Chapter 2047 Shen Lin returns
As the car drove on the wide road in Dongzhou, Shen Lin kept looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar scenery outside.

Although he hadn't been back for more than a month, Shen Lin felt that Dongzhou had changed a lot.

Some familiar stores have had their decorations changed, and Mihu City, which was just a construction site some time ago, has now been built.

"Director Shen, should we go to the company or go home?" Chengzi, who was driving Shen Lin, asked Shen Lin softly for instructions.

Shen Lin said: "Go to the company first. I'll call home later and come home for lunch."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said to Guangzi: "Don't follow me at noon. I haven't gone home for more than a month. After you send me to the company, you will go home for two days. I will use the car for Mr. Cheng to give me." I’ll just arrange it.”

Chengzi said: "Director Shen, I don't have much to do when I get home. I'm going home for a meal today at noon. If you need anything, just call me."

After listening to Chengzi's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, you can rest at home first. If anything happens, I'll call you."

While talking, Shen Lin's PHS suddenly rang.

Shen Lin glanced at the order number and said with a smile, "Director Li, what instructions do you have?"

"Hahaha, Director Shen, I heard that you are back. Why don't you call me immediately to see where your brother is?"

Li Qingbo's voice is full of intimacy. As MiKe Electronics develops and grows, Li Qingbo is the one who benefits the most.

Apart from anything else, with the development of MiKe Electronics, Li Qingbo's work can be said to be praised every time.

Shen Lin and Li Qingbo had been friends for many years, and he could already feel the difference from Li Qingbo's words.

"Director Li, I just returned to Dongzhou. If you, brother, are free, how about I treat you to dinner tonight?"

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Okay, I happen to still have a bottle of good wine from a few years ago. Let's have a good drink."

"Let me see if Mr. Shen is good at drinking!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's okay to drink, but can't you make me drunk?"

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Li Qingbo knew that he could not hide it from Shen Lin, so he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I have a mission!"

At this point, his voice became much lower: "Director Shen, someone is not very satisfied with your choice this time."

"Let me advise you."

Although Li Qingbo didn't say it clearly, Shen Lin also understood who he was referring to.

He smiled and said: "Director Li, I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time."

"Our company has carefully considered these choices."

"You won't convince me that easily."

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Director Shen, I am also on a mission. Your brother must let me complete the mission."

"As for whether I can convince you or not, that's not something I can decide."

"Okay, let's meet at Ermei's restaurant tonight." Shen Lin said casually, "How about you call a few more of our old friends and have a nice drink."

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "That's good, I'll arrange it."

After chatting with Li Qingbo for a few words, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Although Li Qingbo said it casually, Shen Lin could feel that this vanguard just wanted to persuade him.

"Cong Yun, help me book a room at Ermei's restaurant, and I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Shi Congyun said: "Okay, Director Shen."

As Shen Lin's secretary, Shi Congyun had already researched Shen Lin's preferences.

She knew that Shen Lin usually liked to be at Ermei's restaurant, whether others were looking for him or he was inviting others.

This also made the ordinary Ermei restaurant suddenly become one of the top restaurants in Dongzhou.

Many people, especially people from Mihu Electronics, are very willing to spend money here.When the car drove to the MiKe Electronics office building, Cheng Zhenyuan was already outside with a group of people to greet him.

After seeing Cheng Zhenyuan, Shen Lin got out of the car early.

"Mr. Cheng, you have worked hard these days." Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan shook hands heavily and said with a smile.

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, it's all for our company. Why don't you work hard?"

While the two people were talking, they walked towards the elevator surrounded by everyone.

Shi Congyun stood behind Shen Lin, looking at the people who came to greet him and paying attention to the windows around the office.

She discovered that there was almost a figure behind these office windows.

Naturally, these people all wanted to see what happened when Shen Lin came back.

Thinking that she was under the eyes of so many people, Shi Congyun was nervous and a little excited at the same time.

Although she was still herself, she felt that she had made considerable progress compared to before.

Naturally, Shen Lin didn't have time to pay attention to his secretary's mood changes. He returned to the office to take a brief rest, and then came to Cheng Zhenyuan's office.

Cheng Zhenyuan was waiting for him. After making tea, the two chatted about MiKe Electronics.

"Mr. Cheng, what's the current situation of Taiyu's automobile business?" Shen Lin picked up the teacup and took a sip, then casually asked Cheng Zhenyuan.

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, the Taiyu Group's automobile business and Donglei Company are almost in talks now. I heard that both parties intend to sign an agreement."

"I took several calls about this."

"We all hope that we can continue to fight for it, and if we have difficulties, we can help us coordinate funds."

Shen Lin said: "Donglei seems to have benefited a lot from swallowing up this car-making business."

"But their capital chain will be further strained, and there will be many unexpected troubles."

“Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, no one can tell.”

"We will not participate in this matter."

Seeing Shen Lin's resolute attitude, Cheng Zhenyuan knew that he didn't need to persuade you any more. He smiled and said: "Director Shen, I'm afraid that if you look back, someone will still persuade you?"

"It's their business to persuade, but it's ours to decide."

"If you have a mouth on someone else's face, you can't stop them from talking."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Mr. Cheng, are there any virtual shares that can be exchanged for cash?"

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Dr. Shen, it hasn't happened these days."

"After I arranged the decision we discussed, someone asked about it, but no one redeemed it."

"After all, no one is willing to part with the dividends from virtual holdings."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Cheng, if anyone can't figure out the listing, just ask him to come to me."

"By the way, I'll call Fat Aunt and the others over in a moment and talk to them."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, Fat Aunt and the others also lost their minds for a moment. I think you can just hit them."

"I know, but you have to be more serious where you should be serious."

"Otherwise, some people think the company is in disarray."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "Mr. Cheng, I think the entry and exit mechanism in our company needs to be adjusted."

"Let some people who are uncomfortable and in the company leave the company at the appropriate time."

(End of this chapter)

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