Chapter 2034 The Unruly Person
When Shen Lin heard Lu Dahai's question, he smiled and said, "Dad, the MiKe [-] operating system is going to be promoted, so I'm going to go there."

"Before going to the United States, I need to go to Europe first."

“That was our first stop to promote the MiKe II system.”

Lu Dahai said: "Shen Lin, I don't know much about product promotion."

"But I think you can let others do this. You are the person in charge of the company now, don't you need to do everything yourself?"

Shen Lin knew that Lu Dahai cared about him when he told the truth, so he smiled and said, "Dad, I understand."

"But the MiKe [-] operating system is of great importance, so I still have to go there in person."

"It's only a matter of ten days, and I'll be back soon."

Seeing that Shen Lin had made up his mind, Lu Dahai didn't say any more about this matter. The family's conversation shifted to the family's personal problems.

After having a meal outside, Chen Hongying and his wife went to the guest room to rest. After Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong returned to their bedroom, they smiled and said, "Our dad and the others came at the right time this time."

"I was worried. I went to Europa and you had no one to take care of you."

"It's okay now. With our parents here, I don't have to worry."

What Shen Lin said was true. Lu Xiaorong was soft on the outside but strong on the inside. He was very thoughtful in many things.In terms of ensuring her rest, Chen Hongying is definitely a good candidate.

Lu Xiaorong said: "Shen Lin, I'm always a little worried when you go out this time."

"Why don't you go and let Yuan Cheng and the others go for you."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong, who looked worried, and said with a smile: "Letting Yuan Cheng and the others go will not be as effective as me going in person."

"What's more, I'm here to launch a product, and I'm not going to fight with them in the past. Don't worry."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's confident look and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Shen Lin, we have to push Mi Ke Er out. We definitely caught the opponent off guard."

"In this case, if the other party has no way to compete with you, you have to be careful about other methods they use!"

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "I will pay attention to this."

"Don't worry, I know this well."

With the release of the MiKe II system at the winter conference, sales have skyrocketed from the very beginning.

Although the MiKe II CD is cheap, it still sold a lot of sets.

However, this also made it more urgent for Shen Lin to go to Europa to hold a press conference.

Shen Lin attached great importance to this matter, so those who followed Shen Lin were naturally elite soldiers and generals.

"Beep beep..."

Shen Lin, who was sitting behind his desk, was reading a report. When he heard the phone ringing, he picked it up.

"Hello, who is that?" Shen Lin asked casually.

"Director Shen, this is York Hansen." On the other end of the phone, York Hansen's respectful voice came over.

What's the matter with York Hansen's phone call at this time.

Shen Lin asked casually: "Mr. Hansen, what's the matter?"

York Hansen said: "Director Shen, I am here to bring you good news. With the sales of the MiKe II system at your place, our stock has soared more than three times, and now our stock is still rising."

"I think if you continue to rise at this level, you will soon be not far from the throne of the richest man."

Hearing York Hansen's compliment, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Hansen, if the increase continues at this level, I believe our company will have a new billionaire."

York Hansen laughed, and it was naturally him who Shen Lin said this.For him, he is also looking forward to a big increase in his wealth.

"Director Shen, I think after the Mi Ke Er press conference is held here, our stock will grow significantly."

"At that time, as the boss of MiKe Computer Operating System Company, your wealth will definitely increase a lot."

York Hansen said: "In the past few days, many media have been asking me, when will you come to hold this press conference?"

"There are quite a few of them, and they all want to book an exclusive interview with you."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. York Hansen, if there are no accidents, I plan to hold the Europa press conference within ten days."

"I will trouble you with the preparations for this press conference."

"I'll go over immediately after I've taken care of things here."

When York Hansen heard the confirmation letter, he immediately said happily: "Dr. Shen, before you come over, I will complete everything for you."

"Don't worry!"

After hanging up the phone from York Hansen, Shen Lin began to think about the stock of Mihu Computer Operating System Company. It had only been listed for a few days and had already more than tripled. If it continues to rise, the value of the stock he controls would be ,that is……

Just as the years were flashing through Shen Lin's heart, the phone rang again.

Those who can make a direct call are not ordinary people.

Shen Lin answered the phone and heard Cheng Zhenyuan's voice: "Director Shen, are you busy now?"

"Mr. Cheng, I have been thinking about something for a long time. How is the company doing?"

Shen Lin has always respected Cheng Zhenyuan very much. After all, with Cheng Zhenyuan in charge, he basically doesn't have to worry about the company's affairs.

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, the company is pretty good. After our winter press conference, the sales of both new products and old products have been boosted."

"Many workshops now basically work in three shifts to maintain production."

"I'm calling you this time because I have something I want to discuss with you."

Shen Lin heard Cheng Zhenyuan's solemnity from Cheng Zhenyuan's words, and immediately said: "Mr. Cheng, if you have anything to do, just ask. If you are polite to me, you will be indifferent."

"Director Shen, I think it is unnecessary for you to go out to promote Mi Ke Er this time."

"You are the backbone of our MiKe Electronics. Many things in the company need to be managed by you."

"For this promotion, I think we can just send a person in charge there."

"If you are worried, Director Shen, you can go back to Dongzhou and take charge while I go out and take a look."

Hearing what Cheng Zhenyuan said, Shen Lin's expression became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Cheng, have you heard anything?"

"Otherwise, why would you suddenly want to go out in my place?"

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, I'm just a little worried. After all, the launch of our Mi Ke [-] is a blow to Juying Company."

"When it comes to doing business, although most people abide by the rules, some people are not necessarily so abiding by the rules."

"You are the person in charge of our MiKe Electronics. I think there is really no need for you to take this risk."

“After all, Qianrihong is at home, so it’s hard to go out!”

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Cheng, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I know what you mean."

"Well, I still have some things on hand. If Mr. Cheng has nothing else to do, I will hang up first."

(End of this chapter)

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