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Chapter 2031 Isn't this a scam?

Chapter 2031 Isn't this a scam?
Boss Qiu is very angry!
My wife and I came to the hospital to see a doctor. In order not to waste time, we found a familiar old friend.

Everything was going fine, but it was stopped by a young man.

Say you jump in line!
Are you cutting in line?It has something to do with it.

To have some people point fingers at him is really against him.

This matter cannot be left alone!

This time, I must let that young man know why the flowers are so red!
Qiu always didn't bother to apologize. He just wanted to let this young man know that even if he was unhappy about some things, he still had to watch.

As for the young man's silent manner, he felt relieved for a while.

He took his wife and walked into the doctor's office with great pride.

Before leaving, he glanced at the young man proudly.

But unfortunately, the young man didn't look at him, he just spoke softly to his wife, as if talking about something.

Hateful guy!
Mr. Qiu didn't close the door. He just wanted the young man to watch him waste time, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Doctor, I'm Lao Qiu, the one outside..."

Just when Mr. Qiu was talking nonsense loudly, a short and fat figure ran over quickly.

He glanced around twice, and then landed on Shen Lin and his wife who were blocking their way.

When he arrived, his heart was already in his throat.

After all, the person who just made the thunderous wrath determines his future.

Once that person makes up his mind, it will have a huge impact on him.

He didn't know what was going on, but anger fell on the top of his head, which made him confused and cautious at the same time.

"Excuse me... are you Director Shen?" Although I think this person is too young, it seems that this pair of young people are the ones who meet the requirements here.

Shen Lin looked at the short and fat figure with sweat on his forehead and said calmly: "I am Shen Lin."

"Hello, Director Shen, we didn't do our job well. I apologize to you. I will definitely handle this matter properly, and..."

Shen Lin didn't wait for the pudgy figure to finish speaking, and said calmly: "I want to leave now, can I leave?"

"Of course you can, Director Shen. No one can stop you from our side. I heard that you are here to see a doctor. I think you should go to my office first."

"If you need anything, I'll ask someone to..."

Shen Lin said: "Thank you, but we are not in the mood now."

"If there is nothing else, let's go first."

While talking, Shen Lin pulled Lu Xiaorong and started to walk out.

Today's events were naturally not a happy one for Shen Lin, and he didn't want to stay here.

Looking at Shen Lin who was about to leave, the short and fat man said: "Director Shen, I am the person in charge here. You can just call me Lao Li."

"Haha, it's not that I want to stop you, it's actually my boss who said he is coming over now."

"If you leave, it will be hard for me to explain!"

Shen Lin said: "Dean Li, don't worry about this, I will explain it to you."

"But I don't want to stay here anymore."

"I don't think you want me to tell the person who asked you to come that you won't let me go now."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Dean Li knew that he could no longer stop him. He could only say: "Director Shen, if you want to leave, of course I can't stop you." '

"Can you tell me what exactly happened?"

"Why would anyone stop you?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dean Li, why would someone stop me? Just ask the person who stopped me." Several security guards who followed knew that something was wrong when they saw Dean Li coming. good.

At this time, when they heard Shen Lin talking about them, their faces became even more ugly.

The leader among them said to the nurse beside him: "Dean, it was Nurse Feng who asked us to come, saying that someone is causing trouble here."

"We don't know anything else."

The woman known as Head Nurse Feng quickly said: "Dean, the thing is like this, this gentleman..."

Shen Lin didn't listen to Nurse Feng's explanation and strode out.

Dean Li looked at his subordinates and basically made a guess.

He glared hard at Nurse Feng, and then quickly followed Shen Lin out: "Dr. Shen, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

At this time, Mr. Qiu, who was in the doctor's office, also heard the noise.

He glanced at Dean Li and said to the doctor who was not interested in seeing a doctor: "Who is this?"

"Dean Li, the top leader of our hospital."

When Mr. Qiu heard this, he was immediately moved that things were not simple.

In his eyes, the young man who just pretended to be on the phone was not bluffing.

Thinking of Dean Li coming over quickly, he suddenly felt that something was not right.

At this moment, Dean Li, who had sent Shen Lin away, had already walked over. He glanced at the doctor in the room and said, "Xiao Qin, please come to my office later."

Having said this, he glanced at Mr. Qiu again and said, "Please don't leave for a moment and help us understand the situation?"

"Dean Li, I am Lao Qiu, Dean He's friend. I have something to do about that. Do you think we can talk later?"

Mr. Qiu's words were full of flattery.

"Friend of Lao He, hehe, tell me, did Lao He ask you to do this? Are you really..."

Dean Li stopped before he finished speaking.

Although Dean Li did not know about this matter, he knew that he might not be able to pass the test this time.

The above attitude towards Director Shen made him feel that he was in big trouble this time.

"Who is that person?" Mr. Qiu already felt that something was different and asked Dean Li in a deep voice.

Dean Li didn't say anything, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Dean Li, you can't kill someone without a nod. You have to let me know where this happened, right?"

There was a hint of unwillingness in Mr. Qiu's words.

Dean Li glanced at Mr. Qiu fiercely and said, "Okay, I'll tell you."

"I don't know if you are so lucky that you met Director Shen Lin and Shen."

Shen Lin, Director Shen!
Mr. Qiu was in business, so he naturally knew about Shen Lin.

When he heard Shen Lin's name, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say!
In his opinion, this Director Shen should be superior. How could he come here to queue up? Shouldn't he have his own personal doctor?
This... what is this?
"Dean Li, are you... are you kidding me?" Mr. Qiu looked at Dean Li, with a hint of crying in his voice.

Dean Li said calmly: "Mr. Qiu, although we are not familiar with each other, do you think it is necessary for me to make this joke with you?"

"That young man is Director Shen, and I am the most unlucky person in this matter."

As he spoke, he glared at Nurse Feng fiercely, and then strode towards his office.

(End of this chapter)

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