Chapter 2073 Give him a warning

At night, Mi Yuan got off a strange car.

Things like this really make people have many other thoughts in their hearts.

Especially at a time like this.

Fang Xiaomei felt that her breathing was a little tight.

And she also discovered that this car was not an ordinary car, but a sports car that is very rare nowadays.

How did Mi Yuan get out of a sports car?

Who sent Mi Yuan?

Just as various thoughts were flashing in Fang Xiaomei's mind, a young man wearing a white suit and mousse on his head ran down.

In his hand, he held a box.

"Mi Yuan, this is a small gift, please accept it."

As the young man spoke, he held the box and handed it to Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan quickly waved her hand and said: "Mr. Wu, thank you for your kindness, but this gift is too expensive, so I can't accept it."

"I'm already home. My child is still waiting for me at home. Mr. Wu, I won't invite you to sit upstairs."


As she spoke, Mi Yuan hurriedly turned around and walked towards the building where she lived.

"Miss Mi Yuan, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were the person I was looking for."

"I know you have divorced your husband."

"Divorce is a normal thing. I think you should let go and find your own happiness."

"And I am the one who can give you happiness."

"I, Wu Yunda, will never give up."

"I'll pick you up at work tomorrow."

The man spoke very loudly. As he shouted these words, many people looked towards him.

However, the man named Wu Yunda did not appear to be embarrassed at all because of the look over him. He still stared closely at Mi Yuan who was going upstairs.

Although Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment as she went upstairs, she still walked upstairs firmly.

Looking at Mi Yuan leaving, a trace of solemnity flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

He asked Fang Xiaomei, "Who is this Wu Yunda?"

Fang Xiaomei said: "Dr. Shen, I'll ask someone to inquire about it and give you his information tomorrow morning."

Shen Lin nodded!

If Shen Lin had known that he and Mi Yuan had a child, Shen Lin might not have cared too much about his pursuit of Mi Yuan.

But now, seeing Mi Yuan being pursued by a man who dressed like a scumbag, Shen Lin felt very uncomfortable.

Fang Xiaomei's answer made Shen Lin very satisfied.

He nodded toward Fang Xiaomei, and then looked at the window of Mi Yuan's floor.

At this time, the lights on this floor were brighter. Although he couldn't see anything, Shen Lin could feel that there was someone he cared about inside the window.


The roar of the sports car made Shen Lin look away.

He looked at the speeding sports car and frowned slightly.

He really didn't like this roaring sports car.

Fang Xiaomei worked very quickly. In just one night, the news about Wu Yunda was already on Shen Lin's table.

He is the second son of the Wu family in Lion City.

This second young master is in charge of their family's trading company. He is not only highly educated, but also very capable.

Some time ago, I met Mi Yuan because of some orders with MiKe Electronics.After meeting Mi Yuan, he was shocked and began to pursue her crazily.

However, it would be wrong to think that this Ng Yunda is an infatuated person, because some time ago the entertainment tabloid reported that he directly invested 100 million in Hong Kong to make a beauty smile, and it was still a US dollar.Taking the thing given by Fang Xiaomei and turning it forward, Shen Lin's brows furrowed even more.

This Wu Yunda has not ten girlfriends, but at least eight.

And those girlfriends who broke up with him didn't seem to be doing too well either.


Shen Lin threw away the materials in his hand, and then said in a deep voice: "Xiaomei, find someone to tell Wu Yunda to stay away from Mi Yuan."

"It's best for people like this to get away as far as possible."

Fang Xiaomei hesitated for a moment, and just when she was about to agree, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "This is such a waste of time."

"Let's go to Wu Yunda's company, and I'll tell him."

By Shen Lin's side, he was used to seeing the big boss's ulterior motives.

Now listening to Shen Lin's somewhat excited words, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Director Shen, I think we should contact the bosses we are familiar with and ask them to send a message to Wu Yunda."

"This is better."

"After all, you don't know Wu Yunda. Even if you go to him directly, I'm afraid it won't have much effect."

After listening to Fang Xiaomei's suggestion, Shen Lin felt that it was very right.

But the discomfort in his heart made him want to go find Wu Yunda now.

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Lin's reason finally defeated the anger in his heart.

"Xiaomei, who do you think is more suitable to come forward?"

Fang Xiaomei pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, I think it is more appropriate for Boss Li to come forward. I heard that Boss Li has a lot of cooperation with the Wu family."

Boss Li!

It’s also a good candidate!
Shen Lin felt that if he asked Boss Li about this matter, Boss Li would give him face.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin continued: "What about Boss Li?"

"Boss He of Haojing is also fine." Fang Xiaomei said: "Boss He has always wanted to cooperate with us some time ago."

"It's just that you, Mr. Shen, didn't respond."

"If Boss He is asked to help with this matter, he should be very willing."

Shen Lin thought of Boss He's appearance and frowned slightly.

But between Boss Li and Boss He, Shen Lin finally said: "Let's do this. In my name, call Boss He and ask him for a favor."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Okay, Director Shen."

"By the way, if anything happens to Boss He in the future, you will remind me and we will return this favor later."

Shen Lin said: "What you owe others must always be paid back."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Dr. Shen, I think returning this small favor is not a big deal for you."

Shen Lin smiled, but did not speak.

After having breakfast, Shen Lin arrived at the small park not far from Mi Yuan's residence on time. He did not come here in vain. An hour after Mi Yuan went to work, Shen Lin saw Mi Yuan's mother and a man in his 30s. The nanny came out pushing a stroller.

The child in the stroller is playing with a small bell, looking extremely cute.

Although he didn't have much contact with Mi Yuan's mother, Shen Lin still didn't dare to get too close. He looked at the baby whose eyebrows and eyes were very similar to the little nut shell, and a trace of softness flashed in his eyes. .

At this moment, he felt an urge to hug the child.

But in the end, Shen Lin still didn't walk over. He knew in his heart that this moment was not the time for him to walk over.

While Shen Lin was silently paying attention to the child, Fang Xiaomei, who was standing behind him, took out the ringing PHS.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Hello, hello."

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, but Fang Xiaomei's face suddenly turned ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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