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Chapter 2061 What is yours is yours

Chapter 2061 What is yours is yours

The second uncle felt very unhappy when he heard Shen Lin's arrangements for his nephew.

For him, his goal this time is to make his nephew the head of a business unit.

In this case, both inside and outside, there are huge benefits.

But when Shen Lin came up, he rejected his idea directly.

Contracting some basic business of Mihu Electronics, which costs hundreds of thousands a year, may seem good to others, but he feels that it is all rubbish.

"Shen Lin, I'm not talking about you as an uncle. If you trust outsiders but don't trust your own people, I think there will definitely be problems in the future."

"Your eldest cousin is also very capable. The most important thing is that he is loyal to you."

"If you ask your eldest cousin to help you, no one else can say anything."

"Who doesn't have close relatives? Many of the heads of business departments used by Cheng Zhenyuan are his old subordinates."

"If you do this, it will chill people's hearts."

After the second uncle finished speaking, the eldest uncle started to pull him.

Shen Lin looked at his second uncle's expression and said calmly: "Second uncle, for a large enterprise to develop, it needs to work together."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said, "It's not like I don't use my own people."

"It's true that my eldest cousin has no ability to manage a business department."

"If you let him forcefully manage a business unit, it will ultimately harm him."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Second uncle, it's good to outsource some things and make some money."

"You say so, cousin."

When the eldest cousin heard Shen Lin's question, he hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile: "Shen Lin is right, second uncle, I think earning hundreds of thousands a year is really good."

"The wages here in Dongzhou are still high. A worker only earns 300 yuan a month."

"I'm quite content."

The second uncle's face showed a hint of ugliness.

This time, he was interceding on behalf of his nephew. The nephew had already agreed with Shen Lin's arrangement. It would not look good if he held on to her.

But he is really not reconciled!

Just when he hesitated, Shen Lin had already said with a smile: "Second uncle, I heard that Xiao Tao is also going to college."

"Let's see, our MiKe Electronics has a cooperation with the University of Technology."

"If Xiaotao doesn't do well in the exam, don't review. Let him go to the Polytechnic University to study as a trainee and come back to work with us after graduation."

The second uncle didn't even think about his son going to college.

He knew that with his son's strength, there was basically no chance of him getting into college.

Now, Shen Lin has asked his son to become a Weipei student, which definitely solved a problem for him.

Although he was a little reluctant that today's goal had not been achieved, he could not refuse the conditions given by Shen Lin.

In fact, if he dared to refuse, then he would not be facing Shen Lin, but Er Jinzi's nagging.

"Then Xiaotao's matter, I leave it to you."

After talking about my cousin, the conversation returned to normal.

The people gathered together happily had a meal, and then Shen Lin said goodbye and left.

On the way back, Shen Xingye smiled and said to Shen Lin, "Shen Lin, you were right to refuse your second uncle's request."

"After all, your eldest cousin doesn't have this ability."

"But you have to pay attention to what your second uncle said. If a company is not managed smoothly, problems can easily occur." Shen Lin looked at his father who looked solemn and said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry. Well, I know this matter well."

"Now that the rice shell electrons have become larger, all kinds of problems have arisen."

"Although these problems have been covered up by the development of rice shells due to the rapid development of rice shell electronics, this does not mean that these problems do not exist."

"It's time to resolve these issues."

Shen Xingye knew very well that in terms of business ability, Shen Lin was much better than him, so when he saw that Shen Lin had accepted his opinion, he didn't say anything more.

After sending his parents home, Shen Lin took out some information from his drawer and read it.

These information were provided by people whom Shen Lin trusted, and they were basically verified.

For example, there is Luo Zhongyong who is in charge of the electric vehicle business!
Although the electric vehicle business is making money, Luo Zhongyong secretly asked his brother-in-law to set up an accessories factory.

This accessory specializes in the production of body plastics for Mihu cars.

Shen Lin saw this kind of thing in his eyes and didn't say much. However, as the parts factory became bigger and bigger and became more and more profitable, the quality of their products began to decline.

However, the people arranged by Luo Zhongyong did not look at this at all and still mixed the products into other purchases of Mihu Electronics.

From these alone, the annual profit is several million.

After learning the news, Shen Lin did not deal with it immediately, but asked people to continue the investigation.As more and more news gathered, Shen Lin became angrier.

When I came back this time, I actually had the idea of ​​dealing with these things.

Early the next morning, Shen Lin came to Cheng Zhenyuan's office.

"Director Shen, why are you here? If you need anything, just let me go." Cheng Zhenyuan was reading the information. When he saw Shen Lin, he said with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled at Cheng Zhenyuan and said, "It's just a few steps. I'll take a walk and exercise."

While Cheng Zhenyuan asked someone to pour tea for Shen Lin, he was guessing in his mind what Shen Lin was doing here. He didn't believe that it was a coincidence that Shen Lin came to him.

There must be something going on here.

While drinking water, Shen Lin chatted with Cheng Zhenyuan for a while, and then said: "Mr. Cheng, do you know anything about Huihuang Plastic Products Factory?"

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned when he heard Shen Lin suddenly talk about Huihuang Plastic Products Factory.

He didn't know much about this small supplier, so he pondered for a moment and said, "Director Shen, I don't know much about this factory."

"Do they have any dealings with us?"

Shen Lindao: "We have business dealings with them. They are one of our main suppliers of plastic bodies for electric vehicles."

Having said this, Shen Lin continued: "Moreover, the quality of many of their products is substandard."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Cheng Zhenyuan's expression became serious.

He already felt that this was no small matter.

Otherwise, Shen Lin would not have talked about this matter.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Dr. Shen, how about I call Luo Zhongyong over and ask him what is going on?"

"As far as we know, Luozhong Yongluozhong should be very aware of this matter, because this factory is run by his relatives."

"And it was opened with his support."

At this point, Shen Lin looked a little cold and said, "According to our estimates, this factory can earn millions in revenue a year just by providing us with products."

"When there are many, it can even reach tens of millions!"

"Mr. Cheng, I think it's time to deal with this matter."

Cheng Zhenyuan's face suddenly became a little cold. He never thought that Luo Zhongyong would do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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