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Chapter 2043 We don’t lack the money

Chapter 2043 We don’t lack the money
"Where did you hear that?" Cheng Zhenyuan had a good relationship with Lian Shaofeng, so he asked directly about this matter.

Lian Shaofeng said: "Mr. Cheng, I have a classmate who is responsible for listing quotas. He told me."

"Mr. Cheng, if our company goes public, you will be a billionaire. Congratulations!"

Looking at the smile on Lian Shaofeng's face, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I just heard the news about this matter."

"The city called and said they were ready to give us this spot."

"Once our MiKe Electronics goes public, it will not only increase our influence, but also obtain more resources."

"I think you should tell Director Shen about this matter as soon as possible and ask him to come back and preside over our listing as soon as possible."

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I was just about to call Director Shen when you came over."

"Hahaha, then hurry up and call me, I'll go out first."

While talking, Lian Shaofeng was about to walk out.

"Okay, stop trying to be clever here." What Cheng Zhenyuan admires most is Lian Shaofeng. He feels that after he retires, the best candidate to take over his class will also be Lian Shaofeng.

Lian Shaofeng is not only strong in ability, but also has a very good emotional intelligence.

At this time, he naturally would not let Lian Shaofeng leave.

"I'll call Director Shen. You should also listen." As Cheng Zhenyuan spoke, he dialed Shen Lin's number again.

This time I dialed.

After the call was connected, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Director Shen, there is good news."

"The city just called and said they would help us go public. Shao Feng also came to my office and said that he had received news from his classmates that the listing quota has basically been determined and he can give us one."

"If nothing else happens, our MiKe Electronics will be on the market soon."

Go public!

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard what Cheng Zhenyuan said.

Although the stock market has begun to take shape, there are still very few stocks on the stock market.

And according to Shen Lin's memories from his previous life, he knew that it was not a good time to go public at this time.

Therefore, he has never considered the matter of going public.

If you didn’t consider it, you wouldn’t fight for it.

In Shen Lin's view, basically anything he doesn't fight for will not fall on him.

But I didn't expect that the good news of going public would come directly.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Cheng, are you the only two who know about this matter now?"

Shen Lin's solemn voice made Cheng Zhenyuan feel that this matter was not simple. He immediately said: "Director Shen, only the two of us know about this matter now."

"Mr. Cheng, if no one else spreads this matter, just treat it coldly."

Cold treatment!
Cheng Zhenyuan naturally knew what these three words meant.

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that he would get such an answer from Shen Lin.

If MiKe Electronics goes public and all of them become billionaires, then Shen Lin, as the company's main controlling shareholder, will see an astonishing expansion in wealth.

But now, Shen Lin is so calm.

No, it should be said that Shen Lin's attitude was very unfavorable.

What is this situation?
"Director Shen, do you want to go public in a low-key manner?" Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated for a moment, then gave another possibility.

Shen Lin said on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Cheng, we are old friends, and I won't hide it from you."

"I am not planning to go public in the short term." "The purpose of the company's listing is to prepare more funds."

"Now, our company has very sufficient funds, so I don't think there is a need to go public."

"Also, our company's recent development will also be affected if it goes public, so next, I will push for the listing."

When Cheng Zhenyuan listened to Shen Lin's reasons, his thoughts turned rapidly.

He agrees with the fact that MiKe Electronics does not lack funds.

As the person in charge of MiKe Electronics, he naturally knows how much money MiKe Electronics has at this time.

After going public, there will be a lot of things to disclose, like...

"Okay Director Shen, I understand." Cheng Zhenyuan pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, when I received a call from the city just now, not only did they convey that we were the only ones to be listed, but they also wanted us to acquire Taiyu The group’s automotive business.”

"Let us develop rapidly in the car manufacturing industry."

Shen Lin on the other end of the phone frowned. He had already made a decision about Taiyu Group, but he did not expect that Taiyu's sale of its car manufacturing business in the past few days would have such a big impact.

He thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Cheng, please find a way to politely decline this matter."

"Let's just say that we have funding problems, and the company's development focus in the past two years is not the automotive industry."

Cheng Zhenyuan hung up Shen Lin's call and looked at Lian Shaofeng.

At this time, Lian Shaofeng was also murmuring in his heart.

He did not expect that Shen Lin would refuse to go public, a great thing that no one else could ask for.

"Shaofeng, you should have heard it when I called. If you can, please don't talk about this matter."

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Lian Shaofeng and said in a calm voice.

But Lian Shaofeng felt that Cheng Zhenyuan's expression was full of solemnity.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I will not tell anyone about this matter."

Cheng Zhenyuan nodded and said: "Although I don't agree with it a bit, I believe in Director Shen's vision."

"Dong Shen has made almost no detours in the development of MiKe Electronics."

"This time, we should believe him."

After Lian Shaofeng made his promise, he said goodbye and left.

He left a little dejected. After all, he came to announce the good news, but he didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

Just when Cheng Zhenyuan thought that the listing matter would be over, he did not expect that just when he was about to get off work, he received four or five phone calls.

These phone calls are from past acquaintances, including Fat Aunt.

The only question they asked was whether MiKe Electronics was going to be listed.

Hearing this question, Cheng Zhenyuan's first feeling was anger. He felt that Lian Shaofeng had just promised well, but in the blink of an eye, he sold the matter.

Doesn't this put pressure on yourself?
But then, he felt that Lian Shaofeng was not such a person.

After he questioned Fatty Aunt and others, he discovered that this matter was really not revealed by Lian Shaofeng, but was heard by some people who were related to the higher-ups.

After all, too many people are paying attention to things like listing.

Regarding these phone calls, at first, Cheng Zhenyuan told his subordinates not to talk nonsense, but slowly, he found that he no longer needed to tell them, because more and more people knew about this matter.

More and more people are looking forward to the launch of MiKe Electronics.

(End of this chapter)

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