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Chapter 2056 Defeat lies with lies

Chapter 2056 Defeat lies with lies
In Yangcheng, Fang Xiaomei was sitting in a coffee shop, listening to music leisurely.

But at this time, her mood was not as relaxed as she showed.

As the deputy manager of Mike City Jingli, Fang Xiaomei would not have time to come here.

But Director Shen's arrangement was just a phone call, and she, the little secretary, had no choice but to put down her work, get on the earliest plane, and come to Yangcheng.

However, this mission to Yangcheng gave Fang Xiaomei an extremely headache.

She came here this time not because of work.

It can be said that her visit this time has nothing to do with work.

She has only one mission, and that is to quietly investigate whether Mi Yuan is really married or fake.

When she received this task, her first reaction was that Director Shen was joking with her.

Fang Xiaomei has always felt that working beside Director Shen is an upright job.

But this time...

During the phone call, she wanted to ask Director Shen what happened.

But in the end, the words came to my lips and I swallowed them back.If this is the reason why Director Shen doesn't want to reveal it to others, then by stupidly asking for this reason, wouldn't it be that he deliberately reveals his identity?

As a qualified secretary, when appropriate, you still need to assess the situation, understand current affairs, and have a discerning eye. Therefore, when necessary, you must be deaf and dumb at the right time.

Fang Xiaomei has followed Shen Lin for many years, and she still has some professional qualities. Therefore, she readily accepted the task assigned to her by Director Shen.

Of course, if you are really curious, you can start from this survey.

Mi Yuan!

Fang Xiaomei didn't have much contact with Mi Yuan.

But Fang Xiaomei's memory of Mi Yuan is very clear.

This is a woman who feels deeply hit because she feels that she is inferior to the other person in every aspect.

She can obviously rely on her looks, but she is also very smart. If this woman with both talent and beauty knows how to use her own advantages and be proud of her talents, it would be in line with common sense. But the problem is that Mi Yuan, who is so eye-catching, is mature, dignified and gentle in her dealings with others. If you If you have to find one flaw in her, it seems that she is a nearly perfect person who cannot find any shortcomings for her opponents to attack her...

From the contact between Mi Yuan and Director Shen, Fang Xiaomei had an intuition that there seemed to be some unclear tacit understanding between Mi Yuan and Director Shen...

However, although she had this suspicion in her mind, she never dared to say it out loud, and of course she didn't dare to get to the bottom of it to find out why.

Later, as Mi Yuan got married and started a family, and Mi Yuan gave birth to a child, her attention to Mi Yuan began to slowly dissipate.

However, just when she felt that she would have less and less contact with this woman who made her feel deeply stressed, she did not expect that she would receive such a task.

Want to find out the situation from Mi Yuan herself?Of course Fang Xiaomei would not do this.

She couldn't do this either. If she could do this, I'm afraid Director Shen wouldn't have to send her to investigate at all.

"Miss Fang." A man who looked to be in his 40s came to the opposite side of Fang Xiaomei gently and greeted him respectfully.

Fang Xiaomei said: "Mr. Chen, how is your investigation of the teacher Shen I asked you to investigate?"

The middle-aged man said respectfully: "Miss Fang, that Teacher Shen is currently in love with a nurse in the hospital."

"I asked about it with his colleagues, and I heard from these colleagues that the two of them have basically reached the point of discussing marriage."

Mr. Chen, a middle-aged man, is also a capable person in Yangcheng.

But facing this Miss Fang, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

It's not that he knows Fang Xiaomei, but because the person who introduced him to Fang Xiaomei for help told him that this Miss Fang must not be offended.

Moreover, he must meet Miss Fang's request.

Fang Xiaomei nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, do his colleagues and friends know about Teacher Shen's divorce?"

"Miss Fang, none of his colleagues seem to know that he is married."

Although Mr. Chen didn't know why Fang Xiaomei was asking about this, he said with great caution: "It seems that only one or two of his friends know about this matter."

"But even these two people have never seen Teacher Shen's bride."

After hearing the news, Fang Xiaomei's smart mind already made a basic judgment.It's just that she has no evidence and cannot rely on her own subjective assumptions.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that you are a very capable person here." Fang Xiaomei poured a cup of tea for Mr. Chen opposite and asked with a smile.

Mr. Chen said: "Miss Fang, my ability is limited, but as long as I can handle the things you arrange, I will never let you down."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Please help find a family member of the person Mr. Shen is talking to, and tell them that Mr. Shen was not only married before, but also had a child."

"Then let me follow her family to find Teacher Shen."

After listening to Fang Xiaomei's words, Mr. Chen pondered for a moment and then said: "Okay, Miss Fang, I will arrange someone now. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Mr. Chen, I hope you will keep this matter a secret."

"But I will keep this friendship in my heart."

Mr. Chen smiled and said: "Miss Fang is too polite. It's just a small effort. It's my honor to be able to serve you."

Fang Xiaomei didn't say anything more. When Mr. Chen said goodbye and left, she took out her PHS.

She wanted to call Shen Lin, but in the end, she didn't make the call.

It's better not to worry about Director Shen for things like this that haven't been determined yet.

But this incident gave her an urge to talk.

"Liang Jialuo!"

For the first time, Fang Xiaomei thought of Liang Jialuo, her senior, but she quickly suppressed this thought.

If Liang Jialuo's mouth told her, it would basically be like a small speaker starting to broadcast, and countless people would know about it.

But besides Liang Jialuo, who else could I tell him?

After looking through the address book on her PHS, Fang Xiaomei finally made no calls.

She wanted to help Shen Lin keep the secret.

Otherwise, Director Shen would not leave this kind of matter to himself.

Mr. Chen did not disappoint her. Within an hour, she received a call from Mr. Chen, asking her to go to a tea restaurant not too far away.

When Fang Xiaomei came to the tea restaurant, she saw four or five people sitting next to Mr. Chen.

Among them, there was a young woman who looked to be in her 20s, not too beautiful, but full of vitality.

But the young woman looked very ugly.

When Fang Xiaomei came over, she was complaining angrily: "Mom, I can guarantee you that Xiao Shen has never been married, let alone has children!"

"Why don't you believe him?"

After hearing these two sentences, Fang Xiaomei immediately understood the identity of this woman.

She smiled at Mr. Chen, and Mr. Chen said to a friend next to her: "Lao Li, this is my cousin Xiao He. She works in a wedding photography shop here."

"She saw that Teacher Shen took wedding photos."

"I called her over to help because I was afraid that Teacher Shen would make excuses."

The man called Lao Li was a short, fat man in his 50s. He glanced at Fang Xiaomei, and then said with a smile: "Xiao He, this incident is all thanks to you."

"Otherwise, my niece would have been kept in the dark and she would have almost suffered a big loss!"

"Wait a moment, feel free to say it, we will help you with anything."

Fang Xiaomei looked at the angry old Li and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Li, don't worry, my cousin's matters are my matters."

"What's more, we can't let our own people suffer, can we?"

(End of this chapter)

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