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Chapter 2018 The soaring stock price

Chapter 2018 The soaring stock price


Director Shen is preparing to build a rice shell garden in Beijing.

This news made Shi Congyun feel a little excited.

Although she does not lack a place to live in Beijing these days, it is a dormitory after all, not a home.

Standing in the bustling crowd, Shi Congyun sometimes wondered when she would be able to have a home in Beijing.

But although her salary is high, buying a house is not an easy task.

In addition to money, there are many other things involved.

Therefore, although Shi Congyun had the intention to buy a house, she never showed it.

But now, Shen Lin's words made her heart suddenly come alive.

If Mihu Garden is built, she will definitely be allocated a house.

If the Rice Shell Garden here is as good as Dongzhou Rice Shell Garden, that would be great.

Just when Shi Congyun was looking forward to it, Ma Yuancheng said excitedly: "Dr. Shen, do we really want to build a rice shell garden?"

"Of course." Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Yuan Cheng, I have already prepared for our Rice Shell Garden, but it is only now that we have implemented it."

"That's really great. With Mihu Garden as a place to live, I think everyone's motivation will be even greater by then."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "You can tell everyone this, but it won't work this year. Before next summer, I will definitely let everyone live in a new house."

Lan Weidong was not short of houses at this time, but he still smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, if you ask me, we should have built Rice Shell Garden a long time ago."

"After all, we have many people working in Beijing, so renting an apartment all the time is not a problem."

"By the way, Director Shen, have we chosen the address of Mi Ke Garden?"

Shen Lin said: "It's confirmed, it's the land to the west of Mike City."

"More than 500 acres of land is more than enough to build Mike City."

When Ma Yuancheng heard so much land, he was stunned for a moment and said: "Director Shen, is it too much? Even if one of our employees in Beijing has a house, we can't buy all of them!"

"Yuan Cheng, our MiKe Electronics not only has current staff, but also people who work in Dongzhou. They are also qualified to buy a house at a certain level."

“Also, I’m going to build some apartment-style dormitories.”

"In this way, people who are temporarily transferred to work here will not have to worry about anything."

Although Shen Lin drank a lot, he did not reveal his biggest purpose.

That is, in a few decades, the houses here will have a price that is unimaginable now.

By then, these houses will also be Mihu’s most important assets.

After chatting with Ma Yuancheng, Chief Engineer Qi, Lan Weidong and others for more than an hour, Shen Lin was obviously sober.

After saying hello to the researchers who were still partying, he left the institute.

Just when Shen Lin went back to sleep, York Hansen was staring closely at the computer screen.

At this time, the stock price of MiKe Computer Operating System Company was displayed on the computer screen.

The stock has been listed for half an hour!
The current stock price does not fluctuate much compared to the published price.

York Hansen is not satisfied with this situation.

However, the stock price has not increased for the time being, and he has no choice but to wait silently.

"Mr. York Hansen, it seems that your stocks are not very good?" A middle-aged man with red hair wandered over to York Hansen and said with a smile.

This man had a chubby face and an extremely kind smile.But York Hansen didn't have a good impression of this person. He said lightly: "Mr. Grink, it's still too early!"

"I think that when you make a decision about something, you should analyze it carefully before making a decision."

Greinke laughed and said, "Mr. York, we have met several times and we can be considered old friends."

"It is precisely because we are old friends that I say something fair."

"MiKe, a computer operating system stock, should have been good."

"But the mistake with MiKe's stock is that it shouldn't be listed now, it should be listed before Juyingwu comes out."

Greinke waved his hand and said: "But you missed the best opportunity. Now you guys are forced to go public. How much money are there to be optimistic about you?"

"Without capital, everything is illusory."

Having said this, a hint of sarcasm appeared on Greinke's face and he said: "Mr. York Hansen, I don't think you need to waste your time."

York Hansen said nothing, and still looked at his company's stock price on the computer.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that the stock price, which had not moved much, suddenly changed.

Increased by a dime!

A dime is not much. For stock trading, a dime increase per share is not considered an increase.

Greinke was also very indifferent to this increase. He smiled and said: "Mr. York Hansen, please allow me to say congratulations."

“I don’t think you will encounter this kind of rise in the future.”

York Hansen no longer paid attention to Grinke. He had classified this gentleman as an unpopular figure in his heart.

When Greinke saw that Jock Hansen was silent, he was also ready to walk away.

After all, he still has a lot of things to do, and there is absolutely no need to be stuck on one road here.

But just when he was about to move, he saw the stock price of MiKe Operating System Company on the screen, and it changed again.

"Haha, it's still a dime, Mr. York, I think..."

"No, why is this one yuan all of a sudden?"

If a stock rises by [-] cents, you don’t need to worry about it, but if a stock rises by [-] yuan, it is not so easy to see.

Looking at the numbers on the screen, York Hansen had a smile on his face.

Although this increase was not what he had expected, a one-dollar increase was always a good sign.

"You see very well, our stock has increased by one yuan." York Hansen said with a smile, "And this is just the beginning."

Just when York Hansen said the first two words, the stock price on the computer screen changed again.

This time, it increased by one yuan.

It was so fast that it surprised many people.

Grink, who was about to leave, was also staring closely at the stock price of MiKe Computer Operating System Company. He suddenly felt a feeling that he shouldn't have.

The stock price of MiKe Operating System Company seems to be going up.

What happened? Otherwise, why did the price increase so much all of a sudden?

"It's gone up again!" The exclamation made Grink wake up from his meditation. He looked at the computer screen carefully and saw that the stock price of MiKe Computer Operating System suddenly rose by two yuan.

In just a few minutes, MiKe Electronics' stock price rose by four yuan.

What is the situation?
He looked at York Hansen, whose face was full of excitement, and couldn't help but said: "Mr. York Hansen, can you tell me what exactly is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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