Chapter 2065: Kill one kill culture
Cheng Zhenyuan's anger was not fake!

Cheng Zhenyuan is really angry this time!
Before he returned home, he had already received several phone calls. Those who called him were all old subordinates like Fat Auntie.

That is, the old employee of Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory.

When he came back, Cheng Zhenyuan was still thinking about how he could comfort him with kind words, but he didn't expect that some people would be so shameless.

They actually wanted to instigate themselves and Shen Lin to fight.

It seemed that the mistakes Luo Zhongyong made were not mistakes, but just because Cheng Zhenyuan was incompetent and unable to protect his subordinates.

Lao Tu and others, who were still complaining about their grievances, now did not dare to say a word.

However, in this silence, someone still spoke.

"Mr. Cheng, all of us are fighting for you!"

"Tell me, how much effort have you put into the development of MiKe Electronics?"

"Now Shen Lin wants to put the fault on you with just one sentence. This is unfair!"

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the person who spoke and said coldly: "Old Shi, are you coming here this time to avenge me?"

"Don't think I don't know, I also have shares in Luo Zhongyong's factory!"

"Hmph, I bought you with [-]% of the shares and asked you to cover his substandard products, right?"

Lao Shi, who was originally looking very upright and felt very uncomfortable for Cheng Zhenyuan, turned pale at this time.

Cheng Zhenyuan's words made him feel as if he had been stripped naked in front of the public and hung directly in front of Cheng Zhenyuan.

"Mr. Cheng, I...I..."

Cheng Zhenyuan said coldly: "Old Shi, I don't care what you want to do, but you want to use me as your spearman today, and I have to settle this matter with you."

"We used to work at the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory."

"But I don't remember how close our relationship is."

At this point, Cheng Zhenyuan continued: "Besides, I don't remember how I felt sorry for you, Lao Shi, at work."

"Lao Shi, do you want to give me an explanation for cheating me like this?"

Looking at Cheng Zhenyuan who was about to explain with a cold face, Lao Shi's face turned extremely pale.

In fact, once Cheng Zhenyuan revealed that he had shares in Luo Zhongyong's factory, he knew that he was in big trouble.

The fat aunt and others also looked at Lao Shi with incredulous eyes.

Originally, they thought that Lao Shi was just angry, so they wanted to unite them to find Cheng Zhenyuan, but they did not expect that Lao Shi actually had shares in Luo Zhongyong's factory.

This is clearly using them as gunmen!It’s a shame that I still use him as my backbone!

Just as thoughts were surging in their minds, they heard Cheng Zhenyuan say: "Fat Aunt, you should be busy with your business, just go and do your business."

"Remember, the reason why Director Shen dealt with Luo Zhongyong was because Luo Zhongyong broke the rules of our Mihu Electronics."

"Not only is it enriching our own pockets, but it also damages the reputation of our MiKe Electronics."

"For this kind of person, let alone Director Shen, even if it were me, I would never let him go!"

"Besides, you are all quite old and should have some brains."

"Don't listen to the wind, it will be rain. I was used as a gunman, and I was sold by others, and I was still busy helping count money!"

Having said this, Cheng Zhenyuan said coldly: "Let's all go."

"No big deal will happen in the future. Don't come to me and let others see you. What are you talking about!"

The fat aunt felt that when she left Cheng Zhenyuan's house, she was really a little disappointed, but before leaving, she felt relaxed all over.

In any case, there is no bad blood between Mr. Cheng and Director Shen.

She doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

All this is the fault of Lao Shi and Lao Tu!
After Cheng Zhenyuan drove these old subordinates out of his home, he sat on his chair with a hint of exhaustion.

His wife came over and said, "Old Cheng, drink some water first." Cheng Zhenyuan picked up the water cup and took a sip and said, "Remember, these people are not allowed to come in for a while."

"Humph, some people have changed!"

Listening to Cheng Zhenyuan's words, Cheng Zhenyuan's wife asked: "Old Cheng, is this matter serious?"

"It's more serious than I thought."

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled bitterly and said: "Luo Zhongyong is very bold. Not only did he let his factory be inferior, but he also took action in other aspects."

"If Director Shen hadn't found out, I would still have been kept in the dark!"

"Can you imagine that Luo Zhongyong's assets are more than ten times greater than our family's!"

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife thought about Luo Zhongyong, who usually looked honest and affectionate, and couldn't help but said: "Old Cheng, can't it be so serious?"

"Lao Luo doesn't seem to be such a greedy person."

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "It wasn't then, but it is now!"

Having said this, Cheng Zhenyuan said to his wife: "Remember, when you talk to people in the future, be more careful."

Although Cheng Zhenyuan's wife was unhappy with her husband's instructions, she still nodded solemnly.

"Lao Cheng, Lao Luo, what will happen next?"

Cheng Zhenyuan sighed and said: "What else can we do? The evidence is conclusive, and there is no possibility of Lao Luo denying it."

"Today, Director Shen has contacted the city."

"It will be the city soon to investigate this matter."

"I heard people say that Luo Zhongyong will not be treated lightly this time."

"It will take at least ten years to start."

Listening to Cheng Zhenyuan's words, Cheng Zhenyuan's wife said with a trembling voice: "Really? This is a bit too...too cruel."

"Lao Cheng, I think we have almost earned enough money now. I think we should quit."

"It just so happens that your health isn't very good. It'll be fine after you recover for a while."

Cheng Zhenyuan waved his hand and said, "We can't retreat now."

"Before this incident happened, I could have brought it up to Director Shen for a break, but now, if I bring it up, everyone will misunderstand that I am related to Luo Zhongyong's matter, and I am trying to take the blame. Resigned."

"What's more, from the perspective of the overall situation, Director Shen will not allow me to resign."

"After all, the current rice shell electrons need more stability."

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife looked at the resolute Cheng Zhenyuan, hesitated and said, "Old Cheng, let's wait until this matter is over and then slowly ask Director Shen to resign."

"We have earned enough money now, so we don't need to worry about hard work anymore."

Cheng Zhenyuan sighed and said, "I have actually thought about quitting for a long time."

"It's just that I haven't found the right person to replace me."

"If Director Shen can take charge in Dongzhou, it doesn't matter with or without me, but Director Shen's main focus is not in Dongzhou now."

"As for Lian Shaofeng, although his ability is sufficient, his prestige is not enough."

"In a short period of time, he is still a little unable to suppress it!"

Listening to Cheng Zhenyuan's analysis, his wife shook her head and said, "You have too many worries."

"According to what you said, you can't retreat no matter what."

"Let me tell you, since you are in a dilemma, you might as well leave this matter to Shen Lin and see how Shen Lin will solve it."

"I think he will find a way."

(End of this chapter)

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