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Chapter 2060 The benefits of own people

Chapter 2060 The benefits of own people
As the saying goes, if a person achieves enlightenment, a chicken or a dog will ascend to heaven!
This is not too much to say when applied to Shen Lin.

As Zhao Honglian's natal family, with the development of MiKe Electronics, the lives of Shen Lin's uncle's and aunt's families have also improved.

For example, in my previous life, probably 20 years later, my uncle's family still lived in Laotongzilou. Now he not only has a house in Mike Garden, but he also bought a homestead near Mike Garden and built a villa of his own.

Although the location of this villa is not as good as the villa used by Mike executives in Mike Garden, it was built from a blueprint.

There is even some splendor in decoration.

When Shen Lin arrived, the villa was already full of people.

Seeing Shen Lin coming with Shen Xingye and his wife, they all greeted him warmly.

"Sister, brother-in-law." While greeting Shen Xingye and his wife, the uncle said to Shen Lin, "Shen Lin, you look younger than before."

Shen Lin knew that his uncle had been an honest man all his life and spoke truthfully.

I'm afraid it took a lot of effort to praise myself this time.

He smiled at his uncle and said, "Uncle, when will you and my sister-in-law go to Beijing and stay with me for two days?"

"If nothing else, the Forbidden City is pretty good."

"When you get there, take a good turn."

Shen Lin's aunt smiled and said, "That's a good relationship. I'll discuss it with my aunt and go check it out later."

"Shen Lin, I think although Jingli is good, Dongzhou is more important." Shen Lin's second uncle said: "This Dongzhou is the fundamental place of our MiKe Electronics. If you don't take charge here, everyone will I don’t know about you anymore.”

"Especially the younger employees."

Seeing his second uncle's angry expression, Shen Lin understood something in his heart.

But on the surface, he pretended to be confused and said: "Second uncle, there are more opportunities in Beijing, and he is more determined to control the overall situation."

"I usually come back frequently, and basically it won't delay things."

The second uncle wanted to speak, but his sleeve was pulled by the second aunt standing next to him.

The family quickly came to the living room of the villa. Tea and other things had been prepared for a long time. After saying a few words, the two concubines went to the kitchen to prepare meals, while Shen Lin was left to accompany Shen Xingye and wait. People chatting.

Speaking of which, at Shen Lin's age, among a group of elders, he should serve tea and pour water.

But now, with his uncle's cousin doing all this, Shen Lin can just sit and chat.

Although Shen Lin is a junior, the chat this time still revolves around Shen Lin.

After chatting about Shen Lin's life in Beijing, Shen Lin's second uncle smiled and said: "Shen Lin, you are not in Dongzhou every day. If someone steals such a big company, I'm afraid you won't react." But what about coming?"

"If you ask me, you need to find someone to help you keep an eye on this place."

Shen Lin drank water from his teacup and said nothing.

Shen Lin knew what his second uncle's next suggestion would be, so he just listened with a smile.

"Shen Lin, at your age, your second uncle can't help you. But your cousin can. He is now the deputy director of the second workshop of the electric vehicle factory and is doing a very good job."

"A few days ago, you became an excellent employee?"

"Let me tell you, with your cousin's ability, let alone the workshop director, he can even be the head of the electric bicycle division."

When the second uncle said this, he said earnestly: "Now our electric bicycle division of Mihu Electronics can make money with our eyes closed."

"I heard from your cousin that now everyone in the business department only knows Li Jinkui, the head of the business department, and they don't care much about you as the boss."

"Even once, your cousin said that something was arranged by you, but a young employee actually told him that in this factory, only things arranged by Li Jinkui count."

"Listen, what are these things!" The second uncle's words made Shen Lin frown.

When he came, he already knew that his second uncle would definitely ask him to ask his cousin to come to MiKe Electronics to help him.

But he didn't expect that his second uncle would actually mention such a thing to him.

For a moment, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Shen Lin looked at his eldest cousin who was pouring tea into the teapot. The eldest cousin understood what Shen Lin meant and said while pouring the tea: "Shen Lin, Xu Jie really said that."

"Xu Jie is the head of our business department office and is highly valued by Manager Li."

When the eldest cousin said this, he stopped talking.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became a little depressing.

Shen Xingye had been drinking water and chatting, but at this time he couldn't help but said to Shen Lin: "The so-called brothers fighting tigers, father and son fight in battle."

"Shen Lin, I think you should ask your cousin to help you."

"He is also capable. Even if he cannot be in charge of a business department, it is still okay to let him be the deputy of the business department."

Shen Lin took a breath, then smiled and said, "Dad, I know this matter well."

At this point, he directly changed the topic and said: "Uncle, this is Xiaobing's second year of college, right?"

The Xiao Bing in Shen Lin's mouth is the youngest daughter of her uncle's family. She just entered college last year.

For the uncle's family, this daughter is the pride of the family.

Hearing Shen Lin mention his daughter, the uncle smiled and said, "This is the second year. This girl knows how to make progress. Did she get a scholarship during this summer vacation?"

"Yes, study hard and you will have a better future."

Shen Lin's eldest cousin felt a little disappointed when Shen Lin didn't speak.

This time, I originally wanted to take advantage of Shen Lin's arrival to adjust my position, but I didn't expect that Shen Lin would remain silent when faced with such a thing.

This made the eldest cousin feel a little unsure.

He glanced at his father and found that his father had no intention of speaking. He looked at his second uncle again.

Under his nephew's gaze, the second uncle hesitated for a moment and said, "Shen Lin, there are some things that I shouldn't say more about, but what? I can't watch you suffer."

"There is a gap between the heart and the belly!"

Shen Lin listened to his second uncle's emotion and pondered for a moment: "Second uncle, in MiKe Electronics, no matter who you are, you must abide by the company's rules."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said, "If my cousin doesn't do well in the business department, he can work in other industries."

"We at MiKe Electronics use a lot of cardboard boxes and the like every year. I think cousin, if you are willing, you can put some effort into this aspect."

"In one year, I should be able to earn hundreds of thousands."

For ordinary people, hundreds of thousands a year is a dream, but for the eldest cousin, he is a little reluctant.

After all, if you become the head of a business unit of MiKe Electronics, your annual salary will start at one million, not to mention bonuses and the like.

But Shen Lin's words made him a little confused as to how to refute.

He could only say: "Shen Lin, I will do whatever you think I can do. Don't worry, I will never embarrass you."

(End of this chapter)

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