Chapter 2020
Listening to Liang Jialuo's complaints, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Jialuo, making money from stocks is full of uncertainty."

"What do you want me to say? You'd better run your company well. The money you earn in this way will be reliable and your own money."

When Liang Jialuo heard Shen Lin's words, he curled his lips and said, "My dear Mr. Shen, please stop bothering me and lecturing me like a mother-in-law."

"If you have the time, you should go back and think about how to deal with Juying Company's plagiarism."

"By the way, I heard that Director Shen has changed his female secretary again? Hey, it's different now that he's a big boss. It seems like he can change his female secretary faster than changing his clothes!"

Liang Jialuo's last words were purely ridiculing.

She was very clear about Shen Lin's change of secretary. Someone even called her and asked her to recommend Shen Lin.

However, Liang Jialuo did not participate in the end. She knew very well about this kind of thing. If she participated, she would probably be thankless in the end.

After all, she has been away from Director Shen for a while, and everything is changing. Why should she, Liang Jialuo, use her previous mindset to influence Director Shen's current decision-making by gesticulating on Director Shen's secretary selection? ?

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, just tell me if you have anything to do."

"Director Shen, I have something to ask you for help." Liang Jialuo said with a smile: "We have an agent in our company, and now he suddenly turned around and became the agent of Kangshuai Bo Tea Beverage."

"This wasn't a big deal at first, but before he switched over there, he still had an outstanding payment."

"Because I am responsible for this matter, Sister Qing asked me to be responsible for the money."

Speaking of this, Liang Jialuo shouted angrily: "That guy rides in a luxury car and eats big meals every day, but he just doesn't pay back the money!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "This shouldn't be a problem for you, Miss Liang, right?"

Liang Jialuo said helplessly: "This guy's family is also very capable. Basically, no one I can find can do anything about it."

"Just today, I asked an uncle we are all familiar with to mediate this matter, but this guy is just a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water."

"No matter what I say, it's just that he has no money."

"Haha, it seems like it's my fault if he doesn't pay back the money. I shouldn't ask him for money!"

Listening to the complaints in Liang Jialuo's words, Shen Lin smiled and said: "This is of course your fault. If you had recognized this person earlier, this matter would naturally not have happened."

Shen Lin's words were naturally meant to be ridiculing.

Liang Jialuo snorted and said: "Director Shen, I really have no choice now. I can only ask you, the great master, to help suppress this shameless guy."

Regarding Liang Jialuo, Shen Lin had always regarded her as a little sister. At this moment, listening to Liang Jialuo's words, he said helplessly: "Okay, I will help you settle the bill."

"Tell me how we can get it."

Liang Jialuo said: "I know he is going to the company this afternoon. How about we just become uninvited guests and enter his company to ask for money from him."

"If I make an appointment, I'm definitely not available."

Shen Lin said: "Okay, I will go with you this afternoon."

"Thank you, Director Shen. To express my gratitude to you, how about treating you to dinner today?" Liang Jialuo asked with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at his watch and said, "It's not impossible to eat, but your sister-in-law has something to do today and I'm going to pick up Xiao Guoke for lunch."

"That's just right. Let's have a meal together. I haven't seen Xiao Guoke for a while, and I still miss him." Liang Jialuo said with a smile, "Well, how about I go to school and pick him up from school with you? ?”

"That's okay." Shen Lin glanced at his watch and said, "Then let's meet outside Xiaoguoke School at 11:30."

After handling some company affairs, Shen Lin arrived at the gate of Xiaoguoke School on time.Wearing casual clothes and a pair of black glasses, Shen Lin immediately spotted Liang Jialuo, who was fashionably dressed and seemed out of place with those around him.

Those who can go to Xiaoguoke School are basically not ordinary people, but even so, the clothes of most people are still not on the same level as the fashionable Liang Jialuo.

"Old Shen, look at how old-fashioned you are, if you ask me, you should dress more fashionably." Liang Jialuo looked at the sneakers under Shen Lin's feet with a bit of disdain, curled his lips and said, "A rich man like you, There are dedicated costume designers outside.”

"Look at you, you are simply an embarrassment to a rich man of your level."

Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo, frowned and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, I think this is good."

"People are looking for costume designers because they want me. I look like this. Anyone who doesn't like it will just look at me. I beg him to look at me."

If you don’t like it, I won’t watch it!

Listening to these words, Liang Jialuo's eyes flashed with a hint of admiration. She gave Shen Lin a thumbs up and said, "Old Shen, to be honest, I have to admire you."

"Tsk, tsk, there are not many people who can say such heroic words as you."

"There are even fewer people as confident as you."

"Hehe, don't tell me that you are wearing this outfit. Even if you are wearing patched clothes, those people will treat you as their biggest guest."

Hearing Liang Jialuo's praise, Shen Lin really didn't want to speak.

At this moment, a pair of neatly arranged children walked out, shouting one, two, one.

"Tsk, tsk, human cubs, they look quite lovable." Liang Jialuo rubbed his hands and said, "It's been two months since I last saw Little Guoke. I wonder if he has changed."

"Dad, Aunt Jialuo!" Xiao Guoke rushed out of a queue and greeted Shen Lin and Liang Jialuo excitedly.

Before Shen Linfa could react, Liang Jialuo had already picked up Xiao Guoke, took a bite on Xiao Guoke's face and said, "Xiao Guoke, do you miss Aunt Jialuo?"

Xiao Guoke picked up the handkerchief in her pocket with a bit of disgust, wiped the saliva on her face and said: "Aunt Jialuo, if you don't kiss me with saliva on my face, will I miss you?"

"Haha, you are really a little kid!"

"Let me tell you, I bought you a big gift. If you don't like it, I will give it to a child who likes it."

Liang Jialuo pinched Xiao Guoke's face and said, "Call me good auntie and I will give it to you."

Seeing his son being treated as a toy by Liang Jialuo, Shen Lin coughed and said: "Liang Jialuo, it's enough for the children to tease you. Let me tell you, if you really like children, find someone to marry, not here." Harm my son."

While talking, Shen Lin took Xiao Guoke's schoolbag and said, "Guoke, your mother has something to do in the morning, so we will have a meal with your Aunt Jialuo."

"By the way, she's treating her to a treat. Whatever you want to eat, don't be polite to her."

Liang Jialuo listened to Shen Lin's words and snorted: "Xiao Guoke, you will be the heir of Mike Electronics in the future. Let me tell you, you can't imitate your father. He is obviously the richest and pays back every day." Not willing to spend money.”

"Let's go, he won't be willing to treat you to a good meal, but Aunt Jialuo is. We must have a good meal this time."

Xiao Guoke listened to Liang Jialuo's words and said loudly: "Aunt Jialuo, my dad is not willing to spend money!"

"I heard that my dad spends a lot of money every year just to build schools for children in those mountainous areas!"

Listening to Xiao Guoke's retort, Liang Jialuo touched his nose and said, "Little guy, you are really as big as a brat. Okay, I won't say that your father is stingy."

"Let's go, let's eat."

(End of this chapter)

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