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Chapter 2033 Don't listen to the old man

Chapter 2033 Don't listen to the old man
The news of Lu Xiaorong's pregnancy soon spread in Shen Lin's circle.

As family members, Shen Xingye and his wife made a special call, while Chen Hongying directly dragged Lu Dahai over.

If in the past, Chen Hongying had no regard for Shen Lin, the son-in-law, then now, in Chen Hongying's eyes, Shen Lin, the son-in-law, was the best thing.

After all, Shen Lin is really giving her too much face now.

Although many people in Dongzhou know about her past treatment of Shen Lin, this does not change anything.

Lu Xiaorong is her daughter, and Lu Xiaoshan is also a very important figure in MiKe Electronics.

Therefore, no matter who sees Chen Hongying, they must praise her for her ability to teach her children well and to cultivate both children into talents.

Although Chen Hongying smiled and accepted all these compliments, she was shrewd and knew that everything in her family was entirely because of Shen Lin.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, everything would be irrelevant.

This time from Dongzhou to see her daughter, Chen Hongying brought a lot of things.In order to bring these things back, she asked Lu Xiaoshan to find a very comfortable business car and drive all the way to Beijing.

"Xiao Rong, look at you, you are wearing such thin clothes. What should you do if you catch a cold? You are so old and you don't know how to pay attention to your body."

Chen Hongying looked at Lu Xiaorong who was wearing thin home clothes and complained directly.

Lu Xiaorong didn't have much resistance to his mother's complaints.

She smiled and said, "Mom, I'll just be careful in the future."

"Hurry up, sit down and rest for a while. I called Shen Lin. He will be back in a minute."

"By the way, let's go out to eat today."

Hearing that Shen Lin would come back soon, Chen Hongying said, "What has Shen Lin been busy with recently?"

"What else can I be busy with? I'm busy with MiKe Electronics."

"It's not like you don't know that there are so many people in his company. If he wants to be busy, he will be busy to death."

After hearing what Lu Xiaorong said, Chen Hongying said: "There are a lot of things going on with Mi Ke. Xiaorong, I feel that the company is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more outsiders."

"If there were no relatives in the company, Shen Lin might have been deceived."

"The second son of your third uncle's family has just graduated from college. He has a lot of ideas. I think if he helps Shen Lin, he can definitely share a lot of burdens with Shen Lin."

When Lu Xiaorong heard his mother's words, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Lu Xiaorong knew about his cousin from his third uncle's family.

This boy is not very stable in temperament, and he is very careless in doing things. Lu Xiaorong does not like this cousin too much.

It is not impossible for him to join Shen Lin's company as an ordinary employee.

After all, you can practice little by little and slowly improve.But from his mother's words, Lu Xiaorong had a feeling that his mother did not want this cousin to become an ordinary employee.

She pondered for a moment and said, "Mom, MiKe Electronics has now formed a system for hiring people."

"Even Shen Lin is following this employment system."

"If my cousin wants to enter MiKe Electronics, it's not impossible, but he has to start from the grassroots step by step."

"What's more, I don't think his personality is suitable for staying in the company."

When Chen Hongying came here this time, Lu Xiaorong's third uncle came to her specifically for this matter.

At that time, Chen Hongying thought it was not a big deal and agreed to let her nephew become a manager.

Shen Lin hasn't said anything yet, but Lu Xiaorong has started talking.

"Xiao Rong, why are you so stupid!"

"Why did Mom arrange for her family members to enter MiKe Electronics? Isn't it for you and Xiao Guoke?"

"As Shen Lin's business grows, more and more people are peeping at him." As she spoke, Chen Hongying took out a few magazines from her pocket and said to Lu Xiaorong: " Xiaorong, look at these."

"Whatever is said here, Shen Lin..."

Lu Xiaorong took the magazine handed over by Chen Hongying and saw that the paper quality was not very good, and the content on it was even more gaudy.

"Meeting the Fox Fairy at night, the little scholar must repay his kindness by saving his life." 》

"A story that must be told!" 》

"Boss Mihu, the Queen of Night Party Singing!" 》


Looking at the message above, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but laugh: "Mom, what are you seeing?"

"These things are all made up."

"They couldn't even find a publisher. They wrote these just to attract attention."

Lu Dahai sat aside and didn't speak much. When he heard his daughter's words, he turned to Chen Hongying and said, "Old lady, let me just tell you, you can take care of your children at home honestly. Other things will be done." Leave it alone."

"What's more, none of these things seem reliable."

"Look, is this still a folk tale?"

Chen Hongying said: "There is no smoke without fire, Xiaorong, let me tell you, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences in front of you."

"It will be too late when you suffer the consequences."

"Let me tell you, since your cousin can't be a manager, it's better to let him be a secretary for Shen Lin, so that he can learn and follow Shen Lin."

"If there is any trouble, he can tell you in advance, so you can be prepared."

Lu Xiaorong waved his hand and said, "Mom, don't talk about this matter."

"If my cousin wants to join MiKe Electronics, I will think of a way for him. How far he can achieve it depends on his ability. If he has other ideas, then find another job."

Chen Hongying wanted to speak, but Lu Dahai pulled her and signaled her to stop as soon as she was ready.

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the house. As soon as Shen Lin entered the door, he smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, I was going to pick you up, but I just happened to catch up with the investigation from above."

"Did your trip go well?"

Although Chen Hongying had just spoken loudly when she said to be careful of Shen Lin, when she saw Shen Lin walking in, she smiled and said, "We have been taking our own company's cars along the way."

"What's more, the driver, Xiao Li, has thought everything out in advance, so we don't have to worry about it at all. Why do we need to pick him up?"

"It's been a smooth journey, nothing happened."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "As long as it goes well."

While he was talking, he picked up the thermos and added some water to Lu Dahai's teacup: "Dad, are you still used to stepping back now?"

"Shen Lin, I think I can still do this for a while."

Lu Dahai said: "When it comes to technology, those young people are far behind me. Instead of letting those young people waste materials, why don't you let me do it for a while?"

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Dad, our company mainly trains new people. What's more, although you said you quit, you didn't say you don't have to go to the factory."

"You are still the technical guide in our factory. When it is time to give guidance, you will give them guidance."

Lu Dahai said: "I originally thought so, but now when I go to the workshop, I am surrounded by a group of people. I feel really uncomfortable."

"So, I might as well stay home and."

After chatting for a while, Lu Dahai suddenly said: "Shen Lin, I heard that you are going to the United States in a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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