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Chapter 2012 It’s it, it’s it, it’s really it

Chapter 2012 It’s it, it’s it, it’s really it
The most important product!
Mr. Yin, who was sitting at the VIP table, had a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Shen Lin just introduced DVD players and flip-top PHS devices, but he didn't use the words "most important product" at all.

Now, Shen Lin said these words. What does this mean?
Could it be that MiKe Electronics is going to launch the latest computer?
Although the market of MiKeYi operating system in Europe and other places is being eroded by Juying Company.

But one thing cannot be denied, that is, in China, the MiKe operating system is still the most popular.

There are also Mishell computers, which are now selling like crazy.

Many companies and units are now using MiKe computers, but my own computers are now somewhat unsaleable.

in case……

Just when Mr. Yin was feeling anxious, he saw the lifting platform on the stage rising slowly again, and what appeared in front of everyone was a computer.

The 21-inch LED LCD screen and the black host computer, when put together, give people a different kind of beauty.

Mr. Yin's hands were shaking a little.

Although he now has financial assistance from Mr. Yabo, he knows very well that under the current circumstances, it is still difficult for his company's products to achieve success.

He could only wait for this period of time to pass, and then rely on his connections to sell the computer.


Just when Mr. Yin was feeling a little uneasy, Shen Lin, standing in the middle of the stage, smiled and said, "This is the latest computer launched by our MiKe."

"I call him Mi Kehu Ben Er Computer every year."

"This computer uses the most advanced 386 processor, and the monitor uses our latest 21-inch LCD monitor..."

Listening to Shen Lin's introduction to the computer's performance, Mr. Yin's face became more and more gloomy.

He is very proficient in computers and knows even more what the very professional words in Shen Lin's words mean.

MiKe’s computer, called Huben [-], can be said to be able to crush their current models in terms of performance and other aspects.

If your company cannot come up with corresponding models to deal with it, it will only be crushed in the next battle.

Thinking about the subsequent popularity of this computer, Mr. Yin began to feel increasingly uncomfortable.

He felt that the rice shell at this time was like a big net, covering him.

"Everyone, what I just introduced is the full performance of Huben II. As for other small functions, we can only develop them slowly after you use them."

Shen Lin, who was on the podium, suddenly paused and said, "By the way, something I just said is not quite right."

"The most important product of our press conference is not the Tiger II computer, but I introduced this computer to everyone. I am really sorry."

"The most important product I want to introduce to you is this!"

While talking, Shen Lin came to the Huben II computer and gently pressed the switch of the host computer.

With a beep, the computer started to boot.

The most important product is not the computer, then turn it on!
What is Shen Lin doing?
Could it be that the most important thing about him is...

For a moment, a bad feeling suddenly arose in Mr. Yin's heart.

On the big screen of the broadcast, rows of pictures before turning on started to appear.

Mr. Yin, the son-in-law, can't understand these things, and most people can't understand them.

But at this time, almost everyone held their breath.

Many people already have an expectation in their hearts.

MiKe’s new operating system!

A more superior operating system than MiKe[-].

Just when everyone's hearts were filled with expectations.

A brilliant light appeared on the LCD screen.

The three colors of red, yellow and blue were like three rays of light, passing quickly on the LCD. Amidst a burst of melodious jasmine music, three large colorful characters appeared on the screen.

Rice shell two!
It’s really Mi Ke Er!At this moment, Mr. Yin felt that his breathing was a little short.

How could it be Mi Ke Er!

How could Shen Lin be able to do Mi Ke Er at this time?

This rice shell two is just a make-up!

After a full ten seconds, the big characters Cai in Mi Ke disappeared silently from the screen.

Along with these three disappearing words, a blue operating system desktop appeared in front of everyone's eyes through the TV screen.

"Everyone, this is the protagonist of our conference today, our MiKe [-] operating system."

Shen Lin took the microphone and said in a deep voice: "As we all know, our MiKe operating system has been copied. Although we have a patent, our rights and interests are not protected."

"For some man-made reasons, we lost this lawsuit that everyone knew we should win."

"But we will not admit defeat!"

"We will continue to persist and safeguard our rights and interests!"

"It's ours and belongs to us forever!"

As soon as Shen Lin finished speaking, a burst of applause began involuntarily.

These applauses sounded spontaneously without Shen Lin's guidance at all.

Not only in this broadcasting hall, but also in front of the TV, many people applauded.

For example, the school restaurant, the school conference room, most people's homes...

"Mighty Mr. Shen!" someone shouted at the press conference.

"Mi Ke, we will definitely support you!"

"Director Shen, we support you!"


All kinds of supportive voices suddenly became loud.

After Shen Lin waited for the supportive voices around him to subside, he said: "Compared to MiKe [-], the installation of this MiKe [-] operating system is more convenient. As long as the disk is inserted into the computer, it can be installed automatically... …”

"Also, our current MiKe [-] operating system supports the plug-and-play function of hardware..."

"Third, programs that can be run simultaneously on the MiKe II operating system..."

"The fourth is the mouse. For each of our programs, we only need to right-click and an operation menu will appear. This menu has various operations we need..."

As Shen Lin spoke, his fingers continued to operate the computer, displaying each function in front of the audience.

The person who knows the most about computers is naturally Mr. Yin.

At this time, he looked a little pale as he looked at the MiKe[-] operating system.

Although the MiKu [-] operating system is completely different from the MiKu [-] operating system, generally speaking, the MiKu [-] operating system has made huge progress compared to the MiKu [-] operating system in many aspects.

If he were given a choice, he would choose the more convenient MiKe [-] operating system instead of MiKe [-].

Not to mention Juyingwu operating system.

When Shen Lin's introduction ended, someone in the huge audience suddenly stood up and applauded heavily.

This is like an introduction, as the first person stands up, the second, the third, the fourth...

In a matter of seconds, the entire press conference had basically stood up, and everyone applauded heavily.

Thunderous applause!

Mr. Yin couldn't help but stand up amidst the applause, and then followed the applause and clapped heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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