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Chapter 2059 It’s better to be stable

Chapter 2059 It’s better to be steady

"Mom, why are you here?" Shen Lin turned to look at the person approaching and asked with a smile.

But when he asked this question, his heart beat a little faster.

Zhao Honglian smiled and said, "Why, I can't come?"

"Tell me, why should I move to Beijing properly and leave this place empty?"

Shen Lin understood what Zhao Honglian meant and said with a smile: "Mom, isn't this just for Xiao Guoke to study well?"

"Study hard, you can't even study hard here." Zhao Honglian snorted.

Shen Lin asked his mother to sit down and said with a smile: "Mom, if you want Xiao Guoke, go live there for a while."

"What's more, my brother and my sister-in-law are also over there."

Zhao Honglian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be there in a while."

"By the way, you will come back with Xiao Guoke and Xiao Rong during the Chinese New Year."

"Also, when I just came in, what were you thinking about?"

When Zhao Honglian asked what happened just now, Shen Lin hesitated for a moment and then smiled and said, "Mom, it's all business matters."

"There is something I can't make up my mind for the moment, so I'm thinking about it."

Zhao Honglian said: "Shen Lin, I don't think you need to be too stressed."

"Our family's money can't be spent even if you work hard."

"If you ask me, it's just enough flowers."

"By the way, just now, your uncle called and said that you have been back for a few days and wanted to ask you to come over for a meal."

The uncle asked him to go there, I'm afraid it wasn't just as simple as having a meal.

Thoughts surged in Shen Lin's heart, and he finally smiled and said, "Mom, let's do it today."

"Don't let uncle and the others spend money. I'll find a place to book a table."

Zhao Honglian said: "Shen Lin, don't be polite to your uncle and the others. Just go to their house today. By the way, don't have any worries then. You should eat and do whatever you need to do."

"Help those who can help, but don't be embarrassed if you can't agree to them."

Shen Lin looked at Zhao Honglian, who looked like he was thinking about himself, and said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry, I know this matter well."

"My uncle and the others should be doing this for my cousin's sake."

Zhao Honglian said: "As long as you know what's going on, don't worry too much. You will be the only one who is tired in the end."

As Zhao Honglian left, Shen Lin let out a gentle breath.

Fortunately, I put the photos away quickly!
He picked up the photo that looked very much like a small nut shell from his pocket again.

Looking at the happy expression of the child in the photo, Shen Lin showed a slight smile on his face.

Although Shen Lin has not done a DNA test on the child now, in his heart, he has almost determined that this is his son.

Do you recognize each other?
Shen Lin had concerns in his heart.

After all, it's not his business alone.

But Shen Lin couldn't bear to leave it alone.

after all……

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin still couldn't make up his mind.

He played with the latest PHS phone in his hand and dialed the phone without thinking.

"Beep beep..."

When the beeping sound sounded, a trace of panic suddenly rose in Shen Lin's heart.

Why did I make the call? I haven't thought about what to say to her at this time.

Thoughts flashed one by one, and a trace of hesitation flashed across Shen Lin's face.

Hang up?
Shen Lin quickly rejected the idea. He felt that hanging up the phone by himself was not a good choice.

But what should I say to Mi Yuan?

"Hello, Director Shen, I'm Mi Yuan!" Just before Shen Lin made up his mind, Mi Yuan's calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

If it weren't for Fang Xiaomei's investigation results, Shen Lin would have thought that he and Mi Yuan had forgotten each other.

But at this time, listening to Mi Yuan's pretending to be calm, Shen Lin felt heartbroken and uneasy.

He calmed down and said, "Mi Yuan, how is your work lately?"

"Director Shen, our work is not bad. Although it is almost the off-season for import and export trade, we still have a lot of growth compared to the same period last year."

Mi Yuan said easily: "The total number of statistics now is already twice that of last year."

"Director Shen, you want to give us bonuses!"

Shen Lin said: "Fat, definitely!"

Not sure if she felt something strange in Shen Lin's words, Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment, then asked Shen Lin: "Director Shen, is there something wrong?"

Shen Lin hesitated and said, "It's okay, I just heard people say that you seem to be divorced."

There was no sound on the other end of the phone. After half a minute, Mi Yuan smiled and said, "It's a divorce."

"When I got married, I felt that everything was very suitable. But after I got married, I realized that there were many things that were not very suitable."

" we got divorced."

Speaking of this, she smiled softly and said: "Dr. Shen, this also taught me a lesson. For things like relationships, it's better not to be anxious and just take things as they come."

"Thank you, Director Shen, for caring about me."

For a moment, Shen Lin felt like he didn't know what to say.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally swallowed the words that had reached his lips.

His words finally changed to: "Mi Yuan, after the divorce, will anyone take care of your child?"

"A cousin from my hometown came to help me take care of the children."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan said: "My mother's health has almost recovered recently. With the help of the two of them, I feel much more relaxed."

Shen Lin said: "If you have any difficulties, just call me."

"Also, tell your cousin to let her work hard. When her child goes to kindergarten, let her come to work at MiKe Electronics."

"Hehe, thank you, Director Shen. Although I know it's not good for you to use the back door like this, I still have to tell my cousin."

"I think she will be very happy to hear this news."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "As long as you're happy, that's good!"

"Director Shen, do you have any other instructions? If not, I will hang up first. A colleague wants to talk to me about something."

Listening to Mi Yuan's words about hanging up the phone, Shen Lin hesitated and said, "Mi Yuan, I still said what I said, if you need anything, call me."

"We...we are still friends."

"Thank you, Director Shen. I have always regarded you as a friend." Mi Yuan smiled and said, "If you need anything, I will not be polite to you."


Listening to Mi Yuan's gentle words, Shen Lin also said goodbye.

The beeping sound of the phone constantly reminded Shen Lin that the call was over.

He held the phone, and Mi Yuan's figure could not help but appear in his mind.

However, Mi Yuan, who appeared in his mind at this moment, had a child who looked like a little nut shell in her arms.

With a gentle sigh, Shen Lin sat back on the sofa.

Although he was sure in his heart that the child was his, he didn't know how to tell Mi Yuan because he wasn't ready yet.

Just be steady!
Let’s talk about this again when the time is right.

Shen Lin, who pondered for a while, glanced at his watch and stood up from his seat.

This time I went to my uncle's house for dinner, so I couldn't go too late.Even if you don't care about your uncle's face, your mother's face must always be taken care of.

(End of this chapter)

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