Chapter 2066
There are many people begging for mercy from Cheng Zhenyuan, but there are also many people begging for mercy from Shen Lin.

However, among those who begged for mercy, the one that Shen Lin valued the most was his own father, Shen Xingye.

As Shen Lin's mother, Zhao Honglian never participated in the production and operation of MiKe Electronics.

However, Shen Xingye had managed a small factory at MiKe Electronics in the past, and recently he basically visited MiKe Electronics' factories, so he was familiar with the staff of MiKe Electronics.

Some people found Shen Xingye.

After hearing the rhetoric, Shen Xingye felt that it was reasonable, so he couldn't help but tell Shen Lin about it while eating.

"Shen Lin, can't we be more generous with Luo Zhongyong?"

Shen Xingye said while eating: "Many people now say that you are trying to kill the donkey, and they also say that you are trying to eliminate the old ministers who worked when you started the business!"

"Although I know that this is not your intention, these private discussions are not very pleasant after all."

Shen Lin stuffed fried dough sticks into his mouth and said with a nonchalant smile: "Dad, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"The mouth is on other people. Let them say whatever they like."

"Although our family owns the largest share of MiKe Electronics, we must not allow it to happen. Everything is decided by me with just one word."

"We should not hold things up high and put them down gently when it comes to such things that seriously damage the interests of the company."

"Otherwise, it will cause a chain reaction and some people will be fearless."

"At that time, we will still be in trouble."

Shen Xingye frowned.

Shen Xingye had already expected that his son Shen Lin would not listen to him.

After all, his son Shen Lin is not an ordinary person. Few people can make him take back the decisions he has made now.

"Shen Lin, what you said makes sense, but I think it's not worth the gain!"

"After all, Luo Zhongyong has made a lot of contributions to the development of MiKe Electronics."

"If you deal with it too harshly, it will give people the feeling of killing the donkey. In that case, it will be bad for your reputation."

When Shen Xingye said this, he paused and said, "I hope you can let him go if you can teach him a sufficient lesson."

Shen Lin picked up the rice in the bowl and said, "Dad, I have made up my mind about this matter."

"This time, it can't be changed."

Shen Xingye looked at Shen Lin's firm expression and knew that he could not change Shen Lin's decision.

In fact, he also hoped to deal with Luo Zhongyong harshly in his heart, but this would be bad for his son's reputation.

In Shen Xingye's view, reputation is very important.

But what Shen Lin values ​​​​is not this.

"Shen Lin, have you heard? Many people say that your deal with Luo Zhongyong is just the beginning, and your target is Lao Cheng."

Shen Xingye took a breath and said, "You should pay attention to such rumors!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Some people are afraid that the world will not be in chaos."

"Dad, don't worry, I know this matter well."

"I will communicate with Mr. Cheng, don't worry about that."

After having a meal at home, Shen Lin's mind fell on the promotion of the MiKe [-] operating system.

According to the news from Lu Dongsheng, York Hansen and others, the MiKe [-] operating system is a big seller in Europa.

Even the number of reservations has exceeded Mi Keyi.

It can be said that this is a very good start.

But there has been no response from Juying Company.Shen Lin knew very well that no reaction was abnormal. Neither Mr. Yabo nor everyone at Juying Company would be willing to fail.

They will definitely respond!

In addition to the company's affairs, there are also Mi Yuan's affairs.

Although Shen Lin had made up his mind to deal with this matter coldly.

But Fang Xiaomei had already shown him an appraisal report some time ago.

Through this appraisal, Shen Lin has determined that Mi Yuan's child is his.

This made Shen Lin feel a little hesitant, but also a little bit more happy.

He wanted to see the child, but he didn't know how.

After all, it is not easy to talk about this matter.

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about how to resolve these two matters satisfactorily, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Lin said, "Come in," and saw Shi Congyun, who was becoming more and more clear-cut in his words and deeds, walking in with a folder.

"Director Shen, here are several documents that need your signature."

Shi Congyun was already familiar with secretarial work, and also had a deep understanding of how much power she, as a secretary, had in Mi Ke Electronics.

Even if she didn't go to work according to Shen Lin's arrangements, the courtesy she received was still the treatment that only senior executives in the company could receive.

As for the reason, there is of course only one reason, and that is that she is Shen Lin's close friend.

She would know most of Shen Lin's things.

Shen Lin took Shi Congyun's document and glanced at it casually, and found that what was placed in the most conspicuous position was a letter of proposal from the MiKe PHS Industrial Department.

In Shen Lin's view, there are only two contents in the proposal. One is that PHS will eventually be eliminated; the other is that Shen Lin hopes that while doing PHS, he can turn around as soon as possible and focus his research on on the phone.

The Walnut Company was even mentioned in this suggestion.

It is said that Walnut Company is coming in force. It has already kept pace with motorcycle companies this year, and it will only be a matter of time before it surpasses Walnut Company in the future.

The proposer hoped that Shen Lin could seize this opportunity while Walnut Company was just starting work.

Looking at these suggestions, a smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

After reading the document, he said to Shi Congyun: "Tell the PHS business department and ask them to arrange for Feng Jun to come to our place. I want to have an interview with him."

Shi Congyun agreed and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Shen Lin put the document down casually, and then looked at other documents.

When Shen Lin finished processing all the documents, Shi Congyun said softly: "Dr. Shen, Mr. Cheng's secretary just called and asked when you would be free. He said that Mr. Cheng had something to clear up and wanted to tell you in person. Report it."

When Shi Congyun reported this, he tried to keep his voice calm.

She knew in her heart that Director Shen might not like what she said.

When Shen Lin listened to Shi Congyun's report, he understood that Cheng Zhenyuan had unknowingly given himself a little credit.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Let's do this. You can arrange a room for me at Ermei Hotel at noon today, and I'll treat Mr. Cheng to a meal."

"Just the two of us."

Shi Congyun said quickly: "Okay, Director Shen, I will make arrangements right away."

Shen Lin looked at Shi Congyun leaving and shook his head gently. Although Shi Congyun had abilities, there was still a gap between him and Fang Xiaomei in some aspects!
"But if you cultivate it, it will still be a good seedling."

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about today's conversation with Cheng Zhenyuan, his PHS rang.

Shen Lin answered the phone and heard York Hansen's voice coming from the other end of the phone: "Director Shen, we are being accused!"

(End of this chapter)

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