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Chapter 2006 Shen Lin’s Ordinary Family

Chapter 2006 Shen Lin’s Ordinary Family
"Director Shen, this is the latest sales report from MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall." Shi Congyun calmly handed a report to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin took the report and did not read it immediately. Instead, he smiled and said, "Congyun, how are you adapting these days?"

"Director Shen, I think I'm adapting well, and everyone has given me a lot of help in all aspects."

"Especially Sister Xiaomei. Although she has already gone to Mihu City, she also gave me a lot of advice."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "That's good. If there's anything you don't understand, if you don't have time to ask them, just ask me."

Having said this, Shen Lin looked at his watch and then said: "Cong Yun, if you don't have any plans tonight, come home with me for a meal."

"Xiao Rong said he wanted to treat you to a meal."

When Shen Lin mentioned Xiao Rong, Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, but then she realized that the Xiao Rong mentioned by Shen Lin was Lu Xiao Rong.

Shi Congyun was full of admiration for this writer who came from Dongzhou.

Her favorite is The Three-Body Problem written by Lu Xiaorong.

Although many people say that Lu Xiaorong's most profitable work is Harry Potter, she still likes The Three-Body Problem.

In the past, she only heard many people talking about Lu Xiaorong. What kind of outstanding woman was she? This time she was able to see Lu Xiaorong, and her heart was full of expectations.

But in this expectation, there is also a hint of embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm going to visit Writer Lu today." Shi Congyun finally said with a smile.

Shen Lin didn't speak anymore, but focused on the report form of MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall.

The content of the report is mainly related to the color TV industry.

I saw that the sales of Rainbow color TVs were already soaring, and my own Mihu color TVs were not far behind.

As for several other color TV manufacturers, their sales are also booming at this time, while the sales of imported color TVs are extremely bleak.

The sales volume of many brands is less than one-fifth of what it used to be.

Even some brands are basically not sold at all.

Shen Lin is not surprised by this result. Rainbow color TVs have the largest price reductions and have the largest number of models, so they have the best sales.

Although the prices of its own Mihu color TVs have dropped a lot, they have basically maintained a certain level of profit.

If the color TV companies on this sales list were to simply calculate profits, then it would be time for them to take the lead.

According to this situation, if those foreign brands do not lower their prices, their sales will become even worse.

But if they lower prices, they will face an increasingly fierce price war.

Shen Lin's thoughts somehow turned to those imported electronic products that had been reduced in price in order to snipe MiKe Electronics' winter launch conference some time ago.

Their goal is to snipe MiKe Electronics, but now, before they have reached their goal, they have been hit to pieces by this wave of color TV price cuts.

After watching the color TV, Shen Lin's eyes fell on the refrigerator again.

The refrigerator industry is also cutting prices. For example, the price of Yufei Company's refrigerators is a bit harsh this time, and several manufacturers are following up...

It took Shen Lin half an hour to read the report.

There are many home appliances that have seen price cuts this time, but not many have had an impact on MiKe Electronics.

Whether it is DVD players or LED LCD TVs, the sales of these high-end products have not been affected.

As for PHS, new products are about to be launched and old models have been significantly reduced in price, resulting in a good sales.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, Shen Lin walked out of the office.

Shi Congyun, who was processing documents, was stunned for a moment when she saw Shen Lin coming out.

Normally, Director Shen would not get off work at this time.Just when she was confused, Shen Lin had already said to her: "Let's go. Writer Lu will be cooking at home today. Let's go pick up my son."

"Okay." Shi Congyun agreed and stood up.

Shi Congyun already knew a lot about the situation in Shen Lin's family, and knew that Xiao Guoke was now in elementary school.

However, Shi Congyun had never seen the legendary Prince Mi Ke before. At this time, she was following Shen Lin to pick him up from school, and she had a lot of expectations vaguely rising in her heart.

Shen Lin did not let the car drive to the school gate, but asked the car to wait at the entrance of an alley not far away, and then got out of the car himself.

"Cong Yun, you should come with me too. If Xiao Rong and I don't have time in the future, you might have to pick up Xiao Guoke."

Shi Congyun was originally hesitant to follow him, but when he heard Shen Lin's words, he hurriedly followed him to the gate of the school.

At this time, there were already many parents and familiar people standing together at the school gate, chatting.

There were more than a dozen cars of various colors parked directly among the waiting crowd. The parents who drove in opened their windows and talked loudly.

Looking at his boss standing casually aside and at the parents sitting in the car, Shi Congyun suddenly felt that Director Shen was not an ordinary low-key person.

When Shen Dongrang stopped the car at the entrance of the alley just now, she thought the car would not be able to pass!

It was...

"Ding Ding Ding!"

As the cheerful school bell rang, a group of children rushed out quickly.

Shi Congyun quickly saw Xiao Guoke. When he came to pick up Xiao Guoke, Shi Congyun thought many times about what the future successor of Mi Ke Electronics would look like.

And the little Guoke she saw did not disappoint her either. He was wearing a clean school uniform and looked lively and cute.

"Dad, the teacher praised me today and told me to use my brain more!" Xiao Guoke said proudly, hugging Shen Lin.

Shen Lin took Xiao Guoke's schoolbag and said with a smile: "Guoke, this is Aunt Shi Congyun, please say hello."

"Hello Aunt Shi." Xiao Guoke said very obediently: "Are you the one who takes over Aunt Xiao Mei's job?"

"Yes, Sister Xiaomei has gone to a more important position, so I will serve Director Shen." Shi Congyun didn't know why, but she was a little nervous when facing this child.

Shen Lin said: "If your mother and I don't have time in the future, your Aunt Shi will pick you up. Don't be disobedient then."

Having said this, Shen Lin looked at his watch and said, "Let's go, Xiao Rong should have already prepared the meal, let's go back quickly."

While visiting Shen Lin's house, Shi Congyun felt very nervous.

She knew that although she had Shen Lin's approval, she still wouldn't be able to do it if she couldn't get Lu Xiaorong's approval as the boss's wife.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaorong's requirements were not high and he was very close to him.

This made the tension in her heart slowly dissipate a lot.

During the conversation with Lu Xiaorong, Shi Congyun slowly felt that among the people he came into contact with, only Lu Xiaorong seemed to be the best match for Shen Lin.

After having a meal at Shen Lin's house, Shen Lin asked the driver to take Shi Congyun back to Mi Ke's dormitory.

Lying on the bed in the dormitory, thinking about the process of eating today.Shi Congyun didn't know why, but a kind of admiration for Lu Xiaorong arose in her heart.

I don’t know when I will be as calm as Lu Xiaorong.

But while she was thinking about it, she suddenly thought that Lu Xiaorong would make an appointment with her to visit Fang Xiaomei at her workplace tomorrow.

When she agreed, she thought it was just a visit.

But lying on the bed, she suddenly understood that this was Lu Xiaorong's way of supporting Fang Xiaomei's work.

(End of this chapter)

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