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Chapter 2026 No one can escape the urge to marry

Chapter 2026 No one can escape the urge to marry
Liang family!

Sitting on the familiar sofa at home, Liang Jialuo, dressed in pajamas, was watching TV and eating snacks, smiling unbridled, looking so uncomfortable.


Liang Jialuo couldn't help laughing when he heard the ridiculous parts of the TV show.

Just before Liang Jialuo's laughter stopped, a woman in her 50s and wearing home clothes came over.

In appearance, this woman is very similar to Liang Jialuo.

She held a book in her hand, first looked at Liang Jialuo dotingly, and then knocked on the sofa and said: "Hey, Liang Jialuo, do you have any ladylike manners? Look at your smile, it sounds a bit scary. "

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh if I don't laugh." Liang Jialuo put down the snacks in his hand, grabbed a rag doll with a smile and said, "If your mother has any instructions, just say it, the child is here to listen!"

"Okay, stop making fun of me here! For such a big man, there is no formality at all!"

Mother Liang looked at Liang Jialuo's lazy look and sighed helplessly.

I dotes on Liang Jialuo, my youngest daughter.

I used to be extremely proud of this daughter.

But now, this little daughter has almost become her heartache.

Not getting married at such an old age and just living like this all day long is really hard to talk about.

"Liang Jialuo, Aunt Qin's nephew, is now a graduate student in Beiqing. I have seen photos. The young man is very energetic, tall and slim, and his conditions are very good."

"And the most important thing is that this kid is very motivated. Once he gets the right opportunity, he will definitely have a bright future."

"Your father and I have discussed it, and we both feel that this young man is very suitable. You can go and meet him tomorrow."

After listening to his mother's introduction, Liang Jialuo refused bluntly: "No!"

After hearing her precious daughter's words, Mother Liang's expression changed and she said, "What did you say?"

"Mom, I said no! No!" Liang Jialuo said seriously: "Are you young and have hearing problems? If so, I happen to have a good friend who works in the otolaryngology department of the hospital! I asked her Let me take a look at it for you.”

Seeing Liang Jialuo looking like he was begging for a beating, how could Mother Liang not know what this naughty daughter was thinking.

This stinky kid once again wanted to use the opportunity to anger himself to escape this disaster.

"Liang Jialuo, don't mess around with me here. Now give mom a happy message. Should you go or not?"

Seeing his mother's aggressive gaze, Liang Jialuo quickly raised his hands and said, "Mom, I care about your health."

"Haha, when have I ever shied away from the things you arranged?"

"Go, I will definitely go! I guarantee that I will be there no matter what, rain or shine!"

Seeing Liang Jialuo's honest appearance, Mother Liang felt relieved.

She sat next to Liang Jialuo and said with emotion: "Jiajia, it's not my mother who has to rush you. Look around us. Most of the people your age are married."

"If nothing else, let's just talk about your Uncle Jia's Xiaoling. Now her children will all run away."

"As for you, don't think about having fun all day long. It's time for you to calm down!"

"If you ask me, I shouldn't have let you go to school in the first place. That's why you became lawless and went wild."

Listening to his mother's nagging, Liang Jialuo automatically made his head feel empty.

"Mom, you can't think like this. Look at your daughter and then at Xiaoling."

"Your daughter is your pride. She is the general manager of a large company. We, Binglu, have between 3000 and [-] employees!"

"Also, we are now the third largest Coke distributor,..."

In one breath, Liang Jialuo talked about a lot of his achievements, and even said shamelessly: "If your daughter sells her shares now, she can take care of her retirement now! Tell me, why do you have to bother so much? If you urge me to get married and find a stinky man, you will make yourself uncomfortable!"

"Your daughter has hundreds of millions, she can spend it however she wants."

"Tell me, how can such an outstanding daughter like you like those crooked melons and cracked dates introduced by others?"

Listening to her daughter bragging about her achievements, Mother Liang was very happy.

Although Liang Jialuo made her unhappy on the important matter of marriage, her daughter's achievements are still obvious to all.The sisters chatting together would give a thumbs up whenever they mentioned Liang Jialuo's achievements.

"Mom knows that my precious daughter is great, but no matter how great she is, you have to start a family!"

"You don't like the boys introduced by your mother, but are there any boys you like?" Mother Liang asked reluctantly.

"Yes, it's a pity that she's married!" Liang Jialuo said casually while watching TV.

Mother Liang was originally urging her to get married, but she didn't expect that before she finished speaking, her daughter would give such a surprising answer.

"Did you like it? Oh my God, who is that!"

"Mom, I'm reminding you, Jiajia, if someone gets married, you must never have any contact with them again. If you don't tell them anything, it will be a waste of love."

"That's not good!"

Seeing the change in his mother's face, Liang Jialuo realized that he had spilled the beans.

She hurriedly said: "Mom, where are you thinking?"

"I mean, the people I like are all married."

"Look at you, you are so startled that you can hear the wind and rain."

Mother Liang felt relieved when she saw Liang Jialuo's serious look.

However, she was still afraid that her little angel would have any emotional entanglements with a married man, so she solemnly sounded the alarm again: "Jiajia, mother reminds you one last time, never do anything inappropriate. Otherwise, I will let your father take care of you."

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Just when Liang Jialuo was feeling uncomfortable, her PHS phone rang.

Liang Jialuo, who seemed to have seen a savior, quickly stopped his mother's nagging, waved his hand and said: "Mom, let me answer the phone."

"Hello, I'm Liang Jialuo, who are you?"

Jin Yuanbo's voice came from the receiver of the phone: "Hello, Miss Jialuo, I am Jin Yuanbo. I want to tell you..."

Hearing Jin Yuanbo's voice, Liang Jialuo already understood what was going on.

She directly shouted back: "Lao Jin, I know you now, and I'm telling you, you can keep the money for yourself, I don't want it anymore!"

As he spoke, he hung up the phone.

Liang Jialuo, who already knew about Shen Lin's actions, would naturally not let Jin Yuanbo go so easily.

If you want to pay back the money, what have you done?

Listening to her daughter's words, Mother Liang couldn't help but worry: "Jiajia, what happened? Why don't you want the money?"

"Let me tell you, if you have something to say, how can the managers of your company act on their own initiative?"

Seeing that his mother wanted to teach him lessons again, Liang Jialuo quickly explained: "Mom, that's what happened. Wasn't this guy Jin Yuanbo an agent of our company in the past?"

"This guy is unreasonable. After using our brand to grow bigger, he now feels that the profit we gave him is low, so he has directly joined our competitors."

"And he took our payment and refused to give him any money, because I introduced him to Sister Zhong, so I have to take care of this matter, and I have to take care of it to the end."

"When I came back this time, I just wanted to ask him for money."

After listening to her daughter's words, Liang's mother suddenly lost her favorable impression of Jin Yuanbo.

She said angrily: "I used to think that this Jin Yuanbo was eloquent, had a good eye, and looked good. I didn't expect that he would be such a bastard."

"Jiajia, I will go to his house later and tell his mother, how can a good child do such a stupid thing as defaulting on his debts!"

"Mom, don't worry. You don't need to take action at all. Someone has already taken action. This guy Jin Yuanbo has been punished now."

"Otherwise, why would he be so anxious to pay me back the money?"

"Humph, it's not that easy!" Liang Jialuo shook her mother's arm and said coquettishly with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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