Chapter 2035 The Son of a Thousand Gold
Shen Lin understood what Cheng Zhenyuan was worried about.

Of course, Shen Lin felt that Cheng Zhenyuan's worries were not unreasonable.

In the previous life, there were some very bad rumors.

With the development of the MiKe II operating system, the opponent may use some off-board tricks if the competition is weak.

However, the development of the MiKe II operating system has reached the most critical moment. If you don't get over it, it will be very detrimental to this conference.

Thoughts flashed rapidly in Shen Lin's heart.

"Boom boom boom!"

A gentle knock on the door broke Shen Lin's thoughts. After calming himself down for a while, he said come in.

The person who walked in was Shi Congyun. She glanced at Shen Lin, and then said respectfully: "Director Shen, Mr. Ma Yuancheng is here. He said he has something to report to you."

Ma Yuancheng is here!
Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Ma, please come in."

As the person in charge of MiKe computing operating system research, Ma Yuancheng's position in MiKe Electronics is already a senior executive at this time.

But at this time, he was still dressed very casually.

After arriving in front of Shen Lin, Ma Yuancheng greeted Shen Lin with a smile.

"Yuan Cheng, what's the matter?" Shen Lin asked with a smile after pouring water for Ma Yuancheng.

"Director Shen, our MiKe II system has basically replaced the market of our original MiKe I operating system, and..."

Ma Yuancheng reported on his work for more than ten minutes in one breath.

When Shen Lin listened to Ma Yuancheng's report, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He had a strong feeling that Ma Yuancheng came to him today not just to report this to him.

So he said in a deep voice: "Yuan Cheng, is there anything else?"

"Director Shen, do you think you can send me to go to Europa for this promotional event?"

" partner just wants to go there, but I'm usually too busy at work and can't get away for a while. It's even more embarrassing for me to ask for leave when everyone is working."

"If I can promote it, everyone will have no objections."

Looking at Ma Yuancheng who looked expectant, Shen Lin understood something in his heart.

He smiled and said: "Yuan Cheng, did you receive a call?"

Ma Yuancheng instinctively wanted to say no, but looking at Shen Lin's half-smiling expression, he pondered for a moment and said, "Director Shen, Mr. Cheng just contacted me."

"When I first started, I felt that Mr. Cheng's worries were unnecessary."

"But after calming down and thinking about it, I feel that Mr. Cheng's worries are not unreasonable."

"Although the possibility of some things is very small, it is not impossible to happen."

Ma Yuancheng said: "Although our MiKe Electronics is prosperous now, the development of MiKe Electronics is all tied to you."

"So for the development of MiKe Electronics, I think you should take charge."

“Rather than having to do everything yourself.”

Shen Lin looked at Ma Yuancheng's solemn expression and said with a smile: "Yuan Cheng, I went to the last press conference in person. If I go this time, the effect may be better."

"And we are not alone now, on the Europa side."

"With our stock issuance, I think more people will support us."

Ma Yuancheng said: "Director Shen, what you said is very reasonable, but I still think there is no need for you to take this risk."

"Besides, the effect is poor, just a little lacking."

"What's more, the development of our MiKe [-] operating system does not rely solely on promotion."

Shen Lin looked at Ma Yuancheng, who had a firm look on his face, and pondered for a moment: "Yuan Cheng, let me think about this matter first." Seeing that Shen Lin did not refuse immediately, Ma Yuancheng smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I'm waiting for you. decision."

After seeing Ma Yuancheng off, Shen Lin stood up and walked back and forth in front of his desk.

Although the possibility Ma Yuancheng said is very small, it is not impossible.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin hesitated for a moment.

Originally, Shen Lin was determined to go, but Ma Yuancheng's words seemed not unreasonable.

Just when Shen Lin was hesitant, the knock on the door rang again. Shen Lin said come in, and Shi Congyun reported: "Director Shen, Mr. Wen Zaisong from Taiyu Group is here."

Wen Zaisong is here!
What is he doing here?
With the decline of Taiyu Group, Shen Lin and Wen Zaisong have fewer and fewer opportunities to deal with each other.

Moreover, the status between the two people has also changed a lot.

"Please come in, Mr. Wen."

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and then said.

In just 2 minutes, Wen Zaisong appeared in front of Shen Lin.

In the past, Wen Zaisong cared a lot about his external image, which gave Shen Lin the impression that he had always been meticulous, rigorous and confident.

But at this time, although Wen Zaisong was dressed the same as before, from Shen Lin's perspective, Wen Zaisong's whole person was filled with a sense of twilight and exhaustion.

Shen Lin greeted Wen Zaisong outside his office door.

Originally, according to Shen Lin's status at this time, he could just have Wen Zaisong brought to his office.After all, the status of the two people has changed a lot.

Wen Zaisong was very surprised that Shen Lin came out to greet him in person.

A trace of imperceptible excitement flashed in the corner of his eyes, but in the end he calmed down and said, "Thank you, Director Shen, for coming to pick me up personally. Your gesture really makes me feel warmer!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, we are old friends. If you say this, you are out of touch."

Wen Zaisong opened his mouth, but ultimately said nothing.

After Shen Lin invited Wen Zaisong to sit down, he chatted with Wen Zaisong about daily life.

Shen Lin was not in a hurry at this time. Since Wen Zaisong took the initiative to come to him, he would naturally tell him the purpose of his trip. So at this time, what Shen Lin had to do was to stay calm.

And Wen Zaisong also knew this.

However, the situation is stronger than the situation. Now that he has arrived at Shen Lin's office, he has no room for bargaining.

Not to mention such a small negotiation tool.

"Director Shen, I am here this time to send you an invitation on behalf of our Chairman Jin."

After taking a sip of tea, Wen Zaisong said solemnly.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "President Wen, I wonder if Chairman Jin wants to invite me for something?"

"Director Shen, I know that MiKe Electronics has been developing well recently and has truly become a large company."

"But I think there is still some gap between your company and a real group company."

Shen Lin was not angry at Wen Zaisong's remarks. He smiled and said: "I believe that such a day will come sooner or later, and it should be not far away."

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, Wen Zaisong said: "For this point, I am extremely convinced that according to your ability, Director Shen, the future of MiKe Electronics will be bright."

“But I think MiKe Electronics can do this step faster.”

Having said this, Wen Zaisong continued: "Director Shen, our Taiyu Group is preparing to sell some assets. I wonder if you have any plans in this regard."

Taiyu Group sells assets!

Shen Lin looked at Wen Zaisong and said, "Which part of the assets are they?"

(End of this chapter)

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