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Chapter 2082 Not one person fighting

Chapter 2082 I'm Not Alone

"Too bullying!"

On the plane, a young man who was reading a newspaper shouted angrily.

And his words suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

"Xiao Li, what's wrong?" A middle-aged man sitting not far away scolded the young man softly.

When the young man heard this question, he looked around and realized that he had just lost his composure.

He immediately scratched his head in embarrassment and quietly handed over the newspaper: "Look at this report, this Juying Company is really outrageous!"

"Not only did they steal the technology of MiKe Electronics, but they also complained first, saying that people from MiKe Electronics plagiarized their products. Isn't this a slap in the face?"

Having said this, the young man raised the newspaper in his hand and said, "How come this person has no limits and is so shameless!"

The middle-aged man took the young man's newspaper, looked at it carefully, and then sighed: "Mike Electronics is in trouble this time."

"That's right. On our side, we naturally support Director Shen and MiKe Electronics."

"But in Europe, of course they will have local protectionism!"

Just as the two people finished speaking, someone heard someone say: "Director Shen's dispute with Juying Company this time should be very difficult, so we should support MiKe Electronics even more."

"Only if we support MiKe Electronics more can MiKe Electronics have the ability to fight Juying Company."

"Yes, after I went back, I immediately replaced all the electrical appliances at home with MiKe Electronics."

"It's time to replace my TV. I originally wanted to buy an imported one, but now I've changed my mind and decided to buy one from MiKe Electronics."

"Me too……"

Fang Xiaomei sat in the crowd, listening to the discussions around her, feeling warm and moved in her heart.The people in this country are so cute, and they have never lost in the face of national justice.

She has read all the newspapers on the plane.

From these contents, Fang Xiaomei felt extremely inspired.

She felt that MiKe Electronics was not fighting alone.

There are many others fighting with MiKe Electronics.

And these words of support made her feel extremely excited.If Director Shen hadn't kept a low profile, she would have been unable to help but participate in the discussion here.

Shen Lin also listened to such discussions.

He felt more emotion than Fang Xiaomei, after all, this was his business.

For Shen Lin, the most important thing now is to complete the Mihu alliance he planned as soon as possible. Only when this alliance is formed can it completely overwhelm Juying Company.

The plane flew quickly, and in just two hours, it landed at the airport in Beijing.

When Shen Lin returned to Beijing, he had already given the news to Shi Congyun in advance, so when Shen Lin and Fang Xiaomei stepped out of the plane, they met Shi Congyun and others who came to greet them.

Shi Congyun looked at Fang Xiaomei and Shen Lin walking out, and suddenly felt something strange in her heart.

Although she didn't know why Sister Xiaomei would follow Director Shen, one thing was clear to her, that is, she, as a secretary, had not yet completely become the boss's confidant.

Otherwise, the person accompanying Shen Lin at this moment should not be Fang Xiaomei, the former secretary.

However, the sour feeling in her heart quickly passed. She was not jealous of Fang Xiaomei, because Fang Xiaomei was her senior. It was normal for her to be inferior to Fang Xiaomei. .

"Director Shen, Mr. Ma Yuancheng called you several times, saying that he wanted to report to you, and Mr. Qi also called several times..."

As soon as Shi Congyun met, he began to report work to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin didn't care about MiKe Electronics and MiKe Logistics. After listening to Shi Congyun's report, he said to Cheng Zi who was driving: "Cheng Zi, go to the research institute."

"Also, Cong Yun, please call home for me and tell me that I won't be going back for lunch today."

Fang Xiaomei already sensed the urgency of the matter after listening to Shen Lin's work arrangements.From her heart, she naturally wanted to stay and help Shen Lin, but she knew very well that there was nothing she could do to help Shen Lin at this time.

After all, her original position is already occupied!

With Shen Lin by his side, it is better to return to his current position and work hard, hoping to help Director Shen take charge as soon as possible.

"Director Shen, it's not far from where I live. Can I get off the car first?"

Shen Lin nodded towards Fang Xiaomei and said, "That's fine, you've worked hard these days. Don't be in a hurry about work. Go back and rest for two days before going to work."

"Thank you, Director Shen." Fang Xiaomei did not verbally refuse Shen Lin's kindness. After all, she could do things like going to work at any time as long as she wanted to.

In just ten minutes, the car arrived at the research institute.

In the past, the research institute was extremely quiet. Apart from the sound of typing on the keyboard, few people spoke.

But at this time, the research institute was a bit noisy and chaotic.

The entire institute is already aware of Juying Company's shameless behavior.

When they heard the news, many people were filled with indignation.

The restraints placed on Lu Dongsheng made them feel that things were getting more and more difficult!
All of a sudden, all kinds of comments came out.

Of course, the most angry people are.

Some people are even yelling, but there are still some pessimistic voices among them.

For example, some people say that the operating system of MiKe Electronics cannot continue to be developed. After all, with the efforts of Juying Company, it is very likely that the sales of MiKe II operating system products will be restricted.

And once this situation occurs, what should everyone do?These are all unknowns that give people a headache just thinking about them.

Although Ma Yuancheng asked everyone to work with peace of mind and said that Director Shen would handle all matters, this statement obviously failed to appease people's hearts.

Almost everyone has no intention of working at this time.

Chief Engineer Qi went to report the problem early in the morning.

"Director Shen, you are back!" Seeing Shen Lin, Ma Yuancheng was like a drowning man who finally grabbed a life-saving straw.

During this time, he was really worried and didn't know what to do.

The arrival of Shen Lin allowed him to find a life-saving rope.

Shen Lin felt a little unhappy about Ma Yuancheng's performance.What is the most important thing about a leader?Is he an old scalper who is down-to-earth and willing to work hard without complaining?

Of course not. As a managerial talent, the first thing you have to do is to face a landslide without changing your face!Otherwise, if you encounter an unexpected situation and get into trouble before your own employees, how can you have the effect of appeasing people and mobilizing troops?
Although he was a little dissatisfied, Shen Lin did not blame him.But from the bottom of my heart, I once again felt that Ma Yuan Cheng was really not a managerial talent.

He should be more engaged in research work.

In normal times, when everyone basically has nothing to do, he can still manage it.Once you encounter trouble, all that's left is to scratch your head and wait, rely on, and ask for it!
"Director Shen, no one is interested in working now. Some people say that after this time, our MiKe [-] operating system may..."

Ma Yuancheng rubbed his hands and said in a panic.

Shen Lin glanced at Ma Yuancheng, then reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Yuan Cheng, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"In this way, you gather the people together. I have something to tell them."

After hearing Shen Lin's arrangement, Ma Yuancheng nodded quickly and said, "Okay, Director Shen, I'll call someone right away."

"But Director Shen, do we really want to talk about it together?"

"In this case, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble."

Ma Yuancheng's kind reminder brought a smile to Shen Lin's face.Although Ma Yuancheng is not a managerial talent, his ability to say these words shows that he has improved in this regard.

"It's okay, just ask someone to notify you."

(End of this chapter)

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