Chapter 2079 The legendary story

Shen Lin completely listened to Lao Li's words!

He greatly admired Lao Li's keen sense.

But he didn't intend to absorb all of Lao Li's advice, he couldn't listen completely!

After hanging up Lao Li's phone, Shen Lin said to Fang Xiaomei who was sitting aside: "Xiaomei, go make a call and let our people prepare to leave."

Fang Xiaomei was sorting out the stock news at this time. When she heard Shen Lin's instructions, she stood up immediately and responded in confusion: "Director Shen, if we quit at this time, we will make a lot less money. "

"I feel like, at this point, we should wait a little bit longer."

"When the stock price rises a bit, we will..."

Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei, who looked like she was reluctant to part with her good fortune, and said with a smile: "Xiaomei, at most, she will earn tens of millions less. How can you delay in agreeing to something? That would be too petty. Got it!"

"Follow my arrangements."

Although Fang Xiaomei was a little reluctant, she could only carry out Shen Lin's arrangements to the letter and immediately issued the order.

In just over half an hour, the person in charge of the stock had already called to report, saying that almost all the sales had been completed.

The profit is in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Shen Lin was quite satisfied with this result.

In fact, what he is most satisfied with is not making money, but the favor of some people.

After all, it is not an easy thing to make someone owe you a favor.

Just an hour after Shen Lin received the news, Wu Yunda also received the news.

After hearing the news that his stock had stabilized, Wu Yunda breathed a long sigh of relief.

At the same time, he felt inspired.

Isn't Shen Lin very good, but it's a pity that he can't do anything to his Wu family in the end.

Just when he was thinking about calling Fang Xiaomei to show that it was not that easy to bring down the Wu family in this world, the phone rang.

Wu Yunda quickly answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, it was his father's voice.

"Have you found Director Shen to apologize?"

Hearing his father's deep voice with a hint of urgency, Wu Yunda said: "Dad, I have been contacting Shen Lin, but no matter how hard I try, I can't contact him."

"Daddy, the stock price of our Wu family has stabilized, and I feel that there is no need for me to apologize to him. What do you think?"

"Although his actions this time caused some losses to our family, overall, he did not..."

Before Wu Yunda finished speaking, Wu's father rudely reprimanded: "What just suffered some losses? You know nothing, I tell you, if Mr. Li hadn't missed the old relationship and called Shen Lin personally, I would have I still don’t know what the Wu family’s situation is now!”

At this point, Wu's father roared angrily: "You are such a grown-up person. My cultivation of you is really in vain. What the hell are you doing! Do you understand? Favor is like paper. The more you use it, the thinner it becomes." ?”

"After this time passes, Mr. Li will never help us again!"

"Call quickly!"

Wu Yunda can understand his father's mood. After all, this time is equivalent to ruining his family's chance to save his life.

He took a deep breath and said, "Daddy, don't worry, I will apologize to Director Shen."

"After you apologize, get back here immediately!"

"I will send someone to take over the matter at hand."

"Also, from today on, you are not allowed to see that girl from Mi Ke Electronics again!"

"If you let me hear rumors about this again, don't blame me for being ruthless. From now on, you are no longer a member of my Wu family!"

While talking, Father Wu put down the phone.

Wu Yunda was really a little lost at this time.

He never expected that his pursuit of a girl would actually cause great trouble to his family.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about this wasted favor is enough to prove that the loss of his Wu family is not trivial.Feeling annoyed, he dialed Fang Xiaomei's phone again.

This time, he acted more modestly and said from the very beginning that he was planning to leave here and return to his family.

In addition, he also said that he had only one purpose for calling this time, and that was to sincerely apologize to Director Shen.

Fang Xiaomei listened to Wu Yunda's humble tone and was no longer embarrassed, saying that she would report to Director Shen first.

After all, Shen Lin didn't answer Wu Yunda's call, but asked Fang Xiaomei to tell him that it wouldn't happen again.

Wu Yunda is gone!
Almost as soon as Shen Lin said that this was the case, he left without stopping!
And with Wu Yunda's departure, the person who benefited the most was naturally Mi Yuan.

"Sister Mi Yuan, have you heard? Wu Yunda is gone!"

The next day at work, Mi Yuan had just poured her coffee when someone came to her and whispered quietly.

Mi Yuan was extremely disturbed by Wu Yunda's passionate pursuit.

She has almost tried her best, but this Wu Yunda is like a piece of dog-skin plaster that cannot be peeled off, it is too annoying.

Now, when she heard that Wu Yunda was gone, Mi Yuan felt a little relieved.

"Are you leaving? That would be great."

"Are you not coming back?"

The female subordinate heard Mi Yuan's voice and said with emotion: "Sister Mi Yuan, if Mr. Wu hears what you said, I don't know how sad he will be!"

"I don't care if he's sad or not, what I care about is that he won't come back again."

"As long as he doesn't come back, everything will be fine."

The female subordinate said: "It is unlikely to come back. I heard that their company has suffered a lot this time. It seems that someone else will be in charge of our business."

Speaking of this, the female subordinate said: "I heard that their stocks have fallen a lot!"

"If it hadn't been for... if there hadn't been help, the Wu family would have been doomed this time."

Mi Yuan smiled and said nothing.

She didn't care what happened to Wu Yunda's family. As long as Wu Yunda stopped disturbing her crazily, she would be satisfied.

"Sister, I heard a piece of gossip, it's quite exaggerated."

"I heard that this incident with the Wu family was because Wu Yunda always harassed a female employee of our MiKe Electronics, which made Director Shen furious. Then Director Shen taught the Wu family a lesson."

When the female subordinate heard this, she smiled and said, "Sister, listen, our colleagues make up such exaggerated stories."

"Not only you, but also Director Shen have been included."

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then started laughing: "It's really imaginative, she actually compiled such a story for Director Shen."

Mi Yuan didn't believe this story at all!
In her feeling, Shen Lin was always in Dongzhou or in Beijing.

The emotional entanglement between myself and him has ended long ago.No, no, no, maybe, there was no beginning at all, it was just my own mutual consent.

Mi Yuan knew that she and Shen Lin had long forgotten each other, and each had their own lives. No matter how much she had worried about this man, they gradually became two parallel lines with her forever. !

In the dead of night, Mi Yuan felt that such a life was peaceful and lazy.Although he did not exist in this kind of life, but after thinking about it, Mi Yuan felt that although this kind of life had shortcomings, it was happy.

Mi Yuan is very contented.The only thing I can't let go of is that I don't know whether to say finally or finally.This man is already a thing of the past in her emotional world!She knew in her heart that she might never have the ability to love that was young, bright, innocent and courageous, never to return, and unforgettable.

Although the gossip told to her by her colleagues made Mi Yuan feel a little depressed, compared to Wu Yunda's departure, she was still more happy than sad.

Mi Yuan, who felt relaxed all over, returned home happily after get off work.

It's really comfortable to not have the feeling of being entangled by anyone.

Walking to the door of a familiar home and thinking of the children at home, Mi Yuan felt that her speed had accelerated a bit. However, when she turned her head accidentally, she felt that a familiar figure seemed to have entered the rearview mirror of her electric car. .

She stopped the car and turned to look in the direction of the rearview mirror, and saw a busy scene of traffic behind her, like a tide of pedestrians, surging rapidly.

What happened to yourself?
Why do you think you saw him for no reason?

(End of this chapter)

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