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Chapter 2063 The price of making mistakes

Chapter 2063 The price of making mistakes

Luo Zhongyong realized the seriousness of the matter from Cheng Zhenyuan's expression.

He is a smart man. In fact, when he was making this money, he had already thought about the consequences if the incident happened.

It was just too profitable, so he was reluctant to stop.

Now that he was discovered, he felt relieved in his heart.

"Mr. Cheng, let's do this. I'll close that factory and end this cooperation." Luo Zhongyong said solemnly: "And I promise that this kind of situation will not happen in the places I manage in the future!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Zhenyuan's mouth.

But this smile was a sarcastic smile.

The factory is closed and we won’t cooperate in the future!
That’s really easy to say!
If Cheng Zhenyuan had some sympathy for Luo Zhongyong before, then at this time, he felt more of a sneer in his heart.

He said nothing, just looked at Luo Zhongyong expressionlessly.

Under Cheng Zhenyuan's gaze, Luo Zhongyong rubbed his hands and said, "Mr. Cheng, the money earned in that factory was all earned through hard work by my relative."

"Although there is an element of my help in this, we said privately that it is different to spend money but let others take it!"

"Nowadays is a human society. Who doesn't want to help his own people? Take Dong Shen himself as an example. He helps his own people a lot."

Cheng Zhenyuan suddenly glared and said: "Luo Zhongyong, now let you talk about your own affairs. If you involve other people again, don't blame me for being rude."

Luo Zhongyong felt that his words might not pass the test.

He suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Cheng, it's you who will talk to me today."

"I don't have to give other people's face, but I not only have to give it to you, but I have to give it enough!"

"Let's do this. Since the establishment of this factory, I will pay all the money I have earned at MiKe Electronics."

"I, Lao Luo, just take this as a matter of fact and my efforts have been in vain."

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Luo Zhongyong, Luo Zhongyong, MiKe Electronics has its own disciplines. When you became the head of the business department, I also talked about this matter with you."

"Let me remind you, don't let the small things make the big mistakes."

"But, look at what you have done, you are... you are..."

At the end, Cheng Zhenyuan sighed and said: "Lao Luo, go and surrender!"


Hearing these two words, Lao Luo's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He felt that just based on his contribution to the company, it would be enough to pay a little money, but he did not expect that Cheng Zhenyuan would actually say these two words to him.

He knew very well what it meant to surrender.

"Mr. Cheng, you can't treat me like this. I have worked hard for our company for many years. If you treat me like this, it will be heartbreaking."

"Also, because I have been with you for so many years, I am willing to hand over the money I earn from the factory, and... and I am willing to resign and leave MiKe Electronics."

"What do you think?"

Resign and get your money back!
In Luo Zhongyong's opinion, he was sincere in doing so.

This was what Cheng Zhenyuan had suggested for Luo Zhongyong's punishment before the conversation with Shen Lin.

But at this time, Cheng Zhenyuan felt cold in his heart when he finally heard Luo Zhongyong say these two conditions.

He looked at Luo Zhongyong and asked, "Lao Luo, do you think it's okay?"

"We are a formal company. If anything goes wrong, we will bear whatever responsibilities we bear."

Having said this, he waved his hand towards Luo Zhongyong and said, "Okay, Director Shen is waiting for you in his office, you go ahead."

Luo Zhongyong wanted to say something else, but looking at Cheng Zhenyuan with a stern expression, he finally said nothing.

He came to Shen Lin's office a little lost.He knew clearly in his heart that Shen Lin was still the one who decided his fate.

If Shen Lin could let him go, nothing would be a problem.

And if Shen Lin insists on following the rules, he will be in trouble.

So after arriving at Shen Lin's office, he hesitated for a moment and then said quickly: "Director Shen, I am obsessed with this matter. I didn't expect that my one-time move would cause such a big loss to our company."

"I am willing to compensate the company for all losses and ask Director Shen to spare me this time."

"Director Shen, if nothing else, for the sake of my hard work for the company for so many years, please give me another chance."

Shen Lin looked at Luo Zhongyong, who sincerely admitted his mistake, and his face became a little cold.

He said calmly: "Lao Luo, you work hard for the factory, I admit that."

"But, everything is mutual. The factory should not be too kind to you, right? If nothing else, just tell me how much your annual bonus is as the head of the business department."

"For example, last year, your bonus should have exceeded 300 million, right?"

When Shen Lin said this, his attitude was a bit cold and he said: "As an executive of Mihu Electronics, you not only get bonuses, but also dividends. Plus the basic salary, your annual income is at least 500 million."

"But, what did you do for me as a reward of 500 million yuan?"

"Find someone to build the supporting factory and contract the project yourself."

"That's not all. It's not that you can't produce products with qualified quality, but in order to minimize costs, you have been producing substandard products! I have said long ago that quality is the life of an enterprise, and consumers Loyalty requires us to come up with products of trustworthy quality and slowly accumulate them from trial to trust. This process is very long!”

"But what about you? If you use substandard products as high-quality products, don't you feel blushing yourself!"

"Do you know who you are tricking by doing this?"

"You are cheating the entire Mihu Factory, you are cheating the entire Mihu Electronics!"

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Luo Zhongyong's head lowered involuntarily.

After Shen Lin finished speaking, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I did something wrong in this matter. Please give me another chance to change my ways, Director Shen."

"I am willing to compensate the company for all losses."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Lao Luo, if you make a mistake, you always have to pay the price."

"Otherwise, our company wouldn't have to follow the rules."

"Get ready and hand over the work today."

Luo Zhongyong couldn't help but feel depressed when he saw Shen Lin's calm expression with a hint of determination.

He knew that it was impossible for Shen Lin to let go of this matter.

And the consequences of this incident filled his heart with fear.

"Director Shen, you...can't you let me go? For the sake of my loyalty to start your business with you, can you let me go?"

Luo Zhongyong's plea made Shen Lin feel a little shaken for a moment.

However, looking through the materials in his hand, Shen Lin shook his head and said, "Lao Luo, I want to let you go, but the factory's rules cannot let you go."

"We, MiKe Electronics, are no longer a small workshop. Those who violate the rules will always have to pay the price."

"Okay, if you have anything to explain, please explain it to Mr. Cheng."

"As for your family members who work in the factory, as long as they are not involved in this matter, they will not be implicated or affected by this matter."

Luo Zhongyong looked at Shen Lin with a determined expression and wanted to make a few excuses, but in the end, he left Shen Lin's office in frustration.

Although he was very unwilling, he knew that he could not change Shen Lin's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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