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Chapter 2064 I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic

Chapter 2064 I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic
Luo Zhongyong's incident spread quickly throughout Mike Electronics like a strong wind.

Some people feel sorry for this incident, while others feel happy about it. They feel that Luo Zhongyong deserved this end.

However, among these emotions, there are also some people who feel sad that the rabbit dies and the fox dies.

That's right, it's the rabbit's death and the fox's sorrow.

For example, some people who have a good relationship with Luo Zhongyong feel that the mistakes Luo Zhongyong made are not too big, but Shen Lin's behavior is a bit too ruthless.

It's just that these people, although they look like they want to seek justice for Luo Zhongyong, they only pay lip service and do not dare to go to Shen Lin.

Therefore, they were looking more for Cheng Zhenyuan.

Moreover, they were waiting for Cheng Zhenyuan at Cheng Zhenyuan's home.

It was time to get off work in the afternoon, and the fat aunt took her bag a little secretly. At this time, she wanted to leave the office.

But just as she was about to leave, someone stopped her and said, "Fat Aunt, what are you doing?"

Seeing the speaker, the fat aunt felt a little guilty, but on the surface, she still smiled and said: "Go pick up my sister's grandson from school."

"My sister doesn't have time today, so she asked me to help pick it up."

After hearing the fat aunt's defense, the man said: "Fat aunt, you should do your business, but you can't back down from going to Mr. Cheng's house to plead for mercy."

"Lao Luo also knows that he has always regarded you as a good friend."

"He usually helps you a lot."

"If you don't even want to help him, this person's heart is too cold..."

Listening to these words, the fat aunt showed a hint of helplessness on her face.

In fact, the fat aunt was really uncomfortable at this time.

She absolutely didn't want to get involved in this matter, but the words of her old colleagues in the past forced her to have no way out.

If she didn't participate this time, she might end up being treacherous. From now on, her fat aunt might be isolated and helpless in this circle of old colleagues...

The fat aunt was very confused.

After some hesitation, the fat aunt dialed her old man's phone number.

She must find someone very close to her to discuss this matter carefully.

After the call was connected, the fat aunt explained her situation, and then asked: "Old man, can you analyze it for me, should I go or not?"

The fat aunt's husband pondered for a moment and said, "If you go, you will be playing opposite to Director Shen."

"But if you don't go, no matter what happens to your old colleagues in the future, they won't turn to us."

"If you ask me, you might as well call Mr. Cheng later and tell him about this matter and what's causing your difficulty."

"Then follow."

"I believe that as the big brother, Mr. Cheng will understand your difficulties."

After listening to her old man's analysis, the fat aunt felt much relieved.She said quickly: "Okay, as you said, I'll call Brother Cheng first."

While talking, the fat aunt hung up the phone.

Cheng Zhenyuan's PHS was very busy, and Fat Auntie made several calls, all of which were on the phone. Fatty Auntie was not surprised by this situation.

After all, as the general manager of MiKe Electronics, Cheng Zhenyuan has too many things to do, and there are also many people looking for him.

After answering the phone, the fat aunt told Cheng Zhenyuan the situation, and then expressed her concerns: "Brother Cheng, I have to go to your place later. If I don't go, I won't be able to pass the test. "

"What, wait a minute, if you have anything to say, just ask me to help you." Cheng Zhenyuan said, "Fat Aunt, come here."

Just when the fat aunt was about to say something, the phone was hung up.

Listening to the beeping on the other end of the phone, the fat aunt was a little puzzled. She felt that Cheng Zhenyuan seemed to have known about this matter in advance.

Could it be that someone had already called Cheng Zhenyuan before him?Otherwise, how could he...

Half an hour later, the fat aunt followed the large group of people and arrived at Cheng Zhenyuan's home.

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife is very enthusiastic about these old colleagues who used to work with Cheng Zhenyuan. After all, they are all old acquaintances for many years.

As for the group of people who followed the fat aunt, after chatting with Cheng Zhenyuan's wife for a while, one of them said, "Sister-in-law, what do you think this is?"

"Lao Luo made mistakes, and they were quite wrong."

"But Lao Luo has contributed so much to the development of our company over the years."

"Isn't it just that he couldn't think about it for the moment, so he made such a mistake? Moreover, he has already expressed his position and returned all the things that he should not have taken."

"Does Director Shen have the duty to kill everyone like this?"

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife said calmly: "I don't know much about your work. When Lao Cheng comes back later, you can tell him personally."

"Sister-in-law, I know your family, and you can be half of it, sister-in-law."

"You really need to explain this matter to Brother Cheng for us. I think the reason people treat Luo Zhongyong like this is not because of what he has done, but because he is our Brother Cheng's."

"This is obviously an attempt to kill the donkey. I think our brother Cheng's prestige is too high!"

The speaker picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and then said: "I'm afraid that after they finish dealing with us subordinates, it's time to take action on Brother Cheng himself!"

The fat aunt stood aside, listening to these words, a trace of fear arose in her heart for no reason.

What are my old colleagues going to do?Especially Lao Tu, who just said these heart-wrenching words, what on earth is he going to do?
This matter is obviously Luo Zhongyong's dishonesty. Why is it that now that Lao Tu is talking about it, he has been wronged? Why is it that Director Shen wants to deal with Mr. Cheng?

She wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to speak, because several of her companions around her were agreeing.

"Lao Tu, what you said is nonsense. I have always seen what Director Shen is like to our Lao Cheng."

"What's more, if Director Shen wants to deal with our old Cheng, do you need what you said?" Cheng Zhenyuan's wife looked at Lao Tu and said coldly: "As long as Director Shen makes a request, our old Cheng should rest Just rest.”

"Also, Lao Tu, please don't forget. If Director Shen hadn't built Mihu Electronics back then, you would have been nothing more than a small businessman now. How could you have achieved what you have now?"

"If you ask me, you must never forget your roots as a human being!"

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife's words made Lao Tu's face become extremely ugly.

He originally just wanted to stir up trouble at Cheng Zhenyuan's house when he said these words, but he didn't expect that his words would directly hit him in the face.

For a moment, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Sister-in-law, it's not that Lao Tu has forgotten his roots, but that some people have forgotten his brothers who worked hard with him to start a business."

"No matter how useful a piece of iron is, how many screws can it be driven into? If we hadn't worked hard with him, we wouldn't be where MiKe Electronics is today!"

"Sister-in-law, think about it, how much I, Brother Cheng, have paid for MiKe Electronics, but what about now? In other words, it seems that it is Brother Cheng who is at fault."

"I won't agree to anything about this matter!"

Just when this person was speaking impassionedly, someone heard someone say: "Who put all the blame on me? Who made you agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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