Chapter 2025 An Invisible Net

Putting down the phone weakly, Jin Yuanbo felt like there was an invisible network around him.

He could not see or touch this net, but this net completely trapped him in the middle.

It has become extremely difficult to struggle.

Shen Lin!

Thinking of the owner of this network, Mr. Jin felt suffocated.

Those who are close to me and have close relationships are simply vulnerable in front of this person at this time.

And myself...

"Boom boom boom!"

The knock on the door rang again, and when Jin Yuanbo heard the knock, a trace of fear arose in his heart.

There won't be any bad news.

Just when he was feeling uneasy, the knock on the door rang again. Although he felt that something was wrong, in the end, he still said come in.

Following his words, the secretary walked in.

Seeing that it was his secretary, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Jin Yuanbo was still maintaining his boss's face.

The secretary hesitated for a moment and then said in a low voice: "Boss, we just received calls from three agency brands. They all want to terminate cooperation with us."

"If these cooperations are terminated, then our company..."

The secretary didn't dare to say anything. He believed that even if he didn't say anything, his boss would know the consequences.

Jin Yuanbo couldn't believe his ears. Basically, the several brands of beverages he represented were of great origin.

It was precisely because of this that gave him the confidence to put aside the ice dew.

Now that I am in trouble with Binglu, how can these brands add insult to injury?

They shouldn't, they shouldn't do things that add insult to injury!
For a moment, he had a feeling in his mind that he had heard wrongly.

"You said they were going to terminate our agency. Did they say why?" After taking a breath, Jin Yuanbo asked the secretary.

The secretary whispered: "They... they said our company is dishonest."

Hearing this, Jin Yuanbo felt like yelling.

Whether I am honest or not has nothing to do with you. Besides, when Binglu and I had a falling out, you didn't know about it.

Do you still support my falling out with Binglu?

No matter how he has changed now, he is now like a good person.

"I know." Suppressing the anger in his heart, he waved his hand towards the secretary, motioning for the secretary to go down first.

After the secretary left, Jin Yuanbo slumped down on the boss's chair. If the previous blows could only cause him minor injuries, then this attack now can be said to be a fatal blow.

Unless he doesn't want to do business, he has no choice but to bow his head.


The ringing of the phone once again broke the calm in Jin Yuanbo's office.

He picked up the phone and said angrily: "Who is it?"

"Yuan Bo, what did you do? Why did I hear a friend say that you were banned by MiKe Electronics?" A voice full of concern said on the other end of the phone.

Hearing this voice, Jin Yuanbo's anger suddenly dropped a lot.

He said loudly: "Brother, Shen Lin bullies people too much."

"He... it's just that he doesn't cooperate with me. He doesn't even let other people cooperate with me. He simply doesn't give me a way to survive."

"Okay, don't talk about this yet. I understand Director Shen. What did you do to make Shen Lin treat you like this?" The man on the other end of the phone did not show any anger because of Jin Yuanbo. Looking angry, he asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Jin Yuanbo said helplessly: "Brother, I just owe Binglu a payment. Because money is tight, I plan to pay it to them later."

"But that little girl Liang Jialuo called Shen Lin over if she didn't want change from me." "I told Shen Lin that I would pay back the money, but money is tight now. But Shen Lin felt that I didn't pay. He’s trying to save face, he’s just bullying people.”

"Brother, you must help me say this!"

In one breath, Jin Yuanbo elaborated on the reasons why he felt aggrieved.

For him, the wrong person would naturally not be him, but Shen Lin.

Listening to Jin Yuanbo's words, the man on the other end of the phone said coldly: "Jin Yuanbo, pay back the debt, not to mention how long have you owed the Binglu money."

"Let me tell you, Zhong Qing has already called me."

"You are toasting and not eating fine wine."

"If you want to continue your business, pay me back the money immediately. Then I will make an appointment with Director Shen and apologize in person."

"If you're not prepared to do it, just pay me back the money, and then honestly find a place to work."

Listening to his brother's arrangement, Jin Yuanbo couldn't help but said: "Brother, you...are you going to let Shen Lin get into trouble?"

"Haha, Jin Yuanbo, please wake up. Before you do anything, you must clearly see how much you weigh."

"Don't you know what Rice Shell Electronics is?"

"Now we are not only a leader in the home appliance industry, but we are also competing with outsiders in high-precision industries. Now we are basically supportive of them."

"Don't think nonsense and do as I do, otherwise, I won't care."

Hearing his brother's harsh words, Jin Yuanbo finally said honestly: "Brother, I will pay back the money right now."

"That... let's forget about that apology."

"You can save some face for me, what do you think?"

The person on the other end of the phone sighed and said, "Shen Lin won't care about your apology."

"But if you want to survive in the business world, then you must accompany me in this apology."

"Unless you stop messing around."

"Okay, you decide for yourself."

Listening to the beeping sound in the receiver, Jin Yuanbo's heart became more and more sad. He knew that his brother would never scare him at this time.

He was mentally prepared to pay back the money, but apologizing was too...

Once this kind of thing spreads, his face will be ruined.

But if you don't apologize, do you really have to go to work honestly?

Looking at his office, Jin Yuanbo's heart was full of reluctance.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was another knock on the door, and Jin Yuanbo no longer wanted to speak.

But as the boss, he had to remain silent.

"What's going on?" Jin Yuanbo asked coldly.

The secretary opened the door and walked in. He said softly: "Boss, our landlord is here. He seems to want to discuss with you about our renting a house?"


How could Shen Lin still influence this landlord!
Not wanting to be entangled anymore, he said in a deep voice: "Tell the landlord to let him go back. The matter between us and MiKe Electronics will be resolved soon."

"Okay, tell your colleagues in the company that everything will be fine."

While speaking, Jin Yuanbo closed the door directly.

Looking at Jin Yuanbo who closed the door, the secretary showed a trace of hesitation on his face.He is very familiar with his boss.

Just now, he saw a hint of dejection on his boss's face.

What's happening here?
(End of this chapter)

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