Chapter 2069
Lian Shaofeng is only in his 30s this year, but he is already a famous prince in MiKe Electronics.

One year's annual salary plus equity dividends has reached tens of millions.

It can be said that his income is envied by many people.

He was very satisfied with the current situation.

At the same time, he himself feels that although his achievements today are related to his abilities, it is also related to his talent.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, a talented person, he felt that he wouldn't have achieved what he did today.

So for Shen Lin, his heart was full of gratitude.

"Hello, Mr. Lian, Director Shen is waiting for guests, please wait a moment." Outside Shen Lin's office, Shi Congyun said politely when she saw Lian Shaofeng striding towards him.

As a senior executive of MiKe Electronics, Lian Shaofeng can be regarded as a young success.

But he has always been extremely humble. Now facing Secretary Shen, who is not very beautiful, he even smiled and said: "Thank you, Secretary Shi, do you know what Director Shen wants from me?"

"do not know."

Shi Congyun said: "But when Director Shen asked me to call you, I was in a very good mood."

"Thank you." Lian Shaofeng looked at Shi Congyun again, and he couldn't help but think highly of this not-so-pretty girl.

Shi Congyun's words just now seemed to say nothing, but they also revealed some contents to herself.

Like that's not a bad thing.

But if you want to say what she said, there is no evidence at all, because she really didn't say anything.

"President Lian, would you like tea or coffee?"

Lian Shaofeng said: "Bring me a cup of black tea."

In just 2 minutes, Shi Congyun brought a blue ceramic cup to Lian Shaofeng, which looked very high-end.

"This is a set of twelve-color cups, which was specially used by Director Shen to entertain the senior executives of our company."

Shi Congyun smiled and said: "From now on, when Mr. Lian comes here, you will use this cup."

Looking at the beautiful blue porcelain cup, Lian Shaofeng smiled and said: "Secretary Shi, thank you very much for thinking so thoughtfully about me."

"This cup is nice, I like it very much."

Shi Congyun didn't say much and left quickly to deal with her own affairs.

Lian Shaofeng took the teacup given by Shi Congyun and looked at it while thinking about the purpose of Shen Lin calling him here.

Why is Director Shen looking for me?

According to Lian Shaofeng's feeling, Shen Lin came to him for work reasons.

It is very likely to be related to Luo Zhongyong's matter.

Lian Shaofeng was a bit scornful of Luo Zhongyong's approach of losing big for small things.

He had dealt with Luo Zhongyong in the past, and he still felt a little pity for this person.

He is obviously a very smart person, why does he just do stupid things?

This time, not only was he unlucky, but he was also...

If Director Shen is trying to beat up a business unit leader like himself, what should I do?

Leaving MiKe Electronics was not an option for Lian Shaofeng at all. He felt that his best choice was to be honest...

Just as Lian Shaofeng's thoughts were swirling in his mind, voices came from outside. Lian Shaofeng glanced outside and saw Shen Lin shaking hands and saying goodbye with a person who often appeared on TV.

After the man got on the elevator, Lian Shaofeng quickly walked towards Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, I'm here!"

Shen Lin looked at Lian Shaofeng, who was neatly dressed and looking energetic, and said with a smile: "Not bad, come to my office and talk."

When the two came to the office, Shen Lin said straight to the point: "Shaofeng, how is your work going?"

"Director Shen, our game consoles have basically opened up the external market and have established a firm foothold." "But what we rely on is mainly that our prices are cheap. Compared with the products of some companies such as Nisos, There is still a big gap.”

"I think we still need to work hard on scientific research."

"Only by doing this well can I..."

Listening to Lian Shaofeng's thoughts, Shen Lin couldn't help but nod.

Cheng Zhenyuan is right. Lian Shaofeng is not only strong in ability, but also forward-looking in his work.

Letting him become the general manager is a good choice.

"Shaofeng, your idea is good, but from now on, your main focus should be on the entire company's business."

"As for the game console business department, you need to find a suitable person to do it."

Lian Shaofeng was stunned for a moment. He was very smart, but Shen Lin's words made him confused for a moment.

"Dr. Shen, what are you..."

"Shaofeng, Mr. Cheng and I both feel that the company needs a deputy general manager, and you are very suitable for this position in terms of ability and other aspects."

As soon as Shen Lin's words came out, Lian Shaofeng's eyes widened a lot.

Deputy General Manager of MiKe Electronics!
For this position, Lian Shaofeng's heart is full of yearning.

He also feels that he is very suitable for this position.

But he didn't expect that this thing would happen so quickly.

"Director Shen, I will never betray your trust." After thinking for a moment, Lian Shaofeng said to Shen Lin in a firm tone.

Shen Lin looked at Lian Shaofeng, who was full of confidence, and said with a smile: "Okay, one of us must have the courage to leave me."

Having said this, he patted Lian Shaofeng on the shoulder and said, "I'll wait and see what you do."

"By the way, do you have any good candidates for the game console division?"

Lian Shaofeng hesitated and said: "Director Shen, for the heads of the computer division, I think two people are quite suitable."

"One is Ma Wei. He has a very flexible mind and a very keen..."

"In addition, I think Shan Yongming is also very suitable. Shan Yongming is a calm person, but he is also aggressive..."

Listening to the two people recommended to him by Lian Shaofeng, Shen Lin's lips showed a smile.

These two are not just average, but really good. After all, they have been tested.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "Then let's temporarily appoint Shan Yongming. The most important thing for our game console division is to stabilize it first."

"No problems can arise due to the handover."

"Also, as the deputy general manager, you have to pay attention to the game console division, but you can't focus all its energy on this aspect."

"Your main task next is to help Mr. Cheng handle the affairs of the entire company."


In one breath, Shen Lin chatted with Lian Shaofeng for two hours.

In terms of ability, Lian Shaofeng is very strong. As long as Shen Lin mentions many things, Lian Shaofeng can basically understand what Shen Lin means and can come up with good plans.

Therefore, Shen Lin was very satisfied with Lian Shaofeng becoming the vice president.

After having a meal with Shen Lin, Lian Shaofeng left the office building of MiKe Electronics. At this time, he was full of excitement.

He felt that greater success was reaching out to him.

And as long as you do well, according to Director Shen, your income will increase exponentially.

Also, my status and everything about me will take off tremendously.

(End of this chapter)

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