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Chapter 2080: Meeting each other but not knowing each other

Chapter 2080: Meeting each other but not knowing each other

For Shen Lin, it couldn't be easier for him to deal with Wu Yunda.

However, when he faced Mi Yuan at this time, he felt really at a loss in his heart.

At this moment, he didn't know how to face Mi Yuan.

Therefore, he could only stand outside Mi Yuan's life and observe her life from a distance.

The afternoon sunshine fills the park with a warm atmosphere.

Mi Yuan's mother and nanny pushed the stroller and took the child out of the house.

I don’t know if it was because of going out, but the child in the stroller was a little excited. He kept waving the toys in his hands and making babbling sounds.

Mi Yuan's mother looked at her energetic grandson with doting eyes.

She knew very well that this child had nothing to do with Mi Yuan's divorced ex-son-in-law.

Even she knew that her daughter's marriage was a fake marriage.

The purpose of marriage is for this child.

Some time ago, she also asked her daughter again and again who the father of this child was, but the answer she got was very simple, that is, I do, it has nothing to do with him.

Mi Yuan's mother knew exactly what this sentence meant.

Now, as Mi Yuan's job becomes stable and her children grow up, she has gradually adapted to this kind of life.

"This kid is so cute!"

A young man and woman who were strolling around came over and looked at the child.

The arrival of this man and woman made Mi Yuan's mother feel a little nervous.

But then, she calmed down again.

Because the clothes of these two people looked much better than ordinary people, and they didn't feel like bad people.

Although the woman who commented on her grandson was not top-notch beautiful, she gave people a feeling of being smart and capable.

As for the young man next to her, he is gentle and gentle. The gold mirror on his nose gives people the impression of gentleness.

"Little dear, smile." The girl smiled at the child who was waving the toy.


Seeing Xiao Mili waving the toy, Mi Yuan's mother couldn't help but said: "Girl, if you like children, have one as soon as possible."

"You two look so good. If you have children, you will be very beautiful."

As soon as she said these words, the girl who was playing with Xiao Mili immediately blushed.

She smiled and explained: "Auntie, we...we..."

"I know, you young people always say you should put your career first."

"But, if you listen to people's advice and have enough to eat, people who are engaged in career will have a family sooner or later. These are two different things and do not matter."

"You young people, you can't just work on your career and wait until you think about having children later. It will be too late."

After listening to this kind advice, Fang Xiaomei was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

She smiled softly, and then said to Mi Yuan's mother: "Auntie, this child is so cute, can I hold him?"

Mi Yuan's mother showed a trace of hesitation on her face.

But in the end, she shook her head and said, "I'm sorry. My grandson is quite naive and cries when he is hugged by a stranger. It's better not to hug him."

Hearing this, Fang Xiaomei felt disappointed.

She really wanted to hug her just now.

Listening to the conversation between Fang Xiaomei and Mi Yuan's mother, Shen Lin felt warm in his heart.

He looked at this child whose features were very similar to those of a small nut shell, and his fragile little face was like a newly hatched chick. Such tenderness made Shen Lin feel very distressed.

For a moment, Shen Lin regretted that he had rushed to visit him rashly.Objectively speaking, there is a big gap between the living environment of this child and the pampered Xiaomi Kei.It's a pity that no matter how much Shen Lin feels sorry for this child, he can't take him away!

Shen Lin's heart was full of mixed emotions. Xiaomi Li smiled sweetly at him for the first time, and tightly grasped one of his fingers with his fat little hands, refusing to let go for a long time. Lin's heart was completely melted at this moment.

Just when Shen Lin was about to pick up the millet grains, Mi Yuan's mother had already smiled and said: "Haha, this child really doesn't recognize life."

"We still have something to do, so let's go over there first."

While talking, Mi Yuan's mother and nanny pushed the trolley and headed into the distance.Looking at the leaving trolley, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Shen, do you want to catch up, even if it's just a conversation?"

Shen Lin's heart was also full of reluctance.

But looking at the trolley under the shade of the tree, Shen Lin finally shook his head and said, "Forget it."

"We'd better not disturb their lives now."

Naturally, Fang Xiaomei would not refute Shen Lin's decision.

What's more, this is Shen Lin's family matter.

She smiled and said: "The millet grains are so beautiful. When you grow up, you will definitely be better than Dong Shen."

Hearing Fang Xiaomei's compliment, Shen Lin burst out laughing and said, "It's natural for a young person to be better than a good person."

"Director Shen, would you like me to make arrangements and find two people to take care of the child secretly?"

"After all...after all, there are a lot of accidents nowadays."

Shen Lin understood what Fang Xiaomei meant.

With the development of MiKe Electronics, there is also a group of very professional bodyguards inside MiKe Electronics.

The job of these bodyguards is basically to protect important personnel of the company.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Find two reliable people."

"Besides, don't let others know about this."

After hearing Shen Lin's instructions, Fang Xiaomei hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will definitely do a good job in this matter."

"Director Shen, you are here to see the child today. Are you planning to leave Yangcheng tomorrow?"

Looking at Fang Xiaomei's expression, Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's time to leave."

"Being here all the time is not a problem."

Hearing Shen Lin say he was leaving, Fang Xiaomei felt a little reluctant.

Following Shen Lin, she seemed to be back when she was working as a secretary for Shen Lin.

Although it had only been a few months, it made her feel like she had been away from Shen Lin for a long time.

This feeling made her feel a little reluctant.

"Beep beep..."

Just when Fang Xiaomei was about to say something, Shen Lin's PHS phone rang.

Shen Lin took out his PHS phone, took a look at it, and then picked up the phone.

"Director Shen, this is York Hansen." The moment the call was connected, York Hansen's urgent voice came from inside.

As a professional manager, York Hansen's accomplishments are very good.

Even back then, when Caoqi Bank lost a lot of money because of Shen Lin, York Hansen remained extremely calm.

It's definitely not a small thing that can make him lose his composure.

Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "Mr. York, what happened?"

"Director Shen, Mr. Lu Dongsheng has been restricted from traveling." York Hansen said: "The reason they gave is that Dayali City requested their assistance."

After listening to York Hansen's words, Shen Lin frowned slightly.

He originally thought that Lu Dongsheng would have no problems in Europa, but he did not expect that Lu Dongsheng would be restricted from traveling.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Mr. York Hansen, can you contact Lu Dongsheng now?"

"Director Shen, this is okay." York Hansen said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin said: "Tell Lu Dongsheng for me, let him calm down, and say that this matter will be resolved soon."

"Let him rest in peace and cultivate, treat it like a vacation."

York Hansen said: "Dr. Shen, don't worry, I will convince Mr. Lu Dongsheng."

"It's just that it's difficult to keep this matter secret. I think it will spread out soon. Director Shen, you must be prepared to deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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