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Chapter 2072 The person who is destined to be unable to escape

Chapter 2072 The person who is destined to be unable to escape
The Rice Shell Garden under the setting sun is full of life.

Children running around, old people taking a walk after dinner, and middle-aged people sitting on the bench in the small garden talking about mountains...

Everything is so natural.

"Mr. Cheng serves as vice chairman and general manager. It seems that his position is higher, but in fact, his power has been decentralized."

"Think about it, before we Mi Ke, there was no vice chairman at all."

"Mr. Cheng, the general manager, is actually the vice chairman."

"Although Mr. Cheng has been added to the position of vice chairman, he has the deputy general manager Lian Shaofeng under him."

A middle-aged man joked loudly while drinking water.

After he finished speaking, many people started talking.

Some of them said: "Speaking of deputy general manager, it's not Lian Shaofeng's turn. Whether it's hadron or photon, it's longer than his time at Mihu Electronics."

"Old Fatty, what are you talking about? I think Mr. Lian is good."

"In the past few years, with our game console division, we have won the company's sales championship several times."

"He is more than qualified to serve as vice president."


Just when everyone was talking about it, someone said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense here. If it reaches Dong Shen's ears, you guys will be unable to eat and carry around."

Following these words, everyone who was originally very interested suddenly stopped.

They were chatting here just to have a good time, and they didn't want Director Shen to have any objection to them because of their momentary pleasure.

Shen Lin was standing on the balcony on the third floor of the villa, looking at the bustling lights below.

The children who came back from school, the toddlers, all made him feel angry and full of expectations for home.

He wants to go back.

Although this is also his home, how can he say this is his home when he is here alone?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin had a photo in his hand.

A photo of a toddler.

The child in this photo is smiling brightly.

Although Shen Lin had not yet decided how to deal with Mi Yuan and this unexpected child, he had an urge to take a look.

Go check it out, you should check it out too!
This thought surged rapidly in Shen Lin's heart.

For a moment, Shen Lin had the urge to fly there right now.

The next day, Shi Congyun, who came to the office early in the morning, received a notice that Shen Lin had something to do in the past two days and asked her to call her.

Shi Congyun was surprised by this decision.

She has been Shen Lin's secretary for some time, and this is the first time she has encountered such a situation.

Before she hesitated, she called her ex Fang Xiaomei.

"Sister Xiaomei, I am Shi Congyun. Director Shen suddenly said that he would not come to the company if he had something to do. Is there anything I need to pay attention to in the past two days?"

Shi Congyun, who made the call, asked very carefully.

Fang Xiaomei on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment and then said: "Xiaoyun, just do your own thing well."

"Director Shen's PHS is on. If you have anything, just ask Director Shen for instructions." Fang Xiaomei said: "If you encounter something urgent and you can't contact Director Shen, just report it to Mr. Cheng .”

Just as Shi Congyun was about to agree, she heard a clear reminder coming from the receiver, which was a voice urging boarding.

Listening to this voice, Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment.

Sister Xiaomei is going on a business trip!
But shouldn’t Sister Xiaomei be working in Mihu City in Beijing?Why did she start a business trip? Although she was confused, Shi Congyun didn't ask. After all, this was Fang Xiaomei's private matter.

"Sister Xiaomei, you go and do your work first." Shi Congyun said: "I will call you for advice if there is anything else."

After listening to Shi Congyun's words, Fang Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why she went on a business trip was completely arranged by Shen Lin, and the place where she went on a business trip this time was Yangcheng.

When Fang Xiaomei heard that Shen Lin arranged for her to follow him to Yangcheng, she knew what Director Shen was going to do.

Her heart was full of hesitation about this matter.

She didn't know how to handle this.

Mi Yuan gave birth to a child, Dong Shen’s!
And Director Shen is very kind to himself.

Sister Xiaorong is also very kind to herself.

Even Mi Yuan was once Fang Xiaomei's friend.

In this matter, Fang Xiaomei felt that she could not betray her friend.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but grit her teeth.She has no other choice now but to go to the dark side.

Three hours later, Fang Xiaomei arrived at Lanyu Airport in Yangcheng. After seeing Shen Lin sitting on a chair waiting, all the complaints and dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared completely.

She quickly came to Shen Lin's side and seemed to have resumed her identity as secretary in the blink of an eye.

She said respectfully: "Dr. Shen, what are your plans now?"

Shen Lin glanced at Fang Xiaomei and said, "I want to see Xiaomi Ya."

Fang Xiaomei glanced at the time and said, "Dr. Shen, basically no one is bringing their children out at this time. Would you... would you like to see it again tomorrow?"

"Of course, if you want to see Sister Mi Yuan, just pretend I didn't tell you."

Seeing Mi Yuan, Shen Lin pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Then I will do as you say."

"Director Shen, where should we rest? Should we go to the branch office, or..." Fang Xiaomei looked at the sky outside and asked.

Shen Lin said: "Just find a hotel to stay in."

"If I go to the branch, the entire company will know that I'm here."

Shen Lin's words are not an exaggeration. As the person in charge of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin's influence is really too great.

"Okay, Director Shen, I think we should stay at the Blue Rain Hotel. It's not only high-end but also has a good environment."

"The most important thing is that this place is close to Xiao Mi Ya's residence. Maybe tomorrow you will be able to see Xiao Mi Ya walking through the window."

Looking at Xiao Mi Ya walking through the window, Shen Lin smiled but did not say anything.

Checking in at the Blue Rain Hotel was very pleasant. After a simple meal in the hotel, Shen Lin took Fang Xiaomei onto the street.

Shen Lin, who had simply dressed up, looked like a young man who had just entered society, while Fang Xiaomei looked much more mature.

After walking a few steps, Fang Xiaomei even heard someone cast a look of contempt at her, as if a flower was stuck on something, which made Fang Xiaomei feel extremely aggrieved in her heart.

But no matter how wronged she was, she couldn't speak out.

"Is this where Mi Yuan lives?" Shen Lin pointed at an old house and asked Fang Xiaomei in a low voice.

Fang Xiaomei glanced at the house. Just as she was about to speak, she saw a car driving over from a distance.

Soon, the car stopped not far from the two of them.

Fang Xiaomei didn't pay much attention to the sudden car, but as a person stepped out of the car, her eyes suddenly widened.

Because she saw Mi Yuan!

(End of this chapter)

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