Chapter 2023 Who can help me

Liang Jialuo kept looking at Shen Lin silently while Shen Lin was on the phone.At this moment, this man who is all-powerful in the business world looks calm and casual, and he just helps him get things done without being impatient or angry!

When Liang Jialuo fixed his eyes on this face, he felt a sudden surge of sadness in his heart. You said, as technology becomes more and more advanced, how could such a guy with outstanding abilities and good looks become the exclusive possession of a certain person? Woolen cloth?Why can't you copy the same man for yourself?

Just when she was distracted, she suddenly heard Shen Lin say that it was almost done, and then he pretended to smile broadly and said: "Old Shen, thank you for your hard work this time!"

"For a little Jin Boyuan, you have to use so many connections."

"Tsk, tsk, this time, my dear Mr. Shen really made a fuss out of a molehill. To deal with Jin Boyuan, it's like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, just wait for this matter slowly. The result should be there in two or three days."

"I still have a lot of things to do in the company, so I have to leave first."

Liang Jialuo looked at Shen Lin who was about to leave and felt very reluctant to leave. This unsociable guy had so many clever ideas and fresh ideas in the business world. Why did he have such a low emotional intelligence?I really can’t figure out why he treats women like a smelly, hard, boring stone when he is so good at business.

Seeing that he was in a hurry to leave, Liang Jialuo asked unwillingly: "Do you have any plans in the next few days?"

"What, is something wrong?" Shen Lin glanced at Liang Jialuo, who looked a little strange, and said, "I should be very busy in the next month."

"I am planning to go to Europe and the United States within a month."

"The MiKe [-] operating system is out. Even if those guys still want to plagiarize shamelessly, we still have to hold a press conference."

"And it should be opened lively and with extraordinary momentum."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Liang Jialuo still didn't understand what Shen Lin meant.

She pondered for a moment and said, "It's nothing, I just want to treat your whole family to a meal in a few days."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "That's easy to say. I like being invited to dinner by you. So, wait until I come back from the United States to make an appointment."

Having said this, Shen Lin warned: "Jialuo, career is very important, and family is also very important. As for you, you can't just be a workaholic."

"You are not young anymore. You have to take the opportunity to think about your life-long matters."

"Okay, okay, I listen to my mother nagging at home; at the company, Sister Qing can also nag about this matter; now it's good that you have also joined the ranks of urging marriage!"

"Just let me save the trouble." Liang Jialuo said perfunctorily, a little impatiently: "If there is a suitable person, I will get married myself. You don't need to rush me."

Shen Lin shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, you obviously don't understand good people, so I don't care."

"Who told you to be such a good person? I don't need you to worry about it!" Liang Jialuo snorted, got into the car, stepped on the accelerator and left.

After watching Liang Jialuo leave, Shen Lin shook his head and walked towards the company.

For Shen Lin, this matter has basically been completed.

But for Jin Yuanbo, this matter has just begun.

After seeing Shen Lin off, he felt a little worried, but when he sat down behind his desk again, another thought arose in his mind.

That is, although Shen Lin is powerful, but as the saying goes, there is no communication between me and him, and he can't do anything to me.

Fortunately, I have no business dealings with his MiKe Electronics. No matter how unhappy he is, what can he do to me?

What's more, when I received him, I gave him enough courtesy and respect.

He's not happy, that's his business.

After being busy in the company all afternoon, Jin Yuanbo was ready to find a place to relax in the evening.

However, before he could call a few friends, his secretary hurried in.

"Is there something chasing you? Looking at your panic, you are not stable at all!" Looking at the secretary, Jin Yuanbo's words were full of dissatisfaction.

In the company, Mr. Jin has very strict requirements on his employees.

In his opinion, the subordinates of his company should at least be as immovable as a mountain.

If you can't do this, then you really are not worthy of being your subordinate.

Facing Mr. Jin's severe accusation, the secretary felt aggrieved, but at this time she said honestly: "Mr. Jin, something happened!"

"What do you mean something happened to Mr. Jin? Can you speak?" Jin Yuanbo was calm on the surface, but his heart was obviously thumping.

Nothing happened all day today, so why did something happen when I got off work?

His eyes were fixed on the secretary, eager to know what happened. "Mr. Jin, Mr. Bai Mingfu Bai's company just called and told us to remove the counters from their supermarket."

The secretary was a little nervous, so she stumbled a bit when speaking.

Bai Mingfu's company called him to withdraw his money. How is this possible?

He and Bai Mingfu cooperate very well, and Bai Mingfu also knows his identity and is very polite to him on weekdays.

How could he not say a word and just let his subordinates inform him to withdraw the goods?
Did he act out of fear?

"Did you hear it wrong? How could Bai Mingfu's supermarket ask us to remove the shelves?"

"Did you not hear clearly what they said?"

The secretary understands her boss's suspicion very well.

He followed his boss to a dinner organized by Boss Bai. During the dinner, Boss Bai was very polite to his boss.

He felt that the two of them were like brothers, so intimate that they could only wear a pair of pants.

Why is it that after just one meal, Boss Bai asked his own boss to remove the counter?This is unscientific and obviously illogical!
So when he answered the phone, he repeatedly confirmed with the other party three times, but the answers to the three follow-up questions were exactly the same.

They all asked their families to remove the cabinets quickly, and there was nothing much to say.

"Mr. Jin, I have confirmed that we are being asked to remove the cabinet. If you don't believe it, please communicate with Bai Mingfu personally."

Jin Yuanbo waved his hand towards the secretary and said: "Okay, you go out first, I will understand this matter carefully."

As the secretary left, Shen Lin's face appeared in Jin Yuanbo's mind.

Is there any instruction from Shen Lin in this?

Otherwise, Bai Mingfu would be crazy and would urge himself to withdraw from the closet.

As thoughts flashed through him, he picked up his PHS and dialed Bai Mingfu.

Bai Mingfu's PHS was open, and after three rings, Bai Mingfu's voice came from inside: "Hello, hello."

"Hello, Mr. Bai, I'm Lao Jin!" Although Jin Yuanbo's heart was full of discomfort, on the surface, he still greeted him with a smile.

After all, it is he who demands Bai Mingfu now.

If Bai Mingfu is unhappy, then there is no need to talk about it.

"Hello, Mr. Jin, haha, we haven't been in contact for a while."

"Mr. Jin, what are you busy with now?" Bai Mingfu's words were very polite.But Jin Yuanbo felt a little alienated in this politeness.

Thinking about Bai Mingfu's attitude, he hesitated and said, "Mr. Bai, I heard from the secretary that you informed us that our products should be removed from the counter. Did my secretary hear it wrong?"

"How can you be willing to embarrass me about our relationship?"

Bai Mingfu smiled and said: "Lao Jin, we are old friends. To be honest, if I had any way, I would never embarrass your brother."

"And this time, I really have no choice."

"Your brother also knows that although I am doing well now, in fact, I still have to rely on others for many things."

"Your brother has offended someone he shouldn't have offended. I really have no choice."

"If your brother can settle things, everything will be easy for me here."

Bai Mingfu's words were very polite.

But the meaning in his words is very clear, that is, if you can't reconcile it, you still have to withdraw the cabinet.

Jin Yuanbo naturally knew who he had offended, but he was really unwilling to ask him to pay back the money.

After taking a breath, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Bai, are you really not giving me any face?"

"Mr. Jin, I am willing to give you face, but that person doesn't agree!"

"I can't help it!"

(End of this chapter)

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