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Chapter 2019 Coming and not being indecent

Chapter 2019 Coming and not being indecent

Facing Grinke who asked for advice, York Hansen was in a good mood and did not care about the rudeness of this person just now.

For York Hansen, this financial expert, although he has a bad mouth, is still good in other aspects.

So he smiled and said: "Mr. Greinke, there is only one reason why our stock has risen, that is, we have just released the MiKe [-] operating system."

“The MiKe [-] operating system is more advanced than MiKe [-] and Juying Company’s Juying [-].”

"Originally, Juyingwu copied our products. Now that our MiKe[-] has been released, I believe it will take some time for them to plagiarize."

"So the stock market naturally started to be optimistic about our products."

After hearing Jock Hansen's words, Greinke's face became solemn.

He glanced at the stock price on the computer screen and said solemnly: "Mr. York Hansen, I have to admit that what you just said is really very attractive."

"Haha, even I can't help but want to invest in it."

"I believe you won't object to this matter, right?"

York Hansen smiled and said: "We list our stocks just to gain more support. If you support us, Mr. Greinke, we will naturally not object."

Greinke shook hands with York Hansen and quickly walked to his VIP room.

He felt that the stock price was rising rapidly. If he did not seize the opportunity quickly, the price would soar even higher.

York Hansen did not send Greinke away. His eyes were always staring at the rapidly changing stock price.

Ten yuan, twenty yuan, thirty yuan...

Seeing the stock price soaring to nearly 30 yuan, York Hansen breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that this victory already belonged to him and to Mihu Company!
Picking up the phone, York Hansen immediately wanted to call Shen Lin to tell him the good news.

However, when he picked up the phone, he suddenly realized that it was still night at Shen Lin's side.

It's not a wise move to disturb the boss's rest at this time.

Finally, he put the phone down.

Shen Lin got up the next morning and after sending his baby son to school, he received a call from York Hansen.

"Director Shen, we succeeded. Our stock price has soared four times. We... our current stock price has exceeded thirty dollars per share!"

The call had just been connected, and before Shen Lin could speak, York Hansen's excited voice came over.

Shen Lin is fully confident about the decision to list his own stock after the release of MiKe II.

But at this time, Shen Lin was still a little surprised to hear York Hansen say that the stock price suddenly rose to thirty dollars.

If calculated based on this price, just relying on stocks, he is already worth billions of dollars!
Although the money cannot be redeemed immediately, in the eyes of many people, the money really exists.

If he goes to the bank, Shen Lin can get a large loan with his own stocks.

"Mr. York Hansen, you have worked hard this time." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Without your hard work, our stock listing would not have been so smooth."

"Director Shen, this is my job." York Hansen said with a smile: "What's more, I am also a part of the company, and I will be prosperous. The rise of our company's stock also means that my wealth has increased."

Having said this, he said eagerly: "Director Shen, most of the news about our company's stocks is good."

"I just discussed it with a financial expert, and the other person thinks that we should hold a product launch conference as soon as possible."

"In this way, the price of our stock will soar quickly."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Mr. York Hansen, the press conference will still be on the date we decided before."

"However, before holding the press conference, you can increase the publicity for our products." "Let more people know our MiKe operating system, thereby increasing our popularity."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "I believe these are enough to make our stock price continue to rise."

York Hansen said: "Director Shen, as long as our press conference is held, there will be absolutely no problem with the stock price, but I think the problem is Juying Company."

"According to what I know about them, Juying will definitely continue to plagiarize our products."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Mr. York, your feeling is correct."

"So the lawsuit between us and Juying Company will continue."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. York Hansen, what do you think about me going there?"

York Hansen was stunned for a moment after hearing Shen Lin's question.

Immediately he realized what Shen Lin was going to do.

"Director Shen, are you going to hold a press conference in person?"

"Yes, in the United States, I not only have to hold a press conference, but I also hope that as an entrepreneur, I can visit universities there."

"Haha, especially Mr. Yabo did not graduate from his alma mater."

Shen Lin's decision made York Hansen feel that his boss was really not crazy.

The boss not only wants to attack, but also directly attacks people's homes.

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel silent in his heart for the person who became Shen Lin's opponent.

But in an instant, the focus of his thinking had become the feasibility of Shen Lin's idea.

It’s not impossible to go to an American school for exchange!
After all, Shen Lin's reputation is enough!
And in this matter, MiKe Operating System has obviously been wronged.

I've been wronged, why don't you let me speak!
"Director Shen, I think this matter is very feasible. How about I contact a professional company to see what their judgment is on this matter?"

Shen Lin said: "Mr. York Hansen, I am waiting for your good news."

"But you should also pay attention to rest while working!"

Shen Lin's concern made York Hansen even more excited. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I am still confident about my body."

After putting down the phone, Shen Lin's heart calmed down.

He didn't think much about stocks.

Although his net worth has increased a lot, money is not the most important issue.

The most important thing is the plagiarism incident of Juying Company.

The press conference for Europa will be held, and the press conference for the United States will also be held.

Not only must it be opened, but it must be opened with great fanfare!

Aren’t you so shameless and shameless that you insist on plagiarizing?
Okay, then let’s give him a slap in the face!
As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin had already made up his mind.

At this moment, the phone rang. Shen Lin answered the phone and heard Liang Jialuo's voice coming from inside.

"Director Shen, oh, you are amazing. A sister of mine who is studying abroad just called and said that your MiKe Operating System Company's stock is not only listed on Europa, but the stock price has also risen a lot. "

"Tsk, tsk, I think you are so uninteresting. Why didn't you tell me in advance about such a good opportunity to make money?"

(End of this chapter)

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