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Chapter 2037 Sincerity of Cooperation

Chapter 2037 Sincerity of Cooperation

Ten minutes later, Shen Hai walked into Shen Lin's office with a middle-aged man in his 10s.

Although he didn't know who his brother brought here, Shen Lin still had to give him his face.

So he asked Shi Congyun to wait outside the hall and welcomed Shen Hai and others into the office.

"Shen Lin, let me introduce to you. This is my instructor in college, Teacher Shen Rujing. My teacher Shen is a scholar who excels in academics and is an official. Now I am working in Suzhou."

When Shen Rujing was introduced to Shen Hai, she smiled and said: "Hello, Director Shen, I have always admired Dong Shen's name for a long time, but I have never met him. This time, I have benefited from Shen Hai's favor. Otherwise, I would still be in trouble." It’s hard to see Director Shen!”

Shen Lin shook hands with Shen Rujing, and then said with a smile: "Teacher Shen is too polite. You are my brother's teacher, and that is my teacher. Please sit down."

After Shi Congyun served tea and exchanged simple greetings, Shen Rujing smiled and said: "Director Shen, I came here this time to invite you, Director Shen, to inspect our place."

"Let me give Director Shen a brief introduction to the situation over there..."

While talking, Shen Rujing introduced the situation in Gusu.

With the development of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin encountered more and more people who came to invite MiKe Electronics to invest.

For general invitations, Shen Lin basically pushed them as far as he could.

After all, MiKe Electronics has limited funds and it is impossible for him to invest everywhere.

As for the production base, he prefers to locate it in Dongzhou.

However, Shen Rujing was brought by Shen Hai after all, and the future development prospects in Gusu were very good, so after Shen Lin pondered for a moment, he said seriously: "Teacher Shen, as for investing in you, I My heart is still very happy.”

"However, the production layout of our MiKe Electronics has been planned long ago."

"So, if we want to investigate, the focus should be on Mihu City."

“If everything is suitable, we will give priority to building Mihu City in your area.”

After listening to Shen Lin's words, Shen Rujing originally thought that her run was in vain this time, but she didn't expect that Shen Lin actually gave her a big gasp.

Although the industrial settlement of MiKe Electronics is very attractive, the construction of MiKe City is also very attractive.

Once a Mihu City is built, there are many hidden benefits.

"Director Shen, thank you very much for your attention to us. After I return, I will report to the superiors immediately. Whenever Director Shen is free, please feel free to visit us for inspection."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Shen is so polite. The conditions in your land are also very good. We have always hoped to invest in you."

After the matter was finalized, Shen Rujing knew that Shen Lin was busy, so she was about to say goodbye and leave.

Shen Lin naturally wanted to give face to his brother in this matter. He smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, it's still early. Why don't I let someone accompany you to visit our Mike City today? Let’s have a nice drink at noon.”

Shen Rujing naturally agreed happily to Shen Lin's invitation.

So Shen Lin called Shi Congyun and asked her to accompany Teacher Shen to visit Mi Ke City, but he stopped Shen Hai who wanted to go with him.

Shen Rujing didn't know what Brother Shen Lin was going to say, but he didn't ask and left with Shi Congyun with a smile.

Chen Hai thought that what Shen Lin was going to say was about Shen Rujing, so he smiled and said, "Shen Lin, Teacher Shen is quite reliable."

"When I was in school, they took great care of me."

"And the place they have there is pretty good, otherwise, I wouldn't introduce it to you."

Shen Lin said: "Brother, these are all trivial matters. Don't worry, we still have our own basic judgment on this matter."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "Brother, I have something else here, and I want to hear your opinion." Seeing Shen Lin's solemn words, Shen Hai said, "Did something happen?"

"No, it's the promotion of the MiKe [-] operating system." Shen Lin said: "Mr. Cheng called me and said he didn't want me to go there to promote it."

"He was mainly worried about my safety. He felt that if I went out, someone would do some dirty tricks."

"After all, Juying Company will not be willing to admit defeat given the current situation."

Chen Hai also frowned after listening to Shen Lin's words.

Although he was not familiar with the management of MiKe Electronics, he felt that it was of great importance.

"Shen Lin, I think what Mr. Cheng said is not unreasonable. You should really pay attention to this now."

"You are the chairman of MiKe Electronics. If something goes wrong with you, I'm afraid the company will encounter a lot of difficulties."

“As for the promotion of the MiKe [-] operating system, I think you can definitely send other people there.”

"As long as you, the chairman, are in charge, they won't dare to act recklessly. After all, not only will the effect not be achieved, but the gains may outweigh the losses."

Shen Lin listened to Shen Hai's analysis and did not immediately express his position.

Computer operating systems are very important. Shen Lin is very clear about the importance of market share to operating systems.

If we cannot speed up promotion at such a good time now, it will be a bit late by the time Juying Company catches up.

But Cheng Zhenyuan's suggestion is not nonsense.

"If we send someone to promote it, who do you think is the most suitable?" Shen Lin pondered for a while and then asked Chen Hai.

"Shen Lin, I can't give you a clear opinion on who to send."

"But I feel that if a company wants to develop healthily, it cannot rely on just one person."

"When you should delegate power, you should streamline administration and delegate power. As the chairman, you only need to be responsible for taking charge of the overall situation."

At noon, Shen Rujing, who visited Mihu City, looked full of excitement.

Although he had seen the prosperity of Mihu City, what he saw was only the surface.

Under the leadership of Shi Congyun, he saw the internal information of Mi Ke City.

For example, the daily turnover of MiKe City, the number of merchants in MiKe City, the number of people who can be employed in MiKe City, and...

All kinds of numbers can be said to be an eye-opener for him.

He even felt that building a MiKe City would be more cost-effective than moving a division of MiKe Electronics there.

"Director Shen, today's visit opened my eyes. I sincerely hope that Director Shen can start construction of our Mike City as soon as possible."

Holding the wine glass, Shen Rujing said with a smile.

Shen Lin also smiled and said: "Teacher Shen, I also hope that this time can be as early as possible."

"But the future construction of Mihu City will be indispensable without Teacher Shen's care and help!"

Shen Rujing promised with a smile: "Director Shen, since I introduced Mike City to Mike City, I will be responsible for everything that follows, both public and private."

While talking, the two people's wine glasses touched together gently.

(End of this chapter)

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