen, I have already met the three secretaries recommended by our branch." Fang Xiaomei walked in and reported: "I think each of the three of them is capable enough to take over my job."

Shen Lin was not surprised by the results of Fang Xiaomei's report.

Both MiKe Electronics and MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall are full of talents. Even MiKe Logistics, which seems to be the most ordinary, has now completed its layout.

The secretary you recommend to yourself is naturally not bad in ability.

He smiled and said: "Who do you think is more suitable to succeed you?"

Fang Xiaomei said a little embarrassed: "Dr. Shen, why don't you meet them in person."

“After all, it’s about finding the person who best fits the pace of your work.”

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Xiaomei, you are not as good as Liang Jialuo in this regard."

"When Liang Jialuo chose you as your successor, he did his best!"

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Fang Xiaomei smiled softly but said nothing.

She knew very well that although she had Shen Lin's trust, she was far from Liang Jialuo in terms of intimacy.

Liang Jialuo's position in front of Shen Lin was different.

Looking at Fang Xiaomei who remained silent, Shen Lin knew that it was useless to force her, so he smiled and said: "Well, I don't have anything to do right now. You can invite them in separately and I can see them. "

When Fang Xiaomei heard what Shen Lin said, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that she doesn't want to choose her successor, but she doesn't dare to offend anyone who entrusts her with it.

Because one branch recommended someone to love you, the heads of the three branches, namely Cheng Zhenyuan, Qiangzi and Guangzi, all called Fang Xiaomei specifically.

Although they didn't say it explicitly, the implication in their words was that they very much hoped that she would choose someone recommended by her own company.

For Fang Xiaomei, no matter who she chooses, she will offend someone.

So what she wanted was to let Shen Lin choose.

"Director Shen, I will inform you right away."

Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei leaving, smiled, and lay down on his boss chair.

He was very clear about Fang Xiaomei's troubles, so he was not prepared to embarrass Fang Xiaomei on this matter, and he should make his own decision.

Compared with when Liang Jialuo left a few years ago, MiKe Electronics has become several times larger, and the things inside are also several times more complex.

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about the changes in the company, there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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