Chapter 2030

When Lu Xiaorong saw the long queue in the hospital corridor, he felt a little anxious, but thinking that if he didn't queue up, Shen Lin would have to use his favor. He hesitated and said, "Let's forget it. We have nothing to do this morning anyway." It’s such a big deal, why don’t we go out for a walk first and come back when it’s almost our turn.”

"Ordinary people can wait, why can't we wait? We are all ordinary people!"

Shen Lin knew what Lu Xiaorong was worried about, so he didn't insist on this matter.He smiled and said: "Okay, okay, as you say, we will do it."

"I heard that there is a good park here. We rarely have time, so we just want to go for a walk."

When Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong wandered to the park with their phones in hand, there were not too many people in the park. The two of them wandered around for more than an hour, but it was not a lot of fun.

At 10:30, seeing that the time was almost up, the two of them returned to the hospital.

But when they arrived outside the doctor's door, they found that there were still many people queuing up, and there were more than ten people in front of them.

This situation made Shen Lin feel a little bitter.

Lu Xiaorong glanced at his watch and comforted himself: "There are only a dozen people, just wait a moment."

Although Shen Lin didn't want to wait, the two of them had already spent so long, so they could only wait.

Fortunately, at this time, there was room for a chair in the corridor of the hospital, and Shen Lin finally found a place for Lu Xiaorong to sit.

"Why did I only arrive on the 31st when I saw so many people passing by?" Half an hour later, Shen Lin couldn't help but ask a man with an equal sign next to him.

The man curled his lips and said, "Brother, you don't even know this. These people who just came in all found acquaintances to jump in the queue."

"They all got in with a plus sign."

"As for us ordinary people, we can only wait and hope that we will be lucky enough to get in quickly."

Hearing the words of the brother with the same equal sign, Shen Lin frowned.

At the current rate, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until after get off work.

Just when he was a little reluctant, Lu Xiaorong gently pulled his arm, signaling him to calm down.

Time passed little by little, and finally, at [-]:[-], I encountered Shen Lin.

When he saw that it was time to go in by himself, Shen Lin's heart was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Before today, he never thought that he would be so excited because of a ranking.

"Let's go, it's our turn!"

As Shen Lin spoke, he helped Lu Xiaorong walk towards the doctor's office.

But before they could enter, someone said, "Wait a moment."

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment when he saw a person dressed as a nurse walking over from behind.

As she spoke, she opened the doctor's office door, and behind her, followed a middle-aged couple.

This situation is naturally self-evident.

If it were in the past, Shen Lin would mostly laugh it off.

But today, he has been waiting for this number for half a day.

It was about to be his turn, but he was cut in line without saying anything, which made Shen Lin very unhappy.

"Doctor, according to the order of numbers, it's our turn now."

"We've been waiting in line all morning. Isn't it inappropriate for you to just jump in like this?"

The woman dressed as a nurse glanced at Shen Lin and said, "What do you mean? Who jumped in the queue!"

"Let me tell you, I had an appointment before, but I never came."

"Come here now."

"So people should be in front of you."

"I'm telling you, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

At this point, the nurse already said to the middle-aged couple: "Ignore them, you go in."

As he spoke, he turned to the doctor inside and said, "Dr. Hu, please excuse me!"

Shen Lin really couldn't bear this arrogance.

Making a reservation in advance is not your excuse!

Shen Lin's temper has become very docile all this time, but the scene before him really made him burst into anger.

"You said he made an appointment in advance. How did you make the appointment? Please show me!" Shen Lin said: "The appointment should also have a number. Please bring it out to me."

The female nurse's face turned a little blue, and she scolded sternly: "How did you make the appointment? I can't tell you!"

"Also, if you want to see it, you can see it. If you don't want to see it, you can leave. This is not the place for you to cause trouble."

At this time, the middle-aged man who followed her also said to Shen Lin: "Little brother, don't make yourself uncomfortable here."

"Wait a moment, after I'm done here, it'll be your turn."

"I say young people, respect the old and love the young. You should understand this."

I respect you!
Shen Lin was furious when he saw the middle-aged man looking confident and confident.

He said coldly: "In today's matter, you still asked me to respect the elderly and care for the young."

"I think you should first know what etiquette, justice and shame are!"

Shen Lin's words immediately made the middle-aged man blush.

He pointed at Shen Lin, and his face turned red for a moment: "You... what do you do, and what is the name of your person in charge..."

Seeing the middle-aged man's angry appearance, Shen Lin calmed down quite a bit.

He responded very calmly: "Why, you cut in the queue and still want to trouble me? Then let me tell you, I am just a small businessman. As for our person in charge, I am responsible for myself."

As soon as the two people started arguing, a large number of people gathered around them.

Many people had long been angry about jumping in line, and now they were even pointing fingers at the middle-aged man.

"Okay, okay!" The middle-aged man pointed at Shen Lin and said, "Young man, this matter is not over yet!"

"I'm telling you, you will always suffer a loss!"

Looking at this situation, Lu Xiaorong felt very uncomfortable.

She knew that this was all because of her. If she hadn't wanted her possible pregnancy to become known far and near, such a thing would not have happened.

"Let's go back." Lu Xiaorong took Shen Lin's hand and said, "Let's watch it in the afternoon and forget it with an acquaintance."

Shen Lin also calmed down completely at this time. He knew very well that he really had nothing to tangle with this kind of person.So he shook Lu Xiaorong's hand and said, "Okay, let's go back."

Just when the two were about to leave, the middle-aged man blocked Shen Lin's way.

"Why, do you want to leave at this time?"

Looking at the middle-aged man who looked energetic, Shen Lin said calmly: "I'm too lazy to argue with you."

"But I have to argue with you!" As the middle-aged man spoke, he slapped his palm on the table not far away and said, "Aren't you unconvinced? Let me tell you, you can leave this time if you want. Wait for me and My wife can’t leave until she sees the doctor.”

"Otherwise, you won't be able to leave."

Following the middle-aged man's words, several men who looked like security guards walked over under the leadership of the nurse.

This situation almost made Shen Lin angry.

He looked at the middle-aged man's imposing appearance and knew that he was entangled. He was not afraid, but he was afraid of running into Lu Xiaorong.

He immediately said: "Okay, I'll wait until you see the doctor."

While talking, Shen Lin picked up his PHS, found a number and dialed it.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard someone say: "Director Shen, I was talking about looking for you? During this inspection, your company's evaluation is very high!"

"Haha, but we think, Director Shen, you can't just put your scientific research power here with us."

"We still have many industrial advantages here, especially in manufacturing. I think you should build a computer production base here."

Hearing these enthusiastic words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I will definitely consider your suggestion."

"The current situation is like this. I am seeing a doctor in our hospital, and now they are not allowed to leave. Can you help me contact him?"

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Director Shen, where are you? I will make arrangements for you right now." '

Shen Lin immediately reported his location and hung up the phone.

The middle-aged man watched Shen Lin put down his PHS, and said with a smile: "Why, you're looking for someone, right? Let me tell you, no matter who you are looking for this time, you can't leave until I finish the treatment."

"Grandma, don't think that with a PHS, you can pretend to be a big-tailed wolf here."

"It's not easy for anyone to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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