Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 2014 There is no way to avoid it. There is no way to avoid it.

Chapter 2014 There is no way to avoid it. There is no way to avoid it.
Amidst countless applause, Mr. Yin quietly walked to the door.

He regretted very much at this time why he came to this press conference.

Originally, he didn't have to come to this press conference and let his subordinates come.

But for the sake of persistence in his heart, he ran over.

But what he didn't expect was that what he saw was such a scene.

MiKe [-] operating system!
Mi Ke never admits defeat!
Mi Ke’s biggest support is all the people in front of him!
Thinking of these words Shen Lin said, Mr. Yin felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

He knew that after this press conference, Shen Lin would become a hero.

And what about him?
He would then become a foil to the hero, a pathetic loser.

And his fate seems to be difficult to change in a short period of time.

In this situation, he seemed to have no other choice.

He was filled with dissatisfaction with such a result.

But there was nothing he could do!

He knew that if he didn't leave quickly and was blocked by some thoughtful people, what would happen next would be very unfavorable.

Even the development of everything is difficult for him to control.

Therefore, he made up his mind to leave due to expediency.

But for some things, the more you think about something, the more it happens.

"Mr. Yin, I am a reporter from the Morning News. It is a great honor to meet Mr. Yin this time." A young man with a reporter badge suddenly blocked Mr. Yin's path.

Seeing this young man, Mr. Yin frowned.

Although he didn't like this situation very much, he still let a slight smile appear on his face.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Mr. Yin said, "I have urgent business to deal with here. How about we make an appointment at another time?"

Originally, Mr. Yin wanted to say that I didn't have time.

But somehow, his words eventually turned into another date.

This sentence makes Mr. Yin very unconfident.

Mr. Yin didn't like this sentence very much.

But no matter what, he still said these words.

The young man smiled and said, "Mr. Yin, I have only one question. After you ask it, you can leave."

"You're not going to say that you don't even have time to answer a question, are you?"

In the young words, Mr. Yin didn't feel the respect he had in the past, which made him feel a little bit bad in his heart.

But at this time, he couldn't care about anything else and could only smile and say: "You tell me?"

"Mr. Yin, after listening to Director Shen's press conference just now, do you want to cooperate with MiKe and use MiKe II operating system?"

After the young reporter said this, his eyes were like an eagle, staring at Mr. Yin closely.

Under this gaze, Mr. Yin felt as if he was being judged.

This feeling made Mr. Yin very uncomfortable.

He said in a deep voice: "Our company has not made a decision on this matter yet."

"After all, our company does not belong to me alone. To make such a decision related to the survival of the company, all parties need to make a unified decision."

"Okay, I've answered the question, I'm leaving now."

As he spoke, Mr. Yin quickly walked away without waiting for the reporter to respond.

The expression of the young reporter who asked Mr. Yin a question changed a bit at this time.

He wanted to continue asking Mr. Yin, but in the end, he didn't ask anything.

Just when Mr. Yin thought he had escaped, he heard someone say: "Mr. Yin, I am a reporter from the Evening News. I have made an appointment with our company for your interview, and now I happen to meet you here. "

"I hope we can advance our interview." After hearing this, Mr. Yin felt extremely uncomfortable.

He glanced at the reporter from the Evening News and said: "Since you have made an appointment for the interview, you should conduct the interview between us according to the appointment time."

"I still have some things to do, so it's not very suitable for interviews."


As he spoke, Mr. Yin turned to leave.

However, the reporter from the Evening News would not let Mr. Yin leave so easily.

He blocked Mr. Yin's path: "Mr. Yin, I just want to ask a question now. Mr. Yin, you should have time to answer a question, right?"

Mr. Yin wanted to yell angrily at this time, saying that I didn't have time.

But he believed that if he roared, then he might really not be able to leave.

So although he was unwilling in his heart, he finally said: "If you have any questions, just ask them?"

"Mr. Yin, what Director Shen just said made my blood boil. You have always been the leader in our computer industry. What do you think of Director Shen's persistence?"

What do you think? I’ll just sit and watch!

Mr. Yin complained in his heart, but he knew that at this time, Zi must not speak so frivolously, otherwise, he would be in more trouble.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Our company has not yet formed a unified attitude towards this situation."

“So, when we finish our meeting, I’ll be responding to your question.”

The Evening News reporter was obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

They worked hard to block Mr. Yin. If this was the only result, it would be really disappointing.

So after hesitating for a moment, he said to Mr. Yin: "Mr. Yin, I don't like your answer very much."

"But I can't force others to do anything."

"Here, I just want to remind Mr. Yin that you must have a sense of right and wrong when doing things in the future."

"Rather than being indifferent between right and wrong."

In just a few minutes, he had been lectured twice, and Mr. Yin felt that his heart was aggrieved.

Although this situation made him feel very unhappy, at this moment, he had no other choice.

Let's go first.

I wonder if Mr. Yin's own luck has improved after he answered these two questions.

On the way out, Mr. Yin was not interviewed again.

Walking out of the side door of the press conference and looking at the sunshine outside, Mr. Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that his bad luck was finally over. After carefully arriving at the car waiting for him, Mr. Yin asked the driver to drive him to the company.

The company should already know about MiKe Electronics’ release of MiKe II by now. I wonder what everyone’s attitude is at this time.

And does Mr. Yabo already know about this?

The car quickly brought Mr. Yin to the company, but as soon as he entered the company, dozens of people quickly gathered around him.

"Mr. Yin, I want to interview you!"

"Mr. Yin, I want to know, in the past, when you didn't know about the MiKe[-] operating system, you signed a cooperation contract with Juying Company. Do you regret it now that you are in this situation?"

"Mr. Yin, I want to know..."

Listening to these messy sounds, Mr. Yin's face became extremely ugly. He never thought that he thought he had escaped, but he didn't expect that people would wait here for him.

This level is not easy!

Just as Mr. Yin's mind was spinning rapidly, a staff member quickly ran over and said: "Mr. Yin, Mr. Yabo's phone number."

(End of this chapter)

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