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Chapter 2024: One attack after another

Chapter 2024 The blows come one by one
When Bai Mingfu said this, Jin Yuanbo knew that it was useless to say anything.

He said he hoped to cooperate again in the future and hung up the phone.

Looking at the PHS placed on the table, he fell into deep thought.

Pay the money back, or not pay the money back?
Bai Mingfu made it very clear that this matter was [-]% instigated by Shen Lin from behind.

If you pay back the money, everything will be easy, but do you really have to pay back the money?

Jin Yuanbo felt physical pain after returning the money in his hand.

Can't pay it back!
He doesn’t want to pay it back either!
Although Bai Mingfu's supermarket is one of his important channels, it is not all his channels.

It doesn't mean that he can't pass after leaving Bai Mingfu's supermarket.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he called the subordinate in charge of sales over and said, "Manager Li, I contacted Bai Mingfu, and he said that they can't leave a place for us."

"Let our people remove the cabinet."

Manager Li originally thought that Jin Yuanbo had already been contacted, but when he heard Jin Yuanbo say this, he suddenly became anxious.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Jin, this...Mr. Bai's supermarket is an important sales channel for us. If it were gone, our sales would drop by one-fifth."

"I think you'd better coordinate this matter with Bai Mingfu."


Jin Yuanbo's face turned cold, and he said coldly to Manager Li: "What else?"

"Let me tell you, I have tried my best to solve this problem."

"If there is a way, should I still say it?"

"Okay, don't think about anything else, just remove the cabinet."

Manager Li said these words mainly for the sake of the company, but he did not expect that his loyal words would be exchanged for such a scolding.

For a moment, he felt sad in his heart.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said honestly: "Boss, I'll arrange someone right now."

"Go." Jin Yuanbo said in a cold tone.

When Manager Li closed the door, Jin Yuanbo could no longer hold back his anger. When had he suffered such grievances in the past years? So he cursed angrily: "Shen Lin, Liang Jialuo, you two don't let me be proud of you either." .”

"A white rich man means nothing."

"At best I can make less money this time."

"You have the ability to cut off all my channels!"

"I don't believe it. You can drive me to a dead end."

After scolding twice, Jin Yuanbo felt quite happy.But that was all he could do, because he knew very well that it was simply impossible for him to take revenge on Shen Lin.

Because he simply does not have such strength.

As he was picking up his water glass and taking a sip of water, he heard a knock on the door from outside.

Although he didn't like meeting people at this time, during work, when his subordinates came to report on their work, it wouldn't be good if they didn't see him, so in the end, he patiently said: "Come in."

Following Jin Yuanbo's words, a subordinate in his 30s walked in with a solemn face.

Seeing this subordinate's face, Jin Yuanbo had a bad thought in his heart.

"Old Chen, what's the matter?" Jin Yuanbo asked his warehousing and logistics manager.

"Mr. Jin, we need to find another place to store our products. The warehouse we cooperate with said that they are not ready to sign a contract with us."

Change warehouse?
Jin Yuanbo was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Just change it, why don't you look for it in this warehouse?"

"They won't let us use it, so we'll just rent another one."

Lao Chen, who is responsible for the storage and transportation of goods, waved his hands and said: "Mr. Jin, this is true, but the warehouse we rent now is the most convenient."

"And that warehouse is also the most standardized in terms of price and safety measures."

"I'm afraid we'll get into trouble if we go to a small warehouse without security." Although Lao Chen didn't say what kind of trouble it was, Mr. Jin knew what he meant.But he said impatiently: "Look for it first. If there is a good one, we will use it."

"If there are no good ones, use the smaller ones first."

"A living person can still be choked to death by urine."

Seeing that Lao Chen had not left, he said in a deep voice: "The matter has been decided, why don't you implement it."

Lao Chen said: "Mr. Jin, what I am reporting is just one thing. There is another thing. Not only is there a problem with our warehouse, but there is also a problem with the transportation."

"In the past, our goods were shipped through Mihu's logistics."

"We just received a call from Mihu Logistics Company. They said that they no longer carry our items due to too many orders recently."

"If we find a transport truck ourselves, it will not only be troublesome, but the cost will also increase a lot."

Mihu Transportation Company, why did I forget this matter?

Jin Yuanbo looked at the way Old Chen lowered his head. Knowing this, he couldn't blame Old Chen.

Mainly, it's that person who is causing trouble for himself.

"Okay, you go out first, and I'll contact you again to see if we can get the manufacturer to ship the goods directly to us."

After Lao Chen left, Jin Yuanbo's expression was no longer as relaxed as usual.

Although they were just two things, they made him feel as if a big net was surrounding him.

Lower your head?
Return the money from Liang Jialuo's company.

No, I can't pay it back. This is a huge amount of money. If I pay it back, I won't have much money left.

Shen Lin, don’t you have friends?I, Lao Jin, also have friends.

After picking up the phone number book and flipping through a few pages, Jin Yuanbo dialed a number he usually had a good relationship with.

"Hello, Boss Qin, I'm Jin Yuanbo, hahaha, hello, hello." After the call was connected, Jin Yuanbo's attitude improved a lot.

Usually when he calls, he basically shows his teeth and claws.

But now, his words were full of affection.

"Hello, Mr. Jin, we haven't contacted each other for a while. Haha, what's the matter with you?" Boss Qin asked very politely.

"Boss Qin, I remember you mentioned before that you hope to cooperate with us and let our products enter your supermarket. I thought about it and think your proposal is very good."

“For us, it’s a win-win situation!”

"Old Qin, how about I send someone over to meet you now?"

Mr. Qin said politely: "Mr. Jin, when I made suggestions, I was a little too arrogant."

"Compared to your company, we are far behind."

"How dare I talk to you about cooperation?"

"Haha, we are a small store and are not worthy of your products."

"By the way, someone is looking for me outside. I'll hang up first." Mr. Qin hung up the phone without waiting for Jin Yuanbo to finish speaking.

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Mr. Jin wanted to drop the phone in his hand.

He rarely humbles himself like this, but this damn thing doesn't even give him face. He...who does he think he is?

Damn, it's really hateful.

If I don't cooperate with you, I can't cooperate with others.

In one breath, Mr. Jin made more than a dozen calls, but although the people who received these calls were more polite than the last, they rejected Mr. Jin's cooperation proposal more simply than the last one.

This filled Mr. Jin's stomach with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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