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Chapter 2070 Flat Bottom 1 Thunder

Chapter 2070: A thunder from the bottom
The old conference room of the hardware machinery factory, now the large conference room of Mihu Electronics, has already gathered hundreds of people!
These people are all above the middle level of rice shell electrons.

Apart from anything else, if calculated in terms of income, basically none of these people's income is less than an annual salary of 50.

At that time, an annual salary of 50 was not a small number.

"Lao Jin, what is the company meeting for this time?" Cheng Tianyu, who is in his 40s, asked his companions at the back of the conference room.

Lao Jin is also in his 40s, but he is more tactful, so he is very well-informed.

"I don't know about this either." As Lao Jin spoke, he handed Cheng Tianyu a cigarette.

Cheng Tianyu was a middle-level manager in the Mihu DVD Player Division. Hearing what Lao Jin said, he smiled and said, "Lao Jin, you think I'm easy to fool, don't you?"

"Who doesn't know that there is nothing in our company that we can hide from your brother?"

"It's not that you don't know, you don't want to tell me, it really makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Listening to Cheng Tianyu's words, Lao Jin waved his hands and said, "Brother, I really don't know."

"But I think it's definitely not a small matter for Director Shen to call so many of us for a meeting."

"It should be related to Luo Zhongyong's matter."

What happened to Luo Zhongyong!

There was a hint of solemnity in Cheng Tianyu's eyes. Luo Zhongyong was not very familiar with him, but he was the head of the electric bicycle division, and he was well-known.

This person is capable and is an old man of MiKe Electronics. When the company was founded, everyone was in MiKe Electronics.

It can be said that in terms of qualifications, he is far behind.

But such a person was directly captured by Director Shen, which shocked him very much.

Although what Luo Zhongyong did was too bold, it was also too unexpected.

"Well, I'm afraid Director Shen's speech this time will be very harsh." Lao Jin continued: "So let's all be careful not to hit the muzzle of the gun."

There is no fool here who can become a person with an annual salary of more than 50 yuan.

Cheng Tianyu smiled and said, "Yes, you must be careful."

"Is Dong Shen unhappy? Whoever gets into trouble at this time is causing trouble for himself?"

Having said this, he said to Lao Jin: "Lao Jin, have you heard who became the head of the electric vehicle division?"

"No, I don't dare to ask!"

Lao Jin said: "But I think the choice will be made soon. After all, the matters of the electric vehicle division cannot be delayed."

Just as the two people were talking, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The two people who looked at each other said nothing, but under their gazes, they saw Shen Lin, Cheng Zhenyuan and others walking onto the stage.

"We are summoned here today mainly for two things."

Shen Lin flicked the microphone gently and said in a deep voice: "The first thing is that on behalf of the company's board of directors, I will announce the decision to deal with Luo Zhongyong."

Everyone present knew what happened to Luo Zhongyong, but no one knew how he would handle it.

So when Shen Lin opened his mouth, all eyes fell on him.

"According to the board of directors' study and decision, in view of Luo Zhongyong..." Shen Lin's voice was not high, but it was clearly passed into the ears of everyone present. Although they had already guessed about Luo Zhongyong's fate, After hearing the announced decision, they still felt a little scared!
Fired from the company!
And his illegal behavior will also be investigated!
All this makes it clear that Luo Zhongyong's life is basically over.

Listening to the decision announced by Shen Lin, many people looked at Cheng Zhenyuan.

Many people have always believed that Luo Zhongyong was Cheng Zhenyuan's favorite general.

Now that Luo Zhongyong is being treated like this, what is Cheng Zhenyuan's attitude?
In the eyes of everyone, Cheng Zhenyuan looked very calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

After announcing the results of Luo Zhongyong's handling, Shen Lin continued: "Luo Zhongyong's incident happened around us, and we should take this as a warning."

"I believe that everyone will be strict with themselves so as not to make the same mistakes again."

Having said this, Shen Lin continued: "There is another decision below, which is about the appointment of a position. I will announce it to everyone."

"...After the board of directors' study and decision, Cheng Zhenyuan was appointed as the company's vice chairman and general manager..."

Listening to Shen Lin's announcement, everyone present looked puzzled.

Luo Zhongyong is Mr. Cheng's subordinate. Why has Mr. Cheng been promoted to another level?What's happening here?
Could it be to appease Mr. Cheng!
Just when everyone felt that this comfort was normal, they heard Shen Lin continue:
"…After the board of directors’ study and decision, Lian Shaofeng was appointed as the deputy general manager of MiKe Electronics…"

If Luo Zhongyong's handling was expected by many people, then the appointments of Lian Shaofeng and Cheng Zhenyuan surprised everyone present.

After all, there was no news about this matter at all.

But it seems normal to promote Shaofeng Lian. After all, Lian Shaofeng's achievements are obvious to all, and they are very convincing in all aspects.

Deputy General Manager!

And there is only one deputy general manager!
Following Shen Lin's announcement, bursts of applause began to sound from below.

Listening to the applause, Lian Shaofeng couldn't help but stand up from his seat.

After the applause fell, Shen Lin said to Lian Shaofeng: "Vice President Lian, you are a new official taking office. Please tell everyone about your determination."

Lian Shaofeng was not timid about speaking. He came to the stage and said with a smile: "I am very grateful to the board of directors and Director Shen for giving me this opportunity. In my future work, I will definitely follow Director Shen's arrangements." , assist Mr. Cheng in his work, let us MiKe Electronics..."

Lian Shaofeng spoke for three minutes with a very humble attitude, but in his humility there was also a hint of firmness.

After hearing Lian Shaofeng's statement, Shen Lin and others burst into warm applause again.

After Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan discussed the work arrangements of MiKe Electronics, the meeting was declared over.

As the meeting ended, within half a day, the news of the emergence of a deputy general manager at MiKe Electronics spread throughout the company.

As the new deputy general manager of MiKe Electronics, Lian Shaofeng's phone calls are about to be inundated with calls.

Shen Lin, who had already talked with Lian Shaofeng, returned to his office after the meeting.

Shi Congyun handed him a fax document, which was sent by York Hansen.As for the content of the document, in addition to Juying's lawsuit against MiKe Electronics, there was also a notice requesting Shen Lin to appear in court.

"Director Shen, Mr. York Hansen said that you don't need to pay attention to this notice. He will help you find a way to deal with it."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed York Hansen's number.

(End of this chapter)

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