Chapter 2005 I think

Shi Congyun is a little nervous!
In fact, this kind of nervousness is very normal. After all, what she wants to meet now is not an ordinary person, but the person in charge of MiKe Electronics.

As a newcomer who grew up from MiKe Electronics, Shi Congyun's academic qualifications are not high. She graduated from Dongzhou Institute of Technology.

But her parents both work at MiKe Electronics.

Shi Congyun's biggest impression of Shen Lin was that Shen Lin's appearance changed the living conditions of her family.

When she was a child, one of Shi Congyun's parents worked in a textile factory and the other worked in a carton factory. They were very enviable dual-career workers.

Shi Congyun's parents loved Shi Congyun very much and basically accepted most of Shi Congyun's requests unconditionally.

So her life was extremely happy when she was a child.

But this happiness changed when Shi Congyun was 16 years old.

My parents' factory gradually went from paying only living expenses to being unable to pay wages.

Her tuition fees, her brother's tuition fees, and the old man's medical expenses suddenly became like a mountain, weighing on her parents' shoulders.

The sensible Shi Congyun already had the idea of ​​not going to school.

But just when she was moved and despaired of the situation at home, everything changed.

Within half a year, the conditions of his family began to improve. Not only did they return to their previous prosperity, they seemed to be even better.

My father's pride and my mother's smile began to change.

It was at that time that she learned about a company called Mi Ke. After her parents joined Mi Ke, everything became different.

So after she graduated, she refused the job she was offered and went directly to MiKe Electronics.

Became a member of Mihu’s reserve talents.

MiKe Electronics attaches great importance to the college students who joined them. In just two years, her position has reached P2, and her salary has exceeded that of her father.

Originally, according to Shi Congyun's idea, her next days should be to follow the company's step-by-step training, step into a higher position, then find a like-minded person to get married, and then...

But what she didn't expect was that the company suddenly decided to recommend her as a candidate for Secretary Shen.

She had known for a long time that Director Shen was going to change his secretary.

It's just that she has never thought about it because she looks very average.

Although it cannot be said to be ugly, it cannot be said to be beautiful either.

At the beginning, the company recommended a female colleague who worked in the same year as her but was very beautiful.

In order to become Director Shen's secretary, the female colleague also worked very hard.

It can be said that when many people thought that this female colleague was about to take off, the company notified her to replace that female colleague.

She was completely unprepared, so she was put directly on the train to Beijing by the company, waiting for the assessment by Fang Xiaomei, secretary to the general manager.

In her eyes, Fang Xiaomei, who is three or four years older than herself, is not only smart and capable, but also a role model for herself and others to follow.

The current position of P5, not to mention the salary is much higher than that of themselves and others, but also the position of deputy manager of Mihu City in Jingli is what they dream of.

Fang Xiaomei didn't talk much with herself and others. Just when she thought the interview was about to end, Fang Xiaomei informed her and others to meet Director Shen one by one.

Regarding this secretary, Shi Congyun felt that her hopes were not too high.

Because the two competitors who came seemed to be better than him in every aspect.

Although the appearance of the two of them could not be called beautiful, they were still better than her.

More importantly, these two people were obviously more prepared than she was, and they seemed to be more capable.

But for her, being able to come to Beijing for a business trip and then meet and talk with Director Shen was something that many people envied.

"Director Shen, I am Shi Congyun, from the MiKe LED energy-saving lamp division." When arriving at Shen Lin's office, Shi Congyun said a little eagerly.

At this time, Shi Congyun's heart was beating a little fiercely.She even didn't dare to look at Shen Lin when she was talking.

Shen Lin sat behind his desk, looked at Shi Congyun, and then asked calmly: "The LED energy-saving lamp division is one of the earliest divisions of our company."

"How has the business department's performance been in the past two years?"

"Director Shen, the work of the business department in the past two years..." After hearing Shen Lin ask about work, Shi Congyun was no longer nervous.

As a young manager trained by the business department, Shi Congyun was very clear about the company's situation and told Shen Lin a lot in one breath.

Five minutes later, Shi Congyun left Shen Lin's office.

When she left, she took a careful look at Shen Lin.

In Shi Congyun's eyes, Shen Lin's age was not much different from hers, and he had a smile on his face when talking to her.

It seems that Shen Lin didn't say anything for these 5 minutes. He basically listened to himself introducing the work of the MiKe LED Business Department.

How could I be Director Shen's secretary in such a nervous situation?

Maybe Director Shen has a very bad impression of him?
After leaving Shen Lin's office, Shi Congyun had already adjusted her mentality.

For her, there was no hope this time, so naturally there was not much disappointment.

Ten minutes later, Shi Congyun and two companions who came to take the assessment met Fang Xiaomei.

Fang Xiaomei smiled and said, "You all go back and wait for the notification."

"By the way, Director Shen said that it is not easy for you to come to Beijing. I will give each of you a day off to have a good time."

A business trip at public expense and a vacation!
Although she did not become Director Shen's secretary, Shi Congyun was still very happy.

She looked at her two colleagues who came to campaign together. She was about to say something just now, but she didn't expect that they had already turned around and left.

He looked like he didn't want to say anything more to her.

Under such circumstances, Shi Congyun could only leave alone in the end.

But just when she returned to the residence arranged by the company, the phone rang.

Shi Congyun answered the phone, and the voice that came from the phone was Fang Xiaomei's.

"Cong Yun, congratulations, Director Shen has decided to let you temporarily take over my job. I hope you can study hard and adapt to the changes in work as soon as possible." Fang Xiaomei's voice contained a hint of intimacy.

He actually became Director Shen's secretary.

Director Shen chose himself.

But why?My performance this time was obviously not very good.

At the very least, compared with the two competing companions, it seems to be far behind.

She hesitated for a moment, then asked Fang Xiaomei: "Sister Xiaomei, why did Director Shen choose me? I think my performance... was not very good!"

Fang Xiaomei was very clear about the performance of the three people. Shi Congyun's performance was really not outstanding.

If Fang Xiaomei was asked to make the recommendation, she felt that she should recommend another person.

But Shen Lin chose Shi Congyun.

When Fang Xiaomei asked this question curiously, Shen Lin's answer was very simple, with only one sentence: "I think she is quite suitable."

Just this sentence, nothing else was said.

Fang Xiaomei hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Director Shen thinks you are suitable, so he chose you."

"Congyun, don't doubt yourself, I believe you can do well."

(End of this chapter)

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