Chapter 2015 No Choice
At this time, Mr. Yin wanted to kick out the subordinate who came to report on the spot.

What scene is happening now, can’t you see it?
At this time, would it be good for me to answer Mr. Yabo’s call?
Just when Mr. Yin was half angry, the reporters who had been asking questions gathered around him one by one.

"Mr. Yin, are you ready to answer Mr. Yabo's call?"

"Mr. Yin, will you tell Mr. Yabo about the new operating system of MiKe[-]?"

"Mr. Yin, can you tell me why Mr. Yabo called you instead of calling others at this time?"


One by one, heart-wrenching questions were thrown at me!

Listening to these questions, Mr. Yin felt his head buzzing.

He glared hard at his running subordinates, and then said in a stiff tone: Everyone, I'm going to answer the phone. "

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the office.

"Mr. Yin, please answer our questions before we leave!" A young reporter chased after him unwillingly and shouted loudly towards Mr. Yin.

Hearing these words mixed with a commanding tone, Mr. Yin's face turned extremely ugly.

He knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, so he just strode towards his office.

Several company employees who had already arrived helped Mr. Yin stop the interviewers.

Mr. Yin has made up his mind that no matter what Mr. Yabo says on the phone, he will never come out to receive him again.

Because everything is doomed, if he comes forward to receive it, it will not be of any benefit to him.

Picking up the phone on the table, Mr. Yabo's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Yin, are you busy?" Mr. Yabo's tone contained a trace of dissatisfaction that he was trying to control.

Regarding this dissatisfaction, Mr. Yin was filled with anger.

He said unceremoniously: "Mr. Yabo, you guessed it right, I'm really busy."

"You don't know, I just rushed out from the circle of reporters to answer your call."

After saying this, Mr. Yabo on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment.

Obviously, he was thinking about the meaning of Mr. Yin's words.

After half a minute, Mr. Yabo on the other end of the phone said, "Mr. Yin, I'm causing trouble for you."

"The reason I called this time is to know the specific situation of the MiKe [-] operating system."

"I know you went to this conference, and you are also an expert when it comes to computers."

If in the past, Mr. Yin would have been very impressed by someone like Mr. Yabo saying that he was an expert in computers.

After all, this represents a recognition of his ability.

But at this time, when he heard the words expert, Mr. Yin was not too happy.

But in the end, he still said: “MiKe Electronics’ MiKe II operating system has been greatly improved compared to MiKe I.”

Speaking of which, Mr. Yin introduced the MiKe[-] operating system that he saw.

After introducing these improvements, he said to Mr. Yabo: "Mr. Yabo, I believe you will be able to see the MiKe [-] operating system soon."

"I wonder what you are going to do next?"

Listening to Mr. Yin's obvious sarcasm, Mr. Yabo said coldly: "Mr. Yin, what our company does is our business."

"As a partner, I think your top priority right now is to help us promote Juying Operating System."

"Do you think Shen Lin will take you in if you fall into Mi Ke's arms now?"

Listening to Mr. Yabo's warning, Mr. Yin also felt that what he just said was a bit too direct.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I was just too concerned about the next step of our Juying Company."

"After all, our interests are the same now. If you can't do it, I will also suffer heavy losses." "That's why I spoke so directly in a moment of impatience."

Mr. Yabo nodded and said: "Mr. Yin, I can understand your mood. Don't worry, we will not give up easily on this matter."

"Mike has its own scientific research team, and we also have our own scientific research team."

While speaking, Mr. Yabo hung up the phone directly.

Mr. Yabo is also very anxious at this time!

Although he used some power to make this plagiarism lawsuit end with his victory, this does not mean that the matter is over.

The invincible MiKe Electronics continues to fight, and now there is the MiKe [-] operating system.

He has learned through his connections that Shen Lin has filed a patent for the MiKe II system.

It's not impossible for him to continue to plagiarize, but the pressure he will face is many times greater than Mi Ke's.

After picking up the phone, Mr. Yabo called his R&D director over.

"Mr. Steve, I believe you should already know that MiKe Electronics has released a more powerful MiKe II operating system."

In the past, when Mr. Yabo faced a talent like Steve, he was usually very polite.

But now, he no longer cares about those details: "When will our Juyingliu operating system be officially completed? I need you to give me a clear answer."

Steve pondered for a moment and said: "Chairman, I really want to say that we can give you a new system tomorrow."

"But this is simply impossible."

"As you know, our operating system is basically borrowed from MiKeYi."

“Now we want to add something of our own, and that’s based on what’s already there.”

"However, we have not completely mastered the core of MiKeYi. We still need some things to develop the operating system of JuyingLiu."

"If you are in a hurry, I have only one suggestion..."

"Continue to learn from Mi Ke Er!"

Learn from!

Mr. Yabo's face turned dark when he heard this answer.

He naturally knows what the so-called reference is.

Looking at Steve's calm face, he stood up and said, "Mr. Steve, you don't think that I am omnipotent, do you?"

"I'm telling you, I'm not!"

“Learning from last time, we were able to win because we paid enough.”

“If we continue to learn from it, we don’t know how much we will have to pay.”

"Dear Mr. Steve, I hope we can release our own operating system as soon as possible."

"And it has surpassed the operating system of MiKe II. Only in this way can we wash away our shame."

Steve spread his hands and said: "Mr. Yabo, all you can say is that I tried my best, but now, I really can't do it."

"If Mr. Yabo feels that I am not suitable for my current position, you can make it clear and you can replace me."

"I don't think I can do it in a short period of time."

Mr. Yabo's face turned a little dark. It was naturally impossible for him to replace Steve. After all, this was the most important period.

After taking a deep breath, he waved to Steve and said: "I will get the CD of MiKe[-] operating system for you soon. I hope that this time, you will still get some of our own." s things."

"Mr. Steve, this is important!"

(End of this chapter)

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