Chapter 2055


The phone rang several times, and while Shen Lin was getting a little anxious waiting, a familiar voice finally came from the other end of the phone.

"Who is it?" Lu Dongsheng's words were full of sleepiness.

When Shen Lin heard Lu Dongsheng's words, he smiled and said, "Dongsheng, it's me."

Lu Dongsheng reacted immediately and said quickly: "Director Shen, what are your instructions?"

Shen Lin said: "Dong Sheng, how are you preparing for the press conference?"

"Director Shen, we are almost ready for the press conference." Lu Dongsheng said: "We conducted a sample survey before the press conference and found that most consumers still very much agree with our MiKe [-] operating system."

"They said that our MiKe[-] operating system is much easier to use than the Juying [-] launched by Juying Company!"

"And most of them expressed strong indignation against Juying's plagiarism."

"I believe that after this press conference is launched, we will definitely be a great success."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Dongsheng, I am also full of confidence in our MiKe[-] operating system."

“However, we must pay attention to safety when promoting the MiKe [-] operating system.”

Lu Dongsheng said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I have already communicated your instructions with Mr. York Hansen since I arrived."

"He has made a lot of preparations and even found a security company for us."

"By the way, Mr. York Hansen specially assigned us an accompanying lawyer."

After listening to Lu Dongsheng's words, Shen Lin nodded gently.

After giving Lu Dongsheng some more instructions, Shen Lin put down the phone and started thinking in the room.

It is said that you can be a thief for a hundred days, but there is no such thing as guarding against a thief for a hundred days.

Even if the MiKe II operating system is a great success this time, there is still a long way to go before it can become the leading operating system trend among future generations.

Even the road can be difficult.

After all, it is not impossible for your own operating system to gain a foothold in Europa.

But what if we enter the US market?
Also, in the computer industry, the market is too vast, and the next competition will probably be even more intense.

If we rely solely on the support of MiKe Electronics, we may not be able to do what we want in the future.

As thoughts flashed one by one, various thoughts began to appear in Shen Lin's mind.

After pondering for a long time, he glanced at his watch and dialed York Hansen's number.

By this time, York Hansen should have woken up.

Just as Shen Lin expected, York Hansen said enthusiastically the moment he answered the phone: "Director Shen, I was just saying that I wanted to report to you on the preparations for this press conference, when I received your call."

"Do you have any plans?"

After Shen Lin exchanged some polite words with York Hansen, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. York, I have received several calls in the past two days, all from companies that are interested in our MiKe [-] operating system."

"They want to be able to invest in our company."

"I'm calling you just to ask for your opinion."

"Do you think we should accept this kind of investment?"

When York Hansen heard Shen Lin's call, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He knew very well that Shen Lin could call him and ask for his opinion, which meant that he valued himself.

Regarding this kind of importance, I must not let Dong Shen down.

"Director Shen, I think we should accept this kind of investment."

"These days, because I am preparing for the launch of the operating system, I also learned about our operating system."

"I feel that although our MiKe [-] operating system has temporarily gained an advantage, this advantage cannot allow our system to defeat all competitors." "Especially Juying Company, they will definitely not accept this kind of failure. situation."

"Next, they will definitely develop new products to deal with our system."

"At that time, we will not only fight a R&D battle, we will also fight a release battle, and we will also fight..."

In one breath, York Hansen said a lot.

As the person in charge of Grass Flag Bank, York Hansen is extremely proficient in finance.

What he said was certainly not alarmist.

It can be said to be well-founded.

Shen Lin listened to York Hansen's analysis and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Director Shen, these all require a lot of funds."

"Although the operating system has broad prospects, before realizing the broad prospects, I think what we should face most is the investment of a large amount of money before success."

"Of course, here we also have to face the impact of various resources."

Shen Lin understood the meaning of York Hansen's words. He was telling himself that the cake of computer operating system was a bit big and it would not be easy to eat it.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "Mr. York, I very much agree with your opinion."

"So I hope you can help me select some qualified partners."

York Hansen's breathing suddenly became rapid on the other end of the phone.

As the person in charge of the bank, with the release of the MiKe [-] operating system, he has become more and more aware of the huge potential of the MiKe [-] operating system.

With the popularity of computers, the value in this.

As each thought flashed, York Hansen's eyes became brighter.

He knew that if he could do this well, not only would MiKe Electronics be able to gain a lot of benefits, but he, York Hansen, would also be able to gain huge benefits.

Thinking of these benefits, York Hansen's heart felt hot.

"Director Shen, I understand."

"I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. York, I leave this matter to you. We can keep in touch at any time."

"By the way, whether it is this Europa press conference or the next press conference held in the United States, I hope Mr. York Hansen can worry more."

"Don't let any accidents happen to our promotion team."

Shen Lin said the word "accident" very firmly.

He believed that York Hansen could understand the meaning of his words.

York Hansen said: "Director Shen, this is what I am going to report to you."

"If the press conference is held here in Europa, I think we can still support it for the time being."

"But once it comes to the press conference in the United States, we need the support of more partners."

"Juying Company has been operating there for many years, and it can be said that it is deeply rooted."

"They will have a lot of power at their disposal."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. York, you need to work harder in this aspect."

After talking to York Hansen about cooperating and investing in shares, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Sitting on the chair, Shen Lin felt that although MiKe Electronics' business has been getting better and better recently, as the business expands, there are more and more things to consider.

And the competition has become more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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