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Chapter 206 It's never too late, the four sides have enemies

Chapter 206 It’s not too early or too late, there are enemies on all sides

At 06:30 in the morning, Chen Yongge was dazed when he heard someone calling him.

I'm sleeping well, who disturbed my sleep with such a nonchalant look, I don't know if I haven't slept in the past two days, okay?

Unhappy Chen Yongge pushed his wife and said, "Who called me?"

"Listen yourself." His daughter-in-law was already awake at this time, but her attitude towards Chen Yongge was incomparably indifferent.

As the pillar of the family, Chen Yongge has always been talking to his daughter-in-law basically by yelling.

Now, what his wife said made Chen Yongge suddenly feel a sense of crisis, a sense of crisis that his family status would not be guaranteed.

But just when he was about to teach his daughter-in-law a lesson and let her know how to talk to him, the head of the family, the shouting sounded again.

This time, the speaker spoke with a normal local accent.

Hearing this accent, Chen Yongge couldn't help feeling relieved, but then his brows frowned: "Chen Yongge, return my hard-earned money."

This cry is so familiar, it makes him uncomfortable, it's like this...

It came, and it came again, and it echoed in Chen Yongge's ears again at the pace of disbelief.

"This Shen Lin, didn't he say to negotiate today?" Chen Yongge roared angrily, "He doesn't keep his word, he's an asshole."

Looking at her husband who was a little crazy, Chen Yongge's wife felt a burst of sadness at this moment. Just a while ago, her husband was still in high spirits, and she felt that Shen Lin couldn't help him in this matter.

In the end, he could only admit defeat obediently, he could only swallow the bad breath obediently.

But now, the development of things has far exceeded their expectations. Shen Lin is still the same Shen Lin, but their family is a little bit unable to hold on.

"His grandma, you still don't let people sleep, it's only 06:30, why are you crying like ghosts?"

The neighbor Lu Gang's voice sounded again.This is a voice full of justice, and Chen Yongge's wife is full of expectations.

"Brother Lu Gang, I'm Er Hammer. We had a drink before. Our boss originally planned to come here at six o'clock in the morning, but I took into account that you went to bed at 10:30 last night, Brother Gang, so I delayed it by half an hour." Hour."

A voice full of laughter shouted loudly: "No matter what, you have to make sure that you sleep for eight hours, and there is really nothing else you can do."

"After all, our brothers are still waiting for the money to go to the pot?"

There was a moment of silence on Lu Gang's side, as if the speaker was giving face so much that he suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Chen Yongge, if you have money, you will pay it back. I can't sleep because of the fucking disturbance." Lu Gang's roar finally rang out, but this time the roar was aimed at Chen Yongge.

Chen Yongge felt his head jumping, this Lu Gang, does he know who is his own and who is the enemy?

When he yelled like this, he thought he was a neighbor.

Chen Yongge, who got up quickly, ran directly into the toilet. After a simple wash, he said to Chen Hongbing who was already sitting at the dining table: "Dad, what did you tell my aunt?"

"What I said at the time, you don't know!" Chen Hongbing said a little unhappy: "Your aunt, hmph, now she's all about her son-in-law, and doesn't talk about family affection at all."

"When we meet, don't be polite to her."

Breakfast was very uncomfortable, the whole family was unwilling to speak, and the voice asking for money had begun to change from the local dialect to the Northeastern dialect.Without even clearing away the bowls, Chen Yongge pulled Chen Hongbing and went downstairs quickly. He really didn't want to endure this kind of thing anymore, and he wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

But before going downstairs, Chen Yongge suddenly thought that he had to go to work today, so he hurriedly called Section Chief Lin.

"Chief Lin, I'm asking for leave today, I have to deal with that..." With the help of the public phone, Chen Yongge quickly dialed the phone number of Chief Lin's home.

Section Chief Lin didn't wait for Chen Yongge to finish, he coughed and said: "Chen Yongge, the manager asked me to inform you that I can't solve your problem, so I won't go to work for the next two days."

"When will the matter be resolved, and when will I come back."

Section Chief Lin's words were full of impoliteness, and there was even a trace of anger in these words.

Regarding this situation, Chen Yongge naturally understood why.He thought of his section chief's words, but a trace of sadness rose in his heart.

If you don't solve the problem and don't let you go to work, doesn't this mean that your own manager also has opinions on this matter?

"Okay, Chief Lin, don't worry, I will definitely deal with the problem today."

For Chen Yongge's flattering words, there was no response at all, and he hung up the phone directly.

Chen Yongge walked out of the canteen depressed, and was about to get on his bicycle and take his father away when he heard a voice behind him shouting loudly: "Chen Yongge, you bastards, pay me back my hard-earned money."

Hearing this voice, Chen Yongge felt his hands tremble, but he reacted immediately.

The shouter used a child's voice, and when he turned his head, he saw a six or seven-year-old boy shouting while waving a wooden stick.

And behind the boy, stood a middle-aged man. When the man saw Chen Yongge turning his head, he smiled awkwardly.

Chen Yongge knew this middle-aged man. He was a workshop director in his father's factory. Although he used to look down on such people, he was unwilling to offend them.

Now, the brat yelling like this really made him feel uncomfortable being slapped on his face.

"Let's go." Chen Hongbing also saw this situation, he was much more mature than his own son, and knowing this kind of thing, it was getting darker and darker at this time, so at this time, the best choice was to leave quickly.

"Yong Ge, don't be discouraged. Although they are quite capable, they can't do anything to you." Chen Hongbing encouraged his son, "When you see Shen Lin, you have to be more aggressive, and let him feel your determination."

"He doesn't bow his head, he doesn't admit his mistakes, you absolutely can't give him the 2 yuan."

"What is he working so hard for? It's not for money. He needs 2 yuan urgently now. As long as you catch him, Shen Lin will be slaughtered by you in the end."

Chen Yongge's confidence was built up in his father's words, and he said solemnly: "Father, don't worry, this time I will let Shen Lin know what is the foreign trade level negotiation. He is far behind me."

Chen Hongbing nodded and said: "Yong Ge, you are right, Shen Lin is more anxious than you."

"Not only do we only give [-] yuan, but we also want him to pay a price." Chen Hongbing pointed to some corridors outside: "For example, let those guys who spout shit all over their mouths learn a little lesson."

While the two of them were talking, they had already arrived at Paris Street. At this time, half of Paris Street was extremely lively. There were people coming and going from all the shops, and some people even hawked their own things at the street corner.

But when Chen Yongge and the two came to the store of Lin Rong Electronics, they found that the huge store was closed at this moment.

Invite them to come here to negotiate, but the door is closed. Is this a rejection?
ps: The fourth change today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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