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Chapter 2008 Seize the opportunity to raise the price

Chapter 2008 Seize the opportunity to raise the price
When Mr. Yin woke up in the hospital, it was already three hours later.

Looking at the busy family members in the ward, he said in a trembling voice: "Where are the people in the company?"

"People in the company? Why are you looking for them? You still think they are not angry enough with you." Mr. Yin's wife said angrily.

"Old Yin, let me tell you, you have a good rest today. We don't care about the company's affairs."

"That company, no matter what it becomes, has nothing to do with you."

His wife's words suddenly made Mr. Yin's face turn extremely ugly.

He yelled at his wife: "What do you know? Get them over quickly. I have important arrangements."

Mr. Yin's wife still wanted to stop him, but the sales manager and others had already walked over.

"Mr. Yin, how are you doing now?"

The sales manager's words were full of worry.

Mr. Yin said: "I have nothing to do now. By the way, don't spread the news about my coma."

"This kind of thing is easy to talk about but not easy to hear."

"Tell the employees of our company that if anyone spreads this matter, don't blame me, Old Yin, for being ruthless."

Looking at Mr. Yin's gloomy face, the sales manager showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Yin felt bad when he saw the sales manager's face.

"Mr. Yin, there's nothing wrong. Please have a good rest. I'm responsible for everything here." The sales manager said in a deep voice.

However, although his performance was good, he could not hide it from Mr. Yin.

Mr. Yin has rich work experience and can be said to be a veteran.

Although the sales manager's expression changed quickly at this time, he couldn't hide it from Mr. Yin.

He looked at the sales manager coldly and said, "Tell me honestly what is going on."

"At this time, are you still hiding it?"

After all, he has been his boss for many years. Although the sales manager was reluctant, he still said honestly: "Mr. Yin, when we sent you to the ambulance, a reporter happened to come to interview you."

"That...that news has spread."

"Now...a lot of people know now..."

Listening to the sales manager's words, Mr. Yin couldn't help but sigh.

He waved his hand towards the sales manager and said, "Go and get me the phone."

"Old Yin, what are you going to do? The doctor said that the most important thing for you now is to rest. I'm telling you, you can no longer take care of work."

Mr. Yin's wife stood in front of the bed, her voice full of determination.

The sales manager also said, "Mr. Yin, if you need anything, just arrange it for me."

"Although I am not very capable, I think I can still accomplish some things."

Mr. Yin snorted coldly: "If you can do it, can you call Mr. Yabo?"

Having said this, he turned to his wife and said, "Don't worry about my affairs."

"I'm telling you, I just made two phone calls."

"If you don't let me make the call this time, I will be discharged from the hospital right now."

Mrs. Yin, who knew her husband's temper very well, said nothing in the end.

The sales manager asked someone to bring Mr. Yin's phone number.

Mr. Yin immediately dialed Mr. Yabo’s phone number.

At this time, he was calm, but he no longer had the respect for Mr. Yabo as before.

If there is any relationship between two people now, Mr. Yin feels that the relationship between the two should be an equal and cooperative relationship.

The call was quickly connected. Through the radio waves, Mr. Yin heard Mr. Yabo's somewhat impatient voice: "Mr. Yin, why are you calling at this time?" Listening to this impatient voice, Mr. Yin felt very unhappy.

He felt that he was desperate to join Mr. Yabo's side, but Mr. Yabo actually treated him like this, which made him uncomfortable.

Therefore, his tone could not help but rise: "Mr. Yabo, if there is nothing else, I really won't disturb you."

"No one except you can solve this matter now."

Mr. Yabo heard the harshness in Mr. Yin's voice, and his first feeling was that Mr. Yin dared to speak to him like this.

But then, he thought of Mr. Yin's value.

No matter what, Mr. Yin is such a useful and influential partner that he cannot give up.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yin, we are old friends. If you need anything, just ask."

"As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Mr. Yin had no intention of beating around the bush at this time. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yabo, I am in the hospital today."

"Just this morning, a young man from my company's sales department accused me of not being able to sell our computers because of my cooperation with your company."

"I was so angry that I fainted."

"I just woke up now!"

Mr. Yabo was stunned for a moment when he heard what Mr. Yin said, and then realized that Mr. Yin had a purpose for saying this.

He was expressing to himself the grievances he suffered after surrendering to him.

At this time, if he does not perform well, then Mr. Yin will have every reason to withdraw from the agreed cooperation with Juying Company.

Although Mr. Yin has not helped sell many operating systems these days.

But if you want to threaten MiKe Electronics, Mr. Yin's company is an indispensable part.

"Mr. Yin, for the sake of cooperating with our company, you have been wronged." Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice.

"There is nothing else about me, but one thing is very clear, that is, I must never let my friends suffer."

"Mr. Yin, the loan I promised you will arrive soon."

"Besides, I still have some projects here, and I hope to cooperate with Mr. Yin."

"I believe that Mr. Yin will be satisfied with this project."

Hearing what Mr. Yabo said, Mr. Yin showed a smile on his face.

"Mr. Yabo, I know that working with you is definitely the wrong choice for you."

"Don't worry, we will still support you in the future."

At this point, Mr. Yin said: "But Mr. Yabo, it's not a problem that our products have never been sold."

"Please also ask Mr. Yabo to help us more."

Looking for sales for Mr. Yin's computer, Mr. Yabo has a toothache.

But he had just said comforting words, and now he had to say: "Mr. Yin, let me contact you. I can at least complete your order for a thousand units."

"Also, later I will ask someone to invite Mr. Yin to our place for inspection, and please Mr. Yin not to refuse."

After getting what he wanted, Mr. Yin smiled more in his words.After the two exchanged pleasantries, Mr. Yabo smiled and said, "Mr. Yin, I have some good news for you."

“The sales volume of our Juying[-] operating system has surpassed that of Mihu[-].”

"I believe that soon, our sales will lag behind Mihui."

"Moreover, we have already started researching the Juyingliu operating system. I believe that this time next year will be the time when we surpass Mihu Electronics across the board."

Mr. Yin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I am completely relieved to hear your news."

(End of this chapter)

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