Chapter 2058 A perceived dream
Sitting on the second floor of the teahouse next door, Fang Xiaomei saw Mi Yuan coming in a hurry.

Compared with before, Mi Yuan seemed to be a little fatter, but this little fatness made her whole person seem to have more intellectual beauty.

Thinking of the child Mi Yuan gave birth to, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but shook her head gently.

Does Director Shen know that this child is his?

Why did Mi Yuan hide this matter?

How did Director Shen know?
Thoughts surged rapidly in Fang Xiaomei's mind.

In just 10 minutes, Mi Yuan and Xiaoling's family walked out with a smile on their faces.

Judging from everyone's expressions, this meeting should be quite successful.

Regarding this situation, Fang Xiaomei just smiled softly.

After Mi Yuan left in the car, she met Lao Chen and got the video recorder she wanted from Lao Chen.

The video recorder naturally has what she needs!

After working in Yangcheng for three days, Fang Xiaomei got everything she wanted. She took a plane back to Dongzhou without meeting Mi Yuan.

Because they had already talked on the phone before coming, Fang Xiaomei met Shen Lin at Shen's house immediately.

Although she had simulated meeting Shen Lin many times in her mind when she came, when she saw Shen Lin now, Fang Xiaomei still felt like she didn't know how to speak.

"Xiaomei, thank you for your hard work this time." Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei, who was hesitant, and handed Fang Xiaomei a glass of water with a smile.

"Director Shen, I'm not working hard. It's what I should do to work for you."

Fang Xiaomei took the tea cup with both hands and said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, don't be polite. How was the investigation this time?"

Fang Xiaomei hesitated for a moment, then took out a CD and said, "Dr. Shen, why don't you watch it yourself."

Fang Xiaomei has naturally read the contents of the disc.

But when he took out the CD, his hands were still a little trembling.

Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei's appearance and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll see for myself."

As the disc was put into the DVD player, a scene appeared on the TV.

The first thing that appeared was Mi Yuan.

With a faint smile on her face, she said: "Xiao Ling, Auntie, Teacher Shen and I used to be classmates."

"The marriage is all about helping me."

"We had a fake marriage, and we were divorced one year after we obtained the certificate."

"This is the divorce certificate, and I can guarantee you that although we are married, we have never lived together."

"I can give you..."

Looking at Mi Yuan who was making vows on the TV screen, Shen Lin couldn't help but shook his head.

Teacher Shen!


Thinking about this, Shen Lin felt a little bit of clarity in his heart.

After waiting for 10 minutes to finish watching the CD, Shen Lin picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water.

Although Fang Xiaomei did not go out, at this moment, she was like a frightened little animal, sitting obediently in her seat, afraid that she would make any sound.

From Fang Xiaomei's point of view, I don't know what kind of mood Director Shen is feeling at this moment.

If you don't want to make the big boss unhappy, your best choice is to be honest and not make any noise.

Just when she was feeling uneasy, Shen Lin suddenly said: "Xiaomei, what do you think of Mi Yuan's recent life?"

Fang Xiaomei felt that this ordinary question sounded like a fatal question.

If you answer incorrectly, you will most likely have to face Director Shen's giant hammer.

For a moment, her heart was filled with anxiety.

"Dr. Shen, I think Sister Mi Yuan's energy and spirit are very good." "If life is not what she wants, she will never be in this state."

"I think she is very satisfied with her current life situation and enjoys it very much."

After saying these words, Fang Xiaomei looked carefully towards Shen Lin's position.

She found that although Shen Lin's expression didn't change much, Shen Lin's eyes moved slightly.

Having been Shen Lin's secretary for so many years, she knew very well that Shen Lin's reaction showed that Director Shen was much more relaxed.

"By the way, have you found the child's hair?" Shen Lin took a breath and asked Fang Xiaomei again.

Fang Xiaomei said: "I've got it."

"I got it while I was getting my kid's haircut."

"Okay, please give me these things." After Shen Lin said this, he glanced at Fang Xiaomei and said, "Xiaomei, no one should say anything about this matter."

"You want to keep this thing rotten in your stomach forever."

Fang Xiaomei hurriedly said: "Dr. Shen, I know what to do."

"I would never dare to say a word about this matter."


Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei, who was hesitating, and said with a serious look on his face: "What?"

Fang Xiaomei gritted her teeth and said, "Dr. Shen, what are you going to do to Sister Mi Yuan?"

After asking this question, Fang Xiaomei looked at Shen Lin cautiously.

She had a feeling that she was seeking death.

If he didn't seek death, how could he ask such a question.

Fang Xiaomei, you are really inflated.

You really... really don't know how to write the word "death".

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Fang Xiaomei felt her heart beating faster and faster.

Just when Fang Xiaomei felt that her body was about to collapse, she heard Shen Lin say: "I don't know now."

"You go out first and I'll think about it."

Although Fang Xiaomei was unwilling, she quickly left Shen Lin's office.

She knew very well that this was the time for Shen Lin to be quiet.

Fang Xiaomei also felt caught off guard when Shen Lin and Mi Yuan were in this situation.

So she didn't know what to do in this situation.

Although she investigated this matter, she still has a feeling of disbelief!

Shen Lin watched Fang Xiaomei walk out of the room and took out the CD again.

After playing with the CD and looking at it twice, Shen Lin's eyes fell on a photo that Fang Xiaomei put on the table.

The photo shows a child who can't run yet, with a chubby little face that gives people an extremely cute feeling.

Looking at this little face, Shen Lin's biggest feeling was that this child looked very much like Xiao Guoke when he was a child.

If I hadn't known that this was another person, I would have thought that this was a photo of Xiao Guoke.

That was not a dream!

But Mi Yuan turned it into a dream.

At the very least, Mi Yuan wants to make herself feel that this is a dream.

However, how could I regard this matter as a dream?
But if you don’t regard this as a dream, then...

Just as various thoughts were surging in Shen Lin's heart, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from outside.

Hearing the footsteps, Shen Lin subconsciously took the photo and hid it directly in his pocket. At the same time, the door was pushed open and a person walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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