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Chapter 2013 Mi Ke Never Gives Up

Chapter 2013 Mi Ke Never Gives Up
The applause is like a tide, one wave after another!
This kind of applause lasted for more than a minute before it was over.

Mr. Yin has no intention of listening to the next product.

What he wants most right now is to contact Mr. Yabo and tell him the news that Mi Keer has released.

And I want to hear what Mr. Yabo has to do in face of this situation.

But it was a pity that at this time, he could not contact Mr. Yabo at all.

The mobile phone was taken away. If he wanted to contact Mr. Yabo, he had only one choice, and that was to leave here.

But now I don’t know how many reporters are guarding the door. If I go out at this time, I don’t know what kind of reports I will encounter.

Therefore, no matter what, Mr. Yin cannot leave at this time.

The one-and-a-half-hour press conference made Mr. Yin feel extremely tortured.

Fortunately, Shen Lin has already introduced the last product.

This product is MiKe’s car!
However, the cruising range of this car still does not exceed [-] kilometers, and there is still a big gap between it and the car.

But it is very good to use it to send children to school or buy groceries.

"Director Shen, can I ask a question?" When Shen Lin finished introducing the product, someone shouted to Shen Lin loudly.

After hearing this shout, Shen Lin pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Of course."

"Director Shen, I would like to ask, has the MiKe [-] operating system you are launching now been patented?"

The one who stood up was a female reporter in her 20s. She held a microphone and asked Shen Lin loudly.

And her question can be said to have attracted the attention of everyone present.

MiKeYi operating system was plagiarized!
However, when safeguarding its own rights and interests, MiKe Electronics failed due to external reasons.

It has always been blocked by technology. Now it is easy to have a product that is available at home, but it is shamelessly plagiarized.And the frustration of losing a lawsuit after trying it clearly can be said to be hidden in everyone's heart.

Now, MiKe OS has come up with MiKe [-].

This eye-catching operating system makes many people have to worry about MiKe Electronics when they lament its research and development capabilities.

What if that shameless Juying Company commits plagiarism again?
It can be said that this question brings out the voice of everyone.

Shen Lin looked at the female reporter who asked the question and said calmly: "Today's press conference originally did not include the release of the MiKe [-] operating system."

"But just before the press conference started, my lawyer told me that our patent filings have been completed."

“That’s why I made a temporary decision to make the MiKe [-] operating system the most important content of this conference.”

Shen Lin's answer caused a moment of silence around him.

But this silence was followed by roaring applause.

Thunderous applause!

"Well done, Director Shen!"

"Mi Ke's speed is truly incredible!"

“When I buy things from now on, I will only buy products from MiKe Electronics!”


Regarding these words, Shen Lin was extremely calm. After the bursts of applause subsided, the female reporter continued: "Director Shen, if Juying Company plagiarizes again, what should we do?"

Compared with the previous question, this question seems even more acute.

Hearing this question, everyone present turned their attention to Shen Lin.

They really want to know how Mi Hui will deal with this situation next.

Most of the people present knew that MiKe Electronics' failure in this matter was a force that made it difficult for them to match.

The moment Mr. Yin heard this question, his first feeling was that the person who asked the question really didn't know how to ask such a question.But then, a trace of curiosity arose in his heart.

He really wanted to know what Shen Lin would do in this situation.

In fact, not only him, but everyone in front of the TV was waiting for Shen Lin's answer.

For the viewers in front of the TV, they are also eager to know what Director Shen will do when faced with this situation.

Should he bow his head or...

Amid the expectations of countless people, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "I have actually considered this issue many times before releasing the MiKe [-] operating system."

"Everyone knows that some time ago, Juying Company shamelessly plagiarized and was not punished."

"This makes some people feel more arrogant."

"But what I want to say is that we, Mi Ke, have never given up on this matter."

"We believe that justice lies in the heart of the people!"

"Some people can confuse right and wrong for a while, but in the end, the truth will eventually come to light."

"So, we will continue to persevere. We believe that no matter how ugly our enemies' faces are, their dark clouds will never cover the sun."

“If Mi Ke doesn’t give up, I won’t give up either!”

In Shen Lin's calmness, there was an agitated voice, which echoed in everyone's hearts. For a moment, there was thunderous applause!
"Well done, Director Shen. We support you, Director Shen. You have been fighting alone!"

Standing under the TV in the cafeteria, Ronaldinho shouted loudly.

In the past, he was not a person who liked to shout loudly, but at this moment, he couldn't help but shout out the passion in his heart.

Just when Ronaldinho was drinking, people around him started drinking too.

"Dr. Shen said it well!"

"Director Shen, we support you!"

"We will use MiKe[-] operating system from now on!"


This kind of shouting resounded throughout the entire cafeteria for a while, giving the cafeteria hall a buzzing feeling.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to Director Shen!"

Looking at the TV screen, Shen Lin spoke again, and Ronaldinho shouted loudly.

In fact, without him opening his mouth, those who saw Shen Lin speaking stopped their movements one by one.

“Besides, we can’t stop innovating just because we’ve been copied!”

At this moment, Shen Lin said categorically: "Now they can copy us, but as long as we go further, they won't be able to copy us even if they want to."

"We won't do anything to stop eating because of choking!"

"We will not let a fly ruin a good meal for us."

"Although the MiKe [-] operating system has experienced some setbacks, I believe that the future of the MiKe [-] operating system will be even better."

"Because, not only do we have a group of technical personnel who are dedicated to research, but we also have the support of all of us."

"I believe that with everyone's support, the MiKe [-] operating system will definitely go further and develop better in the coming days."

"Mi Ke, never give up!"

When Shen Lin finished his last sentence, the applause from all around became more intense.

Some people even walked out of their seats, applauded, and strode towards the stage!

(End of this chapter)

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