Chapter 2007

MiKe's winter product launch is getting closer and closer, but Mr. Yin, who has firmly stood in the Juying Company camp, is in an increasingly bad mood.

The sales of their company's products are declining, and they are falling off a cliff.

Originally, after he joined the strategic cooperation with Juyingwu Operating System, their sales were already terrible.

However, what he didn't expect was that sales were still declining.

"What do you sell for food?" Mr. Yin took the sales report and went directly to the company's sales department.

In the past, Mr. Yin paid attention to the demeanor of a Confucian businessman. Even if he lost his temper, it was basically directed at the senior managers.

To his subordinates at the grassroots level, Mr. Yin generally behaves in a personable manner.

What he said most was that everyone worked hard.

If anything happens in the future, I'll leave it to you all.

When facing the grassroots, Mr. Yin always has a smile on his face. This is the first time that Mr. Yin looks so angry now.

The elites in the sales department were all silent at this time.

They naturally knew why Mr. Yin was angry.

And the sales reports they submitted made them a little uncomfortable to be honest.

So in the face of Mr. Yin's rage, most of them chose to remain silent at this time.

"Look at you, you all look like the best of the best."

"But what about the reality? You are all a piece of stinky shit!"

At this point, Mr. Yin angrily scolded: " are so disappointing."

"For you people, I don't think the company needs to support you at all."

"It's been a week and not a single computer has been sold. You still have time to chat with me here. Why are you so shameless?"

" are embarrassing and conspicuous."

The sales manager's face turned dark. Although Mr. Yin's words were addressed to everyone, they were like a loud slap repeatedly hitting his face.

After all, he is the head of the sales department.

But he couldn't speak. He knew very well that Mr. Yin was very unhappy at this time. All he could do now was to make his boss feel happy.

As for the rest, let’s talk about it later.

Just when the sales manager was thinking about it, he heard someone say: "Mr. Yin, we can sell a lot of computers even if we don't work hard."

"And now, even one can't be sold. Do you really not know the reason?"

"Or are you pretending to be confused because you understand and don't want to know?"

The sound of these words immediately silenced the entire office.

All eyes were directed at the young man who spoke.

Especially the sales manager, after being stunned for a moment, he shouted at the young man in a deep voice: "Chen Jin, what are you talking about?"

"Is this your place to speak? Shut up."

At this point, the sales manager explained to Mr. Yin: "Mr. Yin, Chen Jin is still young, he is still..."

"Manager, you don't need to explain to me, I just speak from my heart."

"To be honest, I have been holding these words in my heart for several days. I will tell Mr. Yin carefully today."

Chen Jin took a step forward, came to Mr. Yin and said, "Mr. Yin, do you know what people think of us when we go out to sell computers?"

"Do you know what people say about us when they hear the name of our company?"

"Our prices are no cheaper than rice shells, and we are also burdened with so much infamy. No matter how hard we try, people just won't buy our products."

"You can't blame us!"

"Who lets the company put aside their own good stuff, but wants to pick up the bad feet of some shameless people?" Chen Jin's words were like a series of cannons, hitting Mr. Yin's heart heavily.

Mr. Yin’s face was ashen!

His originally raging anger could still surge wildly at this time.

He never expected that he would encounter such an attack here, which really surprised him.

He looked at Chen Jin who was looking up at him and didn't know what to say.

How dare he!
How can he!

The sales manager said loudly: "Chen Jin, you are crazy. Get him out quickly."

In the past, if someone gave Mr. Yin advice, Mr. Yin would usually express an attitude even if he did not accept it.

Show that you are willing to listen to everyone's opinions.

But at this time, Mr. Yin's face was ashen.

It was really difficult for him to maintain the demeanor he should have.

It's a shame, it's a shame.

How dare a young man speak so arrogantly about him, and in such a way...

"Stop, your name is Chen Jin, right?" Mr. Yin stopped Chen Jin who was being pulled away by his colleagues.

At this moment, his voice was full of anger: "Chen Jin, you just think the company is doing something wrong, but do you know why the company does this?"

"Mike Computer is in competition with us. You should understand this."

“If we use the MiKe operating system, then everything we do will be controlled by MiKe Electronics.”

"In that case, how can our company still develop and exist?"

At this point, Mr. Yin's voice became more and more excited as he said, "If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!"

"The reason why I joined forces with Juying Company is entirely for the development of our company."

"These, can you understand?"

After saying these words, Mr. Yin felt much better.

He looked at the wide-eyed young man in front of him and thought about the difficult choice he had made for the company. For a moment, he felt like crying.

It's not easy for me!

Chen Jin looked at Mr. Yin's appearance and said with sarcasm in his voice: "Mr. Yin, maybe you are thinking about the company, but what I want to say is that you still made a bad move like this."

"Did you know? Now others say we are an American company!"

"As members of the company, we at the grassroots level would rather compete with MiKe Electronics in all aspects than grovel and cooperate with a shameless company like Juying Company."

"I can't afford to lose this person!"

Chen Jin's last words were not spoken loudly, but when he heard them in Mr. Yin's ears, Mr. Yin's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

If you can't afford to embarrass this person, that means I'm embarrassed!
He looked past the young man Chen Jin's face and saw many subordinates in the sales department, all of whom looked worried.

For a moment, a sense of powerlessness arose in his heart.

"Get Chen Jin out quickly, don't let him talk nonsense." As the sales manager spoke, he came to Mr. Yin and said: "Mr. Yin, don't be angry about this kind of thing. Young people don't know how high the sky is. I will let him go later." I apologize to you."

Mr. Yin pointed at the sales manager and said with trembling lips: "I...I can't afford his apology."

"From today on, I don't want to see him in the company again."

"Go away!"

As he spoke, Mr. Yin turned and walked towards the office door.

But as soon as he took two steps, Mr. Yin felt that his vision went dark.Mr. Yin, who felt bad, just wanted to grab something, but his body softened and he fell limply to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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