Chapter 2046
Cheng Zhenyuan felt a little worried.

Because MiKe Electronics has always had a very good relationship with Dongzhou.

It can be said that I got a lot of support.

Some people even watched TV and gave Mi Ke the nickname "Dongzhou Undefeated".

Now, Mi Ke does neither of these two things, it seems...

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Cheng, let me go back and talk about this matter."

“An explanation of that explanation, an explanation of that explanation.”

Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "What if...I said if, but the other party still doesn't quite understand?"

"Then there's nothing we can do. MiKe is our own company."

"We cannot be led by others' opinions and follow other people's ideas."

"If it doesn't work, we will adjust our production line."

Shen Lin spoke calmly, but extremely resolutely.

After hearing what Shen Lin said about moving the production line outsourced, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said, "Director Shen, the situation shouldn't be so serious."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I don't think so either."

Putting down the phone, Shen Lin sighed.

He has always resisted the idea of ​​a company going public.

I had a chance before, but he suppressed it.Unexpectedly, this opportunity is still so attractive.

The reason why Shen Lin does not want the company to go public is that, in addition to the fact that MiKe Electronics does not need money now, there is another reason that the stock market has just emerged. In many cases, it will even have the opposite effect on the development of MiKe Electronics.

Although he believed that Cheng Zhenyuan could handle it in the factory, he felt that it was time for him to go back.

"Director Shen!" Shi Congyun knocked on the door and walked in: "Mr. Lu is here."

The Mr. Lu mentioned by Shi Congyun is Lu Dongsheng.

After gathering his troubled thoughts, Shen Lin said: "Let him come in."

Wearing a suit and looking very energetic, Lu Dongsheng strode into Shen Lin's office.

Lu Dongsheng attached great importance to this visit to see Shen Lin.

Although he didn't know what kind of task Director Shen was going to give him, Shen Lin's special call gave him a strong hunch: it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

"Dr. Shen." Lu Dongsheng greeted Shen Lin respectfully.

"Dong Sheng, how have you been recently?" Shen Lin said with a smile: "Looking at your energetic appearance, you must be living a very happy life."

As Shen Lin said, Lu Dongsheng lived a very comfortable life.

Things go smoothly at work, and things at home go even better.Although he is still a graduate student, he spends most of his time working at MiKe Electronics.

As a company executive, he is very prestigious no matter where he is.

"Director Shen, I'm having a good time these days. Of course, this is all thanks to you."

Having said this, he picked up the kettle out of habit, filled up Shen Lin's teacup, and poured himself a glass of water.

Shen Lin and Lu Dongsheng were not polite. He picked up the cup and took a sip of water. Then he smiled and said: "Dongsheng, I asked you to come this time because I have an important thing to entrust to you."

Having said this, Shen Lin walked back and forth: "You should know about the release of the MiKe [-] operating system, right?"

There was a hint of solemnity in Lu Dongsheng's expression. Shen Lin said this to him, naturally it was not for no reason.He said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I know this. Our MiKe [-] operating system has basically occupied most of the domestic market."

"According to our estimation, we will be able to occupy even the European and American markets."

“I think it’s better to promote the MiKe [-] operating system sooner rather than later!”

After listening to Lu Dongsheng's suggestion, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Dongsheng, I am planning to hold a press conference on Europa this week."

"But Cheng always advised me that there was no need for me to go to the press conference in person. He was afraid that if I went, the other party would do some dirty tricks."

"So, he suggested finding someone to hold this press conference for me."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Lu Dongsheng's expression flashed solemnly and said: "Dr. Shen, Mr. Cheng has been working for many years and has rich experience."

"He certainly has his reasons for saying this."

"I also think that there is no need for you to do everything yourself. You are the backbone of our MiKe Electronics. If something goes wrong with you, it will shake the military morale of our entire MiKe Electronics."

"As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

"I think you can't go on this matter."

"If you think I'm suitable, why not let me hold this press conference and let you sit in our company. They won't dare to do anything to me."

Lu Dongsheng's initiative to ask for help put a smile on Shen Lin's face.

He smiled and said: "Dong Sheng, I called you here just to prepare to talk about this matter."

"Ma Yuancheng is a good person in research, but he is not very good at business management. As for others, they are even less suitable."

"I think you are the best candidate to hold this press conference on behalf of our MiKe Electronics."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "I have handed over the press conference to Mr. York Hansen. He is from our company. If you have anything, you can discuss it with him."

"In addition, we have also established an independent operating system company there."

Lu Dongsheng said: "Director Shen, I will definitely go all out to complete the tasks you assigned me with quality and quantity."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Dongsheng's confident look and said with a satisfied smile: "As long as you have confidence, I'm waiting for your good news."

"By the way, you also know my PHS number. If you encounter a problem that neither you nor York Hansen can solve, just call me."

After Lu Dongsheng and Shen Lin talked about the press conference, they prepared to say goodbye and leave.

However, Shen Lin stopped him and said, "Dong Sheng, what do the people below you think about our company's listing."

Lu Dongsheng said: "We naturally support the listing of our company with both hands."

"After all, once the company goes public, everyone will have more money in their hands."

"But I think the stock market seems a bit not too..." Lu Dongsheng pondered for a moment and said: "It's too stable. If we go public, will it have an adverse impact on us?"

Shen Lin arrived: "Dong Sheng, what you are worried about is exactly what I cannot make up my mind about."

"To be honest, I have already denied the listing of the company. If your subordinates don't understand, explain it to them."

"It's a good thing to go public, but we still need to be more prepared."

Lu Dongsheng secretly lamented that some people's expectations might be disappointed, but he also felt that Shen Lin's decision was not wrong.

"Director Shen, I will definitely do a good job of explaining."

"Don't worry, I believe that even if everyone doesn't understand it for a while, they will understand Director Shen's good intentions in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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