Chapter 2016: Exciting People

After coming out of the press conference, although Shen Lin was tired, his heart was extremely excited.

This kind of excitement made his whole body immersed in a kind of excitement.

"Director Shen, we have received a lot of pre-orders for our newly launched products, especially the pre-orders for the MiKe 50 operating system, which have exceeded [-]!"

After Shi Congyun waited for Shen Lin to get in the car, she couldn't wait to report.

Although she tried hard to stay calm, in fact, her heart was filled with excitement.

After all, the press conference has just begun, and to be able to obtain such a large number of orders is something worth cheering for both Mi Ke and her.

Good start!

Shen Lin had already expected this situation, but the orders for the MiKe [-] operating system still exceeded his expectations.

He took the report form Shi Congyun handed over, glanced at it quickly, and then said with a smile: "That's right, by this time tomorrow, we think the bookings can exceed 100 million!"

"Director Shen, the TV station came to communicate and said that it hopes to conduct an exclusive interview with you."

"It's an exclusive interview with an Oriental celebrity!" Shi Congyun had always watched Oriental celebrities and knew that those who could appear on this show were never ordinary people.

However, in her feeling, it seemed reasonable for Director Shen to appear on this show.

After all, with Dong Shen's current status, he is fully qualified to become an Oriental celebrity.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Coordinate with them to see how the interview will be conducted. I have time."

Seeing that Shen Lin agreed, Shi Congyun breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Director Shen would refuse such an influential interview!
Shen Lin picked up his PHS and dialed York Hansen's number directly.

Although it is a long distance, Shen Lin has already opened this service, so he can naturally get through it as soon as possible.

York Hansen already knew the news released by Mi Ke Er. After hearing Shen Lin's greeting, he said with a bit of compliment: "Boss, although I haven't seen the specific situation of Mi Ke Er, but I know that Mi Ke Er Ke's products, as I say, must be high-quality products produced by Mi Ke. Because its boss is not an ordinary person!"

"I think we should hold a press conference for MiKe[-] as soon as possible."

"Mr. York Hansen, the MiKu [-] press conference should be warmed up. I am planning to start the MiKu [-] press conference in Europa this week."

"But before preparing for the press conference, I hope Mr. York Hansen can complete the listing of Mihu Computer Operating System Co., Ltd." Shen Lin said solemnly after greeting York Hansen for a few words.

York Hansen has long been prepared for the company's listing.

In fact, when Shen Lin called, he had already guessed whether Director Shen was going to push MiKe Computer Operating System Company to go public.

Now hearing Shen Lin's arrangements, York Hansen said confidently: "Director Shen, everything is ready."

"I believe that once our company is listed, many people will be optimistic about it."

"Director Shen, I have already found some newspapers. Let's spread the news about our MiKe [-] operating system launch conference, which can be regarded as a warm-up."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Hansen, you can make the decision on this matter."

"I believe you will not let me down."

Shen Lin and York Hansen talked about the company's listing and the Europa press conference before hanging up the phone.

At this time, Shen Lin returned to the office of MiKe Electronics.

When he walked into the office door, he saw many employees standing in the corridor. When he walked in, these employees began to applaud.The faces of every employee were filled with smiles and excitement.

Shen Lin looked at the excited faces and said with a smile: "This time, we have only achieved a small stage victory. The revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades still need to work hard. There are more miracles. Waiting for us to create together.”

Shen Lin didn't say much, but the applause from these employees became even more enthusiastic.

As employees of MiKe Electronics, although most of them were not involved in the MiKe II operating system, when they saw that their products were plagiarized, they still lost the lawsuit with great frustration, which made them feel sad. anger.

But facing Juying Company, they felt helpless.

This kind of frustration has formed a huge resentment, a feeling of depression in the heart, but it can also be vented.

Now that the MiKe [-] operating system has been released, Director Shen’s answer at the press conference made them feel extremely excited.

So when Shen Lin arrived, each of them felt extremely excited.

Amid applause, Shen Lin returned to his office. Before he could sit down, the phone rang.

When Shen Lin answered the phone, he heard Chief Engineer Qi's voice: "Director Shen, I was filled with excitement after hearing what you said at the press conference today."

"To be honest, I regret it very much. Why didn't I put down my work and go to this press conference."

"Director Shen, many of our young employees are very motivated now!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Qi, what I said was just my inner thoughts. In fact, although I participated in the press conference, but speaking of it, what really supported this press conference was you who worked silently behind the scenes. "

"I'm happy today, Mr. Qi. I'll go to our research institute later. In addition, I'll ask someone to make arrangements. Let's have a good dinner together today. We won't come back until we get drunk."

"Everyone has worked hard for so many days, so it's time to relax."

Chief Engineer Qi usually pushed things like eating and drinking as he could, but fortunately today he was also happy. When he heard Shen Lin's arrangement, he smiled and said: "Director Shen, even if you don't say anything about this matter, , I want to mention it too.”

"Everyone has worked hard for so many days, and it's time to relax."

"By the way, I still have a few bottles of good wine at home. I'll get them when the time comes."

Shen Lin hurriedly said: "Mr. Qi, let's keep your good wine. This party is for the company."

"Director Shen, I'm happy today. I put the wine in when I was drinking. It's useless to keep it now. I might as well drink it."

"Haha, just don't worry about it, I'll just arrange it."

After saying a few polite words to Chief Engineer Qi, Shen Lin hung up the phone.From Chief Engineer Qi's words, Shen Lin could feel a sense of excitement.

He was lying on the office chair, thoughts flashing rapidly in his mind. Others could relax, but Shen Lin could not at this time.

He knew very well that this was not the time to relax at all. Although the market share of the MiKe [-] operating system here was basically stable, if he wanted to capture more of the market, he still had to wait for the launch event in Europa.

As for Juying Company, Shen Lin believed that since they could copy Mi Ke [-], it was impossible not to copy Mi Ke [-].

What I have to do in this regard is to occupy as much of the market as possible before MiKe[-] is copied.

As thoughts flashed one by one, Shen Lin felt relaxed, and then unknowingly entered a dream.

Shi Congyun knocked on the door gently and walked in. When she saw Shen Lin sleeping, she was stunned for a moment, and then she tiptoed to cover Shen Lin with a small blanket placed under the desk.

(End of this chapter)

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