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Chapter 2042 The temptation of going public

Chapter 2042 The temptation of going public

"Mr. Cheng, do you remember Lao Shao?" Guangzi asked directly without being polite to Cheng Zhenyuan.

Cheng Zhenyuan frowned when Guangzi mentioned Lao Shao.

In his heart, he was a little unhappy about Photon.

Lu Zhongyong had already told him about this matter, and Director Shen also made his position clear on this matter.

Guangzi is still so unwilling to give up, as if he won't give up until he helps him. What is he going to do?If you want to save the country, do you want me to help you?

But in the end, he still gave Guangzi face on the surface and listened to Guangzi's words quietly.

Guangzi also noticed the change in Cheng Zhenyuan's expression. He knew this kind of thing and couldn't hide it from Cheng Zhenyuan, so he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Cheng, Lao Shao still has a lot of skills, and he is also loyal to our group. .”

"Director Shen didn't mention him this time. It's his fault."

"But I think we still have to give him a chance in this matter."

"Also, there are several competitors who are poaching him. If he leaves, it will cause a lot of losses to our company."

"Mr. Cheng, I think we should give him a chance."

"Lao Shao is quite a good person."

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Guangzi, who looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Guangzi, I've heard people say this."

"Normally, since you mentioned this matter, I should beg for mercy from Director Shen."

"But no, bro."

"Because I think Director Shen handled this matter correctly."

"If he were working for me, I wouldn't promote him either."

"As for other competitors you said want to poach him, if he wants to go, that's his freedom."

After Cheng Zhenyuan finished speaking, Guangzi's face became a little ugly.

He is the top leader of MiKe Logistics. When Shen Lin started his business, he followed the founding fathers. It can be said that very few people did not give him face.

This time he came to Cheng Zhenyuan because he felt that Cheng Zhenyuan could influence Shen Lin.

But he didn't expect that he would actually eat a nail in Lao Cheng's place.

This made him feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

For a moment, I felt like I didn't know what to say.

After taking a breath, he said slowly: "Mr. Cheng, Lao Shao has some big clients in his hands. If we let these people go, it will be a big loss for us!"

"I'm doing this for the company too!"

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Guangzi, I'm sorry, this matter ends here. I can't help you tell Director Shen."

Guangzi smiled reluctantly and said: "Mr. Cheng, just pretend that I didn't say anything about this matter, but Lao Shao's resignation this time may be inevitable."

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said no more.

In this atmosphere, Photon knew that there was no point in staying any longer, so he stood up and left.

Cheng Zhenyuan gave him face this time and sent him directly to the gate.

When Guangzi was about to leave, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Guangzi, Lao Shao may be very important in your eyes."

"However, MiKe Electronics' platform is equally important to him."

"As for you, you must understand Director Shen's good intentions in this matter."

Photon just smiled and said no more.

After sending Guangzi away, Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated to tell Shen Lin about this matter, but in the end, he said nothing.

Sitting on the big sofa in the office, Cheng Zhenyuan was just about to pick up the file and take a look at it when the phone rang.He picked up the phone and heard a friendly voice coming from inside: "Mr. Cheng, I'm not disturbing your work."

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Hello, leader, I just returned to the office, do you have any plans?"

"Mr. Cheng, I have been studying abroad for the past two days. I just heard some news today, so I couldn't help but give you a call to see if MiKe Electronics is interested in this matter."

The friendly voice on the other end of the phone said: "Mr. Cheng, do you know that Taiyu Group's automobile business is being packaged and sold? This is a good opportunity!"

"Although we at MiKe Electronics are also building cars, we haven't built a decent car at all. We basically just hang around on cars like Laotou Le."

"I think we, MiKe Electronics, should seize this opportunity and win over Taiyu Group's business."

"In this case, it can become another wing for our MiKe Electronics to take off."

Cheng Zhenyuan didn't expect that this person was calling for Taiyu Group's automobile business.

Immediately he thanked: "Thank you very much for your importance to our MiKe Electronics. I will report this matter to Director Shen as soon as possible to see what Director Shen's opinion is."

"After all, the capital required for this business is not small."

Just as Cheng Zhenyuan finished speaking, he already said on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Cheng, don't worry about this. If MiKe Electronics wants to acquire Taiyu Group's car manufacturing business, we can help find a way to solve the funding problem."

"If Dongzhou doesn't work, we can still ask for help from above!"

"By the way, I have a classmate who is in charge of stock matters. He said that a number of high-quality companies can be listed recently."

"Based on the situation of MiKe Electronics, I think it is completely possible to apply for listing."

"In this case, the funding problem will be solved."

Go public!

Cheng Zhenyuan is no stranger to the operation of stocks. He has even taken a special course on stocks. He knows very well that once MiKe Electronics is listed, they, the shareholders who hold the original shares, will make considerable profits.

Take him for example, if MiKe Electronics goes public, he will definitely be a billionaire!

Although Cheng Zhenyuan always felt that he was very indifferent, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Thank you for your concern. I will report this matter to Director Shen as soon as possible." Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I just had a phone call with Director Shen today, and Director Shen said he would come back as soon as possible."

"Dr. Shen hopes that you will take some time to visit you."

"Hahaha, I really want to see Director Shen. When Director Shen comes back, I will go to MiKe Electronics to have a good chat with him."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Zhenyuan's mind became restless again.

Go public!

Let MiKe Electronics go on the market!
With the emergence of stocks, all those that can be listed are large and time-honored companies. Although MiKe Electronics has long been large enough, Cheng Zhenyuan feels that MiKe Electronics will not be able to get a quota for listing in a short period of time.

But the phone call just now gave him hope of going public.

Once MiKe Electronics goes public, their shareholders’ assets will increase significantly, and...

After walking back and forth for a few steps, Cheng Zhenyuan dialed Shen Lin's number again.

He felt that this matter should be reported to Shen Lin.

Unfortunately, Shen Lin's PHS phone was out of range, and no one answered the phone calls to the office.

This situation made Cheng Zhenyuan feel extremely regretful.

Just when he couldn't help but want to share this matter with others, the door was knocked open and Lian Shaofeng walked in.

"Mr. Cheng, I heard that there is a quota for this listing, can you give us one?" Lian Shaofeng sat down opposite Cheng Zhenyuan and asked anxiously.

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Lian Shaofeng in a hurry, and felt puzzled in his heart. He had just received a call, how did he know about it?

(End of this chapter)

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