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Chapter 2057 1 Everything goes as expected

Chapter 2057 Everything goes as expected
At this time, Fang Xiaomei felt that she was like an excellent director.Keep calm, and when the truth comes out, it will be shocking!

Everything that happens next is under my own control.

In just ten minutes, Teacher Shen had already hurried over.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, he is not short and gives people a gentle and elegant look.

After seeing his girlfriend and her family, Teacher Shen did not panic. Instead, he greeted everyone politely.

"Teacher Shen, let me ask you something. Have you ever deceived our Xiaoling?" It was the woman's mother who spoke, and she became aggressive as soon as she started talking.

Teacher Shen was stunned for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Auntie, I will never deceive Xiaoling."

"I can assure you with my personality that I will definitely make Xiaoling live a happy life."

"I promise……"

Before Teacher Shen finished speaking, the woman's parents directly interrupted: "Teacher Shen, let me ask you, have you ever been married?"

"Have you ever had children?"

Teacher Shen, who originally looked calm, was stunned for a moment when he heard this question, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Aunt, Xiaoling, I thought something happened, but it turned out to be this!"

"Well, speaking of it, I have never been married, but looking at the household registration book, I am divorced."

Teacher Shen's words brought a smile to Fang Xiaomei's face.

Teacher Shen's calmness also gave Fang Xiaomei, the witness, no chance to appear.

She looked at all this with a smile, and even had a handful of melon seeds in her hand.

"Xiao Ling, last year, I met an old classmate. She got pregnant out of wedlock and wanted to give birth to the child."

When Teacher Shen said this, her voice became much lower: "So, she hopes to have a fake marriage with me to prevent her children from being discriminated against."

"Originally, I was unwilling to agree to this matter at all."

"But, I saw that she was pitiful, and she also said that as long as I help, I don't have to worry about the rest."

"I had a moment of weakness, so I helped get her married."

"After the child is born, we will divorce directly."

"She also signed an agreement with me, proving that this child is not mine and will have no relationship with me in the future."

Speaking of this, Teacher Shen said resolutely: "I also felt that this matter was a bit bad at the time, but after all, it is a friendship between classmates for many years, so I have to help."

Having said this, he glanced at Xiaoling and said, "Xiaoling, you have to believe me, I am absolutely sincere to you."

"By the way, how did you know about this?"

Xiaoling calmed down a lot after hearing Teacher Shen's explanation.

She glanced at Fang Xiaomei, and finally pointed at Lao Chen and said, "My uncle's friend knows that you are married."

Teacher Shen glanced at Lao Chen twice and couldn't think of where he had seen him.

But as Uncle Xiaoling's friend, he couldn't show any displeasure, so he forced a smile and said: "Hello, uncle, I didn't expect that we have met before."

Of course Lao Chen had never met Teacher Shen. After listening to his words, he wanted to laugh in his heart, but looking at the calm Fang Xiaomei, he still said: "Teacher Shen, I never thought that your marriage was fake."

"But this is not a trivial matter. I think that for the sake of Xiaoling's future happiness, this matter should be explained clearly in person."

"Especially with your ex-wife."

"After all, this is related to Xiaoling's lifelong happiness."

Lao Chen's proposal was immediately approved by the woman's entire family.

Although what Teacher Shen said was clear and logical, they really couldn't believe that they could believe Teacher Shen with just one sentence.

After all, hearing is false and seeing is believing, not to mention that this is a major matter related to whether their daughter's marriage can be happy. "Xiao Shen, since what you said is so good, then call your ex-wife over and let's talk about this matter face to face."

Xiaoling's mother said: "If this matter is really what you said, it's just that you helped others, we don't need to pursue it."

"But if you lied, then you and our Xiaoling will be cut off."

Having said this, Xiaoling's mother said to Teacher Shen: "Teacher Shen, I think you should call someone over."

"By the way, the person coming will also need to bring a marriage certificate and a divorce certificate."

Listening to his future mother-in-law's request, Teacher Shen had a headache.

But for such a reasonable request, although he felt uncomfortable, he had to do it.Immediately he said: "Auntie, don't worry, I will ask Mi Yuan to come over right now."

Fang Xiaomei looked at Teacher Shen who was on the phone and said to Lao Chen, "Cousin, I'm not suitable here now."

"Then what, or I'll go first."

Mr. Chen naturally supports Fang Xiaomei's request unconditionally.

When he heard that Fang Xiaomei was leaving, he hurriedly said: "Cousin, please go first, it's fine as long as we are here."

"If anything happens, I'll call you again."

Xiaoling's mother also knew that Fang Xiaomei had helped her find a huge hidden danger, so she was sincerely grateful to Fang Xiaomei.

She said quickly: "Girl, I really want to thank you for this."

"If anything happens to you in the future, as long as we can help you, don't be polite."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Auntie, we are all friends, isn't it right for me to help?"

"By the way, Auntie, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not?"

When the housekeeper Xiaomei hesitated, Xiaoling's mother said, "If you have anything to say, just say it. You girl, why are you so polite to us?"

"I think everything must be evidenced."

"In order to prevent Mi Yuan from disturbing Xiaoling and her two lives in the future, I think we should videotape them and record the whole incident."

"In case something goes wrong later, we have no evidence in hand."

Fang Xiaomei's proposal was naturally not for Xiaoling. She was considering Shen Lin because she was afraid that Shen Lin would not be able to see the video.

Xiaoling's mother said helplessly: "The video recorder is too expensive, not many people buy it, and very few people use it for a while. We..."

Fang Xiaomei said: "I happen to be carrying a video recorder from our company. You can use it first. When the recording is finished, I will burn a CD for you."

"When the time comes, just leave the CD."

"If there is no need, it's easy to say anything. If there is need in the future, you can use this CD as proof."

Xiaoling's mother patted Fang Xiaomei on the shoulder and said, "Oh, my daughter, you are so thoughtful."

"If it weren't for the loss this time, we wouldn't have thought of this!"

"thank you!"

"With these videos, I feel relieved."

Fang Xiaomei said with a smile: "Auntie, you are too polite. Your family has such a good relationship with my cousin, how can I just watch you suffer?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely burn one for you."

Mr. Chen looked at Fang Xiaomei who had brought over the camera and was filled with emotion.

This young girl is really very thoughtful. Compared with her, she is far behind.

No wonder he can achieve such a prominent position at such a young age.

(End of this chapter)

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