Chapter 2036 Automobile Business
Wen Zaisong looked at Shen Lin, who looked very interested, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

After all, this is the sale of one's own company's assets. No one would feel too comfortable in such a situation.At this moment, the only thing that echoed in his mind was: A phoenix that has lost its feathers is not as good as a chicken.

But at this time, he had no other choice.

So after pondering for a moment, he said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, if you are willing to buy it, we can sell the car business."

"Of course, other aspects of business are not out of the question."

Car building business!

A trace of solemnity flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

Although the future of the automotive industry will definitely be dominated by electric vehicles, it will take more than 20 years.

Nowadays, although MiKe Electronics' electric vehicles are making progress step by step, various problems of this kind have inevitably arisen.

If you want to solve these problems, buying a large automobile factory like Taiyu Group seems to be a good choice.

However, Shen Lin did not respond immediately, but smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, I just heard you say that other businesses are also acceptable?"

"That's right." Wen Zaisong seemed to relax at this time.

He said to Shen Lin: "Don't say secret words in front of people!"

"Since I'm here to see you, Director Shen, I'm going to be honest with you and won't hide anything from you on this matter."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, the situation of our group is not optimistic now!"

"Because of the previous collapse in the stock market, it has been difficult for us to find loans."

"In this situation, we can only survive by cutting off our arms!"

Shen Lin did not say anything. As for the idea of ​​surviving with a broken arm, Shen Lin felt that it was a bit inaccurate. The Taiyu Group now not only lost its arm, but even cut itself in half to obtain funds.

Core assets were also included in the sell-off at this time.

"How much do you plan to sell your car-making business for?" Shen Lin walked back and forth for a few steps before asking Wen Zaisong.

Wen Zaisong stretched out his arm and said: "15 billion, a beautiful knife!"

A car-making business is selling for 15 billion US dollars. Shen Lin looked at Wen Zaisong's expression, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Wen, I'm very sorry. Although I am very interested in your company's automobile business, we really don't have the US$15 billion."

"So, you'd better find someone else."

When Wen Zaisong came to find Shen Lin, he learned a lot about the situation of MiKe Electronics. He knew very well that MiKe Electronics attached great importance to the car manufacturing industry.

Although they have not built a fuel vehicle, they have been working hard on electric vehicles.

In Wen Zaisong's view, if he were to take over the automobile business, Shen Lin would most likely take over.

But now, Shen Lin refused so simply.

According to normal logic, shouldn’t you bargain for the next step?

However, based on his understanding of Shen Lin, this guy is extremely smart and has as many ideas as a hornet's nest. If he doesn't pay attention, he will fall into the hole he dug. Such a guy will never follow common sense. Cards, it seems reasonable for him to give such an answer.

With this thought in his mind, Wen Zaisong continued: "Director Shen, our Taiyu Group has invested a lot in the enterprise industry. For example, the production line we purchased ten years ago cost US$[-] million. ,besides……"

In one breath, Wen Zaisong introduced many situations to Shen Lin.

And what he introduced can be summed up in one sentence, that is, you really won’t lose money by buying these things.

Shen Lin looked at Wen Zaisong's appearance and said with a smile: "Mr. Wen, what you said, if it were at that time, maybe it would really be worth the price."

"But for us, this is really too expensive."

"We might as well develop it ourselves slowly." "Or, you can contact other buyers."

Wen Zaisong looked at Shen Lin who looked like his body ached because he was too expensive, and knew that it would not work to continue like this.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said: "Director Shen, if you think 15 billion is a bit too much, we can still discuss it."

"Why don't you offer a preferential price yourself."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Wen, I don't know much about your car-making business, so it's impossible to bid directly."

"If it's too high, I can't accept it. If it's too low, you think I'm deliberately lowering the price."

"Let's just wait until I have someone investigate this matter."

Wen Zaisong said: "Then I will wait for news about Director Shen."

"Director Shen, it is not easy for most companies to come up with more than one billion US dollars in cash at once."

"So when our company uses money, we basically communicate effectively with the bank in advance."

"Dr. Shen, you can also learn more about this."

Having said this, he continued: "Director Shen, we have some mobile equipment processing factories. I wonder if you are interested..."

Half an hour later, Shen Lin sent Wen Zaisong out of his office.

This time the two people did not reach any intentional cooperation, but Shen Lin already felt that Taiyu Group was already in a huge financial crisis at this time.

If it weren't for the funding crisis, Taiyu Group would definitely not sell its core assets like this.

Thinking of the consequences caused by Taiyu Group, Shen Lin had an inexplicable thought in his mind, that is, was it because of his participation that a crisis was suddenly brought forward?

It’s not that MiKe Electronics doesn’t have the ability to take over Taiyu Group’s automotive business.

But Shen Lin was worried about indigestion after eating too much.

Putting the affairs of Taiyu Group aside, Shen Lin continued to think about the press conference.

Is it better to go to this press conference by myself?Is it better not to go?
"Director Shen, this is the cooperation invitation we recently received, and these are the things we want to meet with you." Shi Congyun knocked on the door and walked in, handing a typed message record to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin picked up the record and read it carefully.

Among these records, invitations are the most common. Many places have invited MiKe Electronics to build MiKe City, and some even directly gave conditions in the invitations.

The conditions were very favorable, but looking at these conditions, Shen Lin simply put them aside.

The meeting with Wen Zaisong made Shen Lin sensitively realize that the crisis might be in advance.

Although MiKe Electronics has sufficient funds, Shen Lin feels that at this time, it is safer for him to save enough cash flow.

It's not that Mihu City cannot be built, but it's not good to expand too much at once.

After reading the message, Shen Lin placed it on the table and was not prepared to respond directly.

After arranging a few things for Fang Xiaomei, he was ready to leave the company.

But just as he was clearing away the things on the table, the phone on his table rang.

After answering the phone, my brother Shen Hai's voice came from the phone: "Shen Lin, do you have time now? If you have time, I have a friend who wants to meet you."

Shen Lin, who knew his brother very well, knew that it was impossible for his brother to make this call from ordinary friends, so he said in a deep voice: "Brother, I'm in the office. How about I send someone to pick you up?"

"No, we have a car and we can be downstairs of your office in 10 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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