Chapter 2032
"Dr. Shen, congratulations, Ms. Lu is pregnant." The soft-faced Dr. Chen said to Shen Lin with a smile: "Because the time is short, there are not too many things that need to be paid attention to."

"By the way, don't work too hard, don't stay up late..."

In one breath, Dr. Chen gave a lot of advice.

When Shen Lin came, he already had this suspicion in his mind.

But at this time, listening to Dr. Chen's words, his heart was still full of surprises.

"Thank you Dr. Chen. I really need to trouble you this time." Shen Lin said with a little excitement in his voice: "I will inevitably trouble you again in the future."

"It should be at this time." Dr. Chen said very politely.

Although as a famous doctor, Dr. Chen is quite famous.

And in many things, if she is unwilling to do it, even the person in charge of the hospital cannot force her.

But she knew better the influence of this young man.

If nothing else, let's just say that yesterday, this young man took his wife for a pregnancy check-up, but it caused a big incident.

As far as she knew, there were several people who had to pay the price for this matter.

So today Shen Lin brought his wife for a check-up. The dean gave her a whole morning off and asked her to take good care of Director Shen.

She was very unwilling to do this kind of thing.

But the dean told her earnestly that Director Shen might not care about this aspect, but the higher-ups had to care about it.

The current development of MiKe Electronics has become a rare high-quality enterprise.

It can be said that wherever such enterprises go, they can bring huge benefits to various places.

However, the locations for MiKe Electronics to establish branch factories are limited after all, so this made MiKe Electronics suddenly become a hot commodity.

As the leader of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin naturally sees a rising tide lifting all boats.

After being told by the dean, Dr. Chen finally had no choice but to accept this task.

However, her contact with Shen Lin made her realize that Director Shen, who was already considered superior in the eyes of many people, was very easy to talk to.

If you didn't know his identity, it would be easy to think that he was just an ordinary person.

But MiKe Electronics, MiKe City, MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall...

How can people treat these top big companies as an ordinary person.

What's more, his wife is not only rich, but also one of the top writers. It is said that the annual royalties are over [-] million.

And such people are actually willing to queue up.

This is really...

"Dr. Shen, I'm a little curious. I wonder if you can satisfy my curiosity." Dr. Chen couldn't help but ask after giving the medical advice.

A nurse standing behind Dr. Chen felt uneasy in her heart.

When she came, she was warned by the director not to let Dr. Chen cause trouble.

But I didn't expect that when this matter was about to end, Dr. Chen actually asked a question.

What is Dr. Chen doing?

But at this moment, she couldn't say anything, she could only look at Dr. Chen anxiously.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dr. Chen, we are friends. If you have any questions, just ask."

"As long as I can answer it, I will never hide it."

Dr. Chen was a little uneasy at this time, but in the end she gritted her teeth and said: "Dr. Shen, according to the status of you and Ms. Lu, it is very easy to have a prenatal check-up, but why are you waiting in line?"

Shen Lin glanced at Lu Xiaorong and said with a smile: "It would be hypocritical to say that we like to line up."

"It's like this. Xiaorong was afraid that he would be happy in vain, so he didn't want to stir up trouble." "So the two of us wanted to go to the hospital for a quiet check-up, but we didn't expect that we would encounter such a thing."

Listening to Shen Lin's answer, Dr. Chen couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Shen Lin's PHS phone rang.

Shen Lin looked at the phone number and connected directly.

Before Shen Lin could speak, the other end of the phone said enthusiastically: "Director Shen, congratulations, hahaha, I woke up today and heard the magpies calling again. It's really good news."

"When we get back, we will have a good celebration!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "That's for sure. This time Xiaorong's inspection is thanks to you for arranging it."

"I was talking about calling you to thank you?"

"When are you free? I'll treat you to a few drinks."

The other end of the phone said: "I will be free whenever you, Director Shen, say I am free. But today, Director Shen, you have to spend some time with your siblings. Let's do this. This week, let's find a time to sit down and have a good time." .”

"Haha, I'll arrange this."

After exchanging a few words, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Before he could speak to Dr. Chen, the PHS phone rang again.

Shen Lin glanced at the caller's number and finally answered the call.

Dr. Chen listened to Shen Lin's greetings and knew that the person on the other end of the phone was also concerned about Mrs. Shen's pregnancy.

Although he didn't know who the caller was, from Shen Lin's look and words, he felt that this was not an ordinary person.

one, two, three...

In just ten minutes, Shen Lin had already answered seven or eight calls.

Among them, there were several calls, but Shen Lin didn't answer them.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Dr. Chen who was a little overwhelmed and said with a smile: "Dr. Chen, he can't stop calling for a while. You'd better tell me something I need to pay attention to."

Dr. Chen said: "Ms. Lu, this matter was not revealed by me."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "I know, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Dr. Chen cheered up and talked to Lu Xiaorong about some things that need to be paid attention to in daily life.Just after what Dr. Chen said, Shen Lin put down the phone.

He said to Dr. Chen: "Dr. Chen, I wasted your time this morning."

"If you have nothing to do at noon today, I would like to treat you to a meal to express our gratitude."

Instinctively, Dr. Chen wanted to refuse.

But before she could finish speaking, the door opened and the dean with a smile on his face walked in and said, "Dr. Shen, I heard that your family is going to have a big event. I'm here to congratulate you."

Shen Lin looked at the dean who took the opportunity to come over and said with a smile: "Dean Ma, thank you very much!"

"I just said that since you and Dr. Chen don't have anything to do at noon, let me express my gratitude and let's find a place to have a meal."

"Dean Ma and you two, please don't refuse this matter!"

Dean Ma came over, originally wanting to have a meal with the boss of Mi Ke Electronics. At this time, Shen Lin said so politely, as if you don't appreciate me, and I won't be able to do it.

Immediately he said happily: "Dr. Shen, since you said so, then this time, I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Dean Ma, we are all our own people. If you continue to be so polite, I feel that you treat me as an outsider."

"How could it be? I have always felt that Director Shen and I are the same person." The smile on Dean Ma's face became brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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