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Chapter 2044 Windfall touches people’s hearts

Chapter 2044 Windfall touches people’s hearts

"Have you heard? Our company is going public!"

"Listing, what is going on the market? Aren't our products all sold on the market?"

"You're stupid. When I said IPO, I didn't mean the same thing to you. Oh, you're so wrong and you can't communicate!"

"Let me tell you, going public means that our company will also be eligible to issue company stock. By then, our wages will increase!"


Many people in various production workshops of MiKe are quietly discussing the launch.

"I heard that there is no company in Dongzhou that can get the quota for listing this time, not even the General Iron and Steel Plant."

"But, we, MiKe Electronics, got it!"

"Besides, there's no need for us to ask for it."

"During the meeting with the superiors, they directly said that MiKe Electronics is strong enough, so they must be given a listing quota."

"Do you know what this is called? This is strength!"

Ma Xiaobing held his dinner plate and said to his co-workers with great joy.

Although he didn't know what impact the listing of MiKe Electronics would have on him, it didn't stop him from being enthusiastic.

After all, mentioning this kind of thing makes him feel very excited and stylish!
"Brother Ma, I heard people say that as soon as we go public, our company's wealth will skyrocket."

"Director Shen... Director Shen's income will also be greater, is it true?" A companion sitting next to Ma Xiaobing asked softly.

Ma Xiaobing glanced at his companion and said, "Of course!"

"I heard that it will be doubled several times! Not only Director Shen, but also our senior executives who hold shares in the company will make a fortune!"

The young man sitting next to Ma Xiaobing said: "I heard that our boss Lu also holds stock awards from the company."

"Tsk, tsk, if he sells these stocks, will he make a lot of money?"

Ma Xiaobing said: "Isn't that right? I heard that the stocks in his hands are worth 10,000+!"

"10,000+? Oh my god, this costs me ten years' salary!" said the young man sitting next to Ma Xiaobing: "I will work hard in the future and strive to reach the level of a supervisor as soon as possible."

"At that time, not only will the value increase, but there will also be stocks..."

Listening to his companion's words, Ma Xiaobing curled his lips and said, "Second Head, do you think all supervisors are so easy to be?"

"Let me tell you, when you reach the level of a supervisor, you need to have real skills. You are such a careless boy, why do you still want to be a weasel?"

"Also, Boss Lu's stocks are valuable, but the question is, is he willing to sell them?"

"I heard that his stock rewards alone exceeded [-] yuan a year!"

"But I think I'm not far away from becoming a supervisor. When Director Shen came to the workshop a few days ago, he told me personally that I, a young man, should work hard!"

Ma Xiaobing showed off in a serious manner, causing everyone to look at him.

A young man who was busy eating suddenly raised his head and said, "Xiao Ma, we are from the same workshop."

"We work together almost every day. Except for going to the bathroom and sleeping, we do almost everything together!"

"I remember that Director Shen didn't come to our workshop at all this year. What are you talking nonsense here?"

Ma Xiaobing didn't panic at all when his lie was exposed.

He said with a smile: "Why did I lie? I didn't lie, okay?"

"When Director Shen went to the DVD factory last time, didn't he say, let us young people work hard!"

"I'm also one of the young people, so that's what you said to me!"

Listening to Ma Xiaobing's explanation, there was a burst of good-natured laughter from all around.Although Ma Xiaobing's ridicule was far-fetched, everyone listened with great joy.

I discussed it with Ma Xiaobing and other young workers as an anecdote, while those in management were full of yearning during the discussion.

In the Mihu canteen, Fat Auntie was also eating.

As a senior executive of the company, Fat Auntie spends most of her time eating at MiKe Electronics.

She was holding a dinner plate and chatting with old friends from the past.

Like her, the first batch of employees who entered MiKe Electronics are now basically the middle managers of MiKe Electronics.

Although they don't have many stocks, they still have a lot.

"Fat aunt, you want to treat me later."

"Tsk tsk, once our company goes public, your fat aunt will be a millionaire."

Hearing this, the fat aunt curled her lips. Her current income from the company and stocks is 10,000+ a year. If she adds her husband's salary, it is more than 20.

Not to mention, including her house and other fixed assets, she is already a millionaire.

But of course I can't tell anyone about this kind of thing, it would be too ostentatious!
"What a millionaire! By then, there will be a lot of multi-millionaires in our company!"

While Fat Auntie was chatting with her companions, someone heard someone say: "I regret it. Back then, Director Shen asked me to choose whether I wanted shares or money. Why did I choose money? I'm so short-sighted!" "

"Oh, this comparison has resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of real money!"

Hearing this, the fat aunt turned around and saw Lao Li, who had a fairly good relationship with her, sitting there sighing.

Thinking of Lao Li's choice, Fat Aunt wanted to laugh a little.

But whoever chooses something is responsible for their own choices.

She said to Old Li: "Brother Li, things have become like this, what else do you want?"

"Can you ask Director Shen to exchange those stocks?"

The fat aunt's words caused a burst of laughter from all around.

Old Li shook his head and said: "Fat aunt, I just regret it. Even if Director Shen is generous and willing to let me change, I can't do such a thing."

"After all, it was your choice."

Because of the stock listing, the middle management of MiKe Electronics are full of expectations at this time.

They seemed to see that their worth was growing rapidly.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, a man carrying a dinner plate came over quickly.

Seeing this man, the fat aunt said: "Xiao Yu, you are in our Mi Ke office and serving Mr. Cheng. Please tell me quickly, how far has this listing matter gone?"

Yu Yu was very willing to talk to Fat Aunt before, but now, when he heard Fat Aunt's question, he immediately turned around and walked towards another location.

As he walked, he said: "Fat Aunt, I really don't know about this matter."

do not know!
The fat aunt was stunned for a moment. She felt that this young man should be happy to discuss such a good thing with her and others.

What does he mean by saying this?

Just when the fat auntie was confused, she heard someone say: "You Yu, there won't be any changes in this listing, right?"

"I have a relative up there, and he said it's a done deal for us!"

"Don't hold back what you have to say. Reveal it to us quickly so that we can know what went wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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