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Chapter 205 Shen Lin Must Admit Mistakes

Chapter 205 Shen Lin Must Admit Mistakes
Twenty thousand!

Although the money belonged to Shen Lin, Chen Hongbing had already regarded the 2 yuan as his own money since he had the idea of ​​using it first and how long it could be delayed.

For the money, they already have a plan. Giving [-] yuan at once is like tearing their ribs apart. It's really uncomfortable!

However, one after another in the family courtyard, one wave after another of shouts made Chen Hongbing feel his head hurt.

Just take money to buy peace!

However, after doing this, Chen Hongbing felt that Shen Lin couldn't be so cheap. After all, it was too much for Shen Lin to insult them!

"The money can be given to them, but before Shen Lin gets the money, he has to apologize. How can I swallow what he said!"

Chen Hongbing knocked the wooden table loudly with a cigarette pot, and said angrily, "Tell your aunt, let him come to our house to collect money tomorrow. When he comes, invite three relatives and four friends to come and apologize to me!"

Listening to his father's instructions, Chen Yongge felt a little unreliable in his heart, but he still carried them out.

There is only one reason for this, that is, today, he was too embarrassing, being played by Shen Lin, he almost collapsed!
At this time, while giving money, if you don't vent your anger, when will you wait.

When Shen Lin received the news, it was already 09:30 in the evening. He had just had dinner and was talking to Lu Xiaorong when Chen Hongying eagerly came to the door.

"Shen Lin, your cousin said that he can lend us [-] yuan first, but you must apologize for today's incident." Chen Hongying came eagerly and said out of breath.

Give [-] first, and you have to apologize for the price.

If he hadn't said anything before and gave the 2 yuan when he went to his house, Shen Lin would be willing to wait, although he was upset.

After all, the two sides have not yet torn their face, but now, the face has been torn, isn't it ridiculous for him to say these things.

"Mom, it was Chen Yongge who didn't pay back the money they owed us, but now Shen Lin only paid [-] yuan after asking Shen Lin to apologize. How can there be someone like him?"

Lu Xiaorong was the first to say unwillingly: "They are clearly bullying people!"

Chen Hongying looked at Shen Lin, feeling as if her heart was overwhelmed.She really wanted to tell Lu Xiaorong that when it came to bullying, no one could compare to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's attack today can be said to have refreshed Chen Hongying's understanding of this son-in-law. He didn't move anything, but asked a group of people to collect debts outside Chen Yongge's office building. Almost half of the city already knew that Chen Yongge was an old man. rely.

However, although this group of people was very noisy, they didn't do anything. They were all as slippery as loaches. Even if the police were called, they couldn't find anything to arrest them.

She also heard about the extra meal at night.Not to mention, when she heard the news, she actually felt faintly happy in her heart!

After all, my natal sister-in-law is really unreasonable!
Borrowing money and not repaying it, she also said that it was Chen Hongying's fault.But when Chen Yongge called, she felt a little soft-hearted.

In any case, it was her natal family who were tormenting.This family love that blood is thicker than water cannot be erased after all.

But she couldn't blame Shen Lin for anything. These incidents were caused by her. It would be good if her daughter and son-in-law didn't blame her.

"Shen Lin, Xiao Rong, you need money now, let me tell you, this matter, let's just leave it like this, they have been tormented not lightly, if you say something nice to your uncle, this matter will be over gone."

At this time, Chen Hongying really spoke in a discussing tone.

In the past, Chen Hongying basically said the same thing about Shen Lin's family, but now, after seeing Shen Lin's methods, she couldn't help but feel a little more afraid of Shen Lin.

So she discussed this matter patiently.

"Mom, before we broke up, we were all relatives, so everything would be easy to talk about. But now that we've broken up, there's no need to hide it anymore!" "Mom, I won't make it difficult for you, either. You don’t need to worry about this matter, and as for uncle, you don’t need to worry about it either.”

"My conditions have already been issued, so I have to follow the conditions."

Shen Lin's voice was very calm, but in this calm, there was an undeniable taste.

Chen Hongying felt very uncomfortable when she heard Shen Lin's words.After all, the person Shen Lin was fighting against was nothing but her natal brother and nephew who had always been proud of her.

But her rationality told her that Shen Lin's request was not too much.

After all, this kind of thing was provoked by her nephew. Even she felt that her brother's attitude was too much.

"Shen Lin, why don't you make an appointment tomorrow morning so you can talk to your uncle." Chen Hongying hesitated for a moment and made a new suggestion.

Talk to Chen Hongbing?Shen Lin felt that there was really no need for any conversation, but he had already rejected Chen Hongying's proposal just now, so for Lu Xiaorong's sake now, he should give Chen Hongying some face.

After all, this negotiation is up to him.

"Okay, since you said it, Mom, I'll talk to my uncle and cousin and let them go to the store tomorrow."

Seeing that Shen Lin agreed, Chen Hongying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although she had a big fight with her sister-in-law at her brother's house, it was really not easy for her to be caught in the middle of this matter.

She didn't care about it, but Shen Lin tormented her brother and nephew, which made her a little bit ruthless.

"Okay, then it's in the store." Chen Hongying hesitated for a while and said: "Shen Lin, although your cousin and your uncle did something wrong, just teach them a lesson, that..."

"Mom, don't worry, I will never let my uncle and cousin have a hard time." What Shen Lin said was sincere.

When Chen Hongying heard this, she was immediately relieved, but she was relieved a little too early, and she didn't understand the meaning of Shen Lin's words at all.

Life can't go on, it's not a comfortable life.In Shen Lin's words, there is obviously something in the words.

When Chen Hongying left, Lu Xiaorong took Shen Lin's hand and said, "My mother and uncle have always had a good relationship, and they treated Chen Yongge very well. This time, the scar was healed and the pain was forgotten. After a quarrel, we came back again." Be nice."

"Don't worry about my mother. When you meet my uncle, you can say what you want. I support you."

"My mother doesn't want to abandon this relative, I don't care."

Lu Xiaorong usually treats people very softly, and has always been kind to others.Now that she said this to Shen Lin, it meant that she really hated her cousin and uncle in her heart.

Shen Lin rubbed Lu Xiaorong's shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't be merciful in this matter."

"What's more, such a small matter has already wasted our day, and it's time to solve it."

"By the way, at your cousin's house, I'm a little conservative in my words. I shouldn't say three days to ask him to pay back the money, but two days. Look at your cousin. As soon as I used this means of asking for debts, he I confessed directly."

Lu Xiaorong thought of what Shen Lin said, asking Qiangzi and the others to ask for money, and couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Your method, let alone my cousin, even my mother, she can't resist it for a day!"

ps: The third update is here, and there is a fourth update,

(End of this chapter)

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